GREAT NEWS! We saved the last of the WY41 from slaughter


Update on the WY14 Rescue Mission

Boone and I saved the last of the WY41 from Dry Creek/Foster Gulch areas in the Bighorn Basin. When we jumped in, on April 2nd, 23 Wyoming wild horses had already been slaughtered. We are so grateful to have saved the remaining 14 youngsters (8 mo–2 yrs old) now called the WY14.

You can read the backstory press release here: We will post our new press release soon.

We had to keep this rescue mission completely quiet to ensure the safety of the WY14. We hope you will understand that is why we could not answer your questions during the rescue.

Now I can share with you some of the correspondence (below) during phase one of the WY14 Rescue Mission. I will be updating it, so check back often.

We were in authentic positive negotiations with the real decision makers resulting in this outcome. We are grateful for everyone’s prayers and support because together this miracle has happened. Now there is so much to do to bring the WY14 to California, find land for a sanctuary or prepare them for adoption in pairs.

Bad news: Our funding for the second phase of the WY14 Rescue Mission appears to have fallen though.

We urgently need funds now to bring them to California to create a sanctuary for them or prepare them for adoption in pairs. Please make a donation via to or by mailing your check to: Protect Mustangs, P.O. Box 5661, Berkeley, Ca. 94705  We are a California nonprofit organization with a 501c3 sponsor so your donations are tax deductible.

We need your donations for interstate transportation, board, feed, corral panels, water troughs, medical, gas, supplements, a used truck and trailer, etc.

Here is our fundraiser for the used trailer:

PM Trailer

If anyone wants a tax write-off and can donate a 3/4 ton truck with less than 90K miles and capable of hauling heavy loads of horses and/or anyone has a safe used gooseneck stock trailer tall enough for horses that they want to donate we will meet our goals quicker so we can serve the WY14 once they arrive.

Thank you for donating and sharing the update with your friends and family.

Many blessings,

Anne Novak

Executive Director of Protect Mustangs

Excerpt from an email on April 6th

 . . .That is so great to know as we are getting closer. Very soon we will know if they are still alive. . . Please say nothing as I just want to surround this possibility with prayers and miracles. . . We are waiting to hear about their status. I learned the plant is closed on the weekend so at least they will not be killed while my contact is off work. I am relieved. Jane Velez Mitchell (CNN) called to interview me today but I was unable to speak with her because I felt it was in the best interest of the 37 horses if I kept quiet until they are safe. . .  

Many blessings, Anne


Excerpt from an email on April 9th

. . .Confidential: The 14 who have not been slaughtered yet are in quarantine in Montana. . . My guess would be that they are all mares–one about to foal–except for perhaps some weanling colts maybe 9 months old. I’m going to call around to organize the haul out of Montana to Nevada so we are ready. . . There are so many rumors about this on Facebook that I want to keep this totally confidential. People have been calling the slaughterhouse and I don’t want anything to ruin this deal. Please don’t tell anyone.

Many blessings, Anne


Check back here for more posts and please donate for the WY14 Rescue Mission

24 thoughts on “GREAT NEWS! We saved the last of the WY41 from slaughter

  1. We have photos from the roundup like this one to identify them. Some people are spreading disinformation. Just ask yourself, why?

  2. Wow, great work. This must have been so difficult. Shared your info and fundraiser.

  3. the photos the stories the witnesses the miracle will unfold over months and months to come—now is our moment in this historical day to show the Wy 41 —the ones with us and the ones who walked on from nothing short of murder — we stand together. It is time for these babies and their angels to come home and we need to make this happen. everyone of us have the ability to make a $10.00 donation if we did….they would be here by nightfall. What Anne and her team of experts have done will make it a new day for all horses—now let’s ride! Then let’s party—-celebrate—party! We need to come together as a horse community and dance in the streets! line the highways when they come through ——the spirits of those who rode to this concentration camp with them will be running free right alongside the trailers when they come through. Feel the energy they will always be with us —-Join this mission now!

  4. I’m so relieved that any of them are still alive and going to be rescued. All my respect goes to the angels who are helping make this dream a reality!

  5. This vicious attack on America’s do not deserve this brutal end of life for them, shame on what america has become, it just makes me nauseous.

  6. This vicious attack on America’s wild and domestic HORSES, needs to stop now. I am so ashamed of my country and what it is becoming. These precious horses do not deserve this inhumane treatment, please stop it NOW!!!!!!

  7. Thank you for going the distance to save those you can. Words cannot express what these horses mean to all of us. We are grateful that some lives were spared and we honor the lives who are now in spirit.

  8. Thank you , for the news and I pray that all are found safe. Please, continue to do the great work!!

  9. Thankful that the younger ones could be saved. Sad news that so many were lost. Praying and working on our representatives to pass SAFE act before this is done again in another state or Wyoming.

  10. This is wonderful news, so grateful for your hard work in getting this achieved. My personal utopia would be to be surrounded by the majestic wild horses but my reality involves them being part of the best memories of my life thus far. Keep up the good work and continue to fight the good fight for their freedom. The best horse I ever had was a wild mustang.

  11. Thank you so much, Anne, for your hard work and dedication in saving these remaining wild horses. Sad that it couldn’t have been all of them but thankful that at least these young ones escaped their slaughter house destination. It’s time for all those who support your efforts to saddle up and donate whatever they can to help in their next phase. Again, thank you, Anne and all those who have supported you on this journey.

  12. I am from Wyoming and was very sad to hear of the other horses being gone. I posted the BLM and The Wyoming Livestock Board’s phone numbers and email addresses and ask people to let them know how we felt about what they did. I guess it was just me lashing out but it helped. I am so happy you were able to save the 14 young ones and I pray that people will come forward and give the things you need to get them to a new happy home so they can start the process of healing after the terrible ordeal they had to go through.

  13. God bless you! Wish the others that were slaughtered could’ve been spared. Breaks my heart. Wild or domestic, no horse deserves slaughter!

  14. I am so grateful that Protect Mustangs Organization is on the scene & as active & knowledgeable as they are on behalf of wild horses, burros & public lands. Connecting the dots to the big picture is critical in getting results & this is the only group I know of that is in the mix right now & doing what needs to be done & using donations wisely & responsibly – a very important & distinguishable fact.
    I hope this organization understands that they must be on the the right track when other groups try to derail them by spreading rumors to divert support.
    If you are for wild horses and burros as well as the health of public lands, than this is the one & only group to support.

  15. If I could write better… express the admiration I feel regarding Anne, Protect Mustangs… I would say exactly what was written by Maureen VanDerStad on May 5, 2014 at 5:27 pm said:
    I am so grateful that Protect Mustangs Organization is on the scene & as active & knowledgeable as they are on behalf of wild horses, burros & public lands. Connecting the dots to the big picture is critical in getting results & this is the only group I know of that is in the mix right now & doing what needs to be done & using donations wisely & responsibly – a very important & distinguishable fact.
    I hope this organization understands that they must be on the the right track when other groups try to derail them by spreading rumors to divert support.
    If you are for wild horses and burros as well as the health of public lands, than this is the one & only group to support.

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