LIARS push for Experiments and Slaughter!

PRO-SLAUGHTER, PRO-EXPERIMENT Activists, PZP-Pushers, BLM wives, with BLM supporters LIE to create confusion. They slander real advocates to create a distraction because we are here only for the wild horses and they want to slaughter them. They are worried the public will find out how many have already gone out the back door to slaughter. They don’t want their pipeline to get shut down.

Well these creeps are LYING again because they don’t want this petition to get attention but it’s too late for them! We want a head count. People aren’t stupid! states that “This petition will be delivered to:

U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
President of the United States”

Of course we don’t change the petition letter either. Updates are updates. They really try to play the Facebook public for fools.

That’s the #TRUTH and these liars just lost their credibility–again.

We also deliver our petitions to elected officials and others in meetings working for change. The Bureau of Land Management is bureaucracy and corruption at its worse. Change seems to take a long time. Perhaps if the nationwide protests start up again to Stop the Roundups it will help the push for change.

Take action by sharing this petition ( by email to everyone you know so we can STOP the cruelty!

Join the Thunderclap to spread the word about the petition on social media: to get this petition out there! It’s free. You have until midnight March 29th to sign up.

For more information go to and type the word “experiments” in the search bar.

For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak

Executive Director

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

Expose BLM’s backdoor to slaughter!

How many are left?

When I first heard about wild horses in the Pryor Mountains being brutally rounded up in 2009, Nevada was home to 80% of America’s federally protected wild horses. Wyoming was the next state who had the most wild horses and California only had a few herds left.

Today Nevada has only about 50% of America’s wild horses and I believe California now has the second largest population. In Wyoming, the feds are proposing to remove another 1,029 wild horses. One of their former congresswomen even wanted to kill them!

The Department of Interior is giving away grants for university students in Wyoming to cruelly collar mares from the Adobe Town herd. They want to find out where they hide in the desert. Then the agency in charge of protecting them can find them and wipe out the ancient Adobe Town mustangs too.

Invasive cruelty against America’s wild horses must stop. The law states they are to be left alone and not be abused. How dare they collar wild horses! This harassment will cause deaths and these deaths will be hidden. . . Hidden like the others.

The deception continues. People who once spoke out against mustang cruelty back in 2009 are now mute because they are playing a political game to get what they want. I’m disgusted and will never sell out. Never.

In 8 years of roundups, experiments, removals, pesticides for “birth control”, 3-Strikes to sell truckloads for slaughter and taxpayer-funded propaganda campaigns, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has decimated America’s wild herds on public land. Now wild horses are in danger of dying out because they lack genetic diversity, population and strength. Natural selection is being ruined by the “one foal” on the range breeding programs run by Pesticide PZP darters in partnership with BLM. Remember Pesticide PZP sterilizes wild horses after multiple use. Yes sterilizes. The public is fooled by those trusted to manage the last American wild horses and their nonprofit partners peddling for donations to “help” them.

Overpopulation is a lie. Population control is based on a false premise that wild horses are “pests”. Follow the money behind population control experiments and the donation cash cow for the nonprofit who claims they solved the wild horse “problem”.

Know the truth: Wild horses are native wildlife, period. Cattle and sheep are not.

Right now we are witnessing a wild horse and burro underpopulation crisis in the West. This is our last chance to help America’s wild horses and burros survive the ugly greed wiping out our herds. It’s time to expose the overpopulation lies. It’s time to expose all the trucks sneaking wild stallions to slaughter over the borders. . . expose the lies that there are “too many” wild horses on public land. Count them.

The truth must be exposed by your elected officials now before it’s too late.

I urge you to sign and share the petition to investigate the wild horse and burro count in captivity and freedom: Join us to double the numbers on the petition in the next 7 days!

America won’t be the same without our iconic wild symbols of liberty running freely on public land . . . The wild herds are to be protected by the law–but because of the greed for resources (oil, gas, livestock grazing, etc.) the law is being twisted, lies are spread in the media and spoon-fed to your elected officials acting on your behalf.

It’s time to know how many wild horses and burros are really left so we can all stand up to protect them.

Prayers and miracles are needed right now. Please contact me if you can help with a lawsuit to save America’s last wild horses and burros.

For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
Protect Mustangs

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

Utah elected officials want to kill and slaughter wild horses

With no head counts and only biased estimate from the Bureau of Land Management, a deadly bill is proposed in the state of Utah

Read the bill itself here:

Rather than fighting for American wild horses and burros to have their rights upheld on public land, the Pesticide PZP pushing groups are lobbying hard to have their “vaccine” used for pest control. Pest control you ask? Yes, a pesticide is used for pest control. In the EPA Pesticide Fact sheet, it states that the registrant of Pesticide PZP, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), called them “pests”.

This is the first time America’s native wild horses and burros have been labeled “pests”. Do you agree that indigenous wild horses are pests? How can an animal with origins in America be a “pest”?

Pests are invasive species. Wild horses are native.

Curiously many required forms required on the pesticide application received waivers and that only bring many questions to light. How did the registrant get environmental waivers and such? Was an expensive consulting firm brought in to push the Pesticide PZP application through or did HSUS pull strings inside the EPA?

The Pesticide PZP pushing groups, under the hand of HSUS, keep shouting they want “fertility control” for a fake problem. A fake problem you ask? Yes, fake. The National Academy of Sciences stated there is “no evidence of overpopulation” in their 2013 report. Despite this fact, those looking to rape the public land of her resources push the overpopulation myth.

Rather than fight to protect the last American wild horses and burros in the West–PZP Advocates lobby with bad-science booklets in hand–to have the wild equids darted with a “vaccine” made out of slaughterhouse pig ovaries for population control.

The truth is simple–When the public is informed about the dangers of Pesticide PZP they are horrified.

Fact: Drugging up wild horses with a dangerous pesticide sterilizes after multiple uses. The pesticide also ruins natural selection and wrecks havoc with native wild horses’ immune systems putting them at risk of massive die-offs. You can read the science showing some of the many dangers here:

Exploiters–vying to make billions on public land occupied by wild horses and burros–have jumped on the twisted notion of “fertility control” without a head count erupting out of the Pesticide PZP pusher’s expensive PR campaign. They push for quick population control. They hail pesticide-vaccines for sterilization, grotesque sterilization experiments on pregnant wild horses and lobby to send America’s icons of freedom off to slaughter to be eaten as a delicacy abroad.

Fear mongering the public that it’s either PZP or Slaughter will no longer be tolerated. Pesticide PZP Advocates need to stop trying to manipulate people’s emotions to support their pesticide for birth control and leave our wild ones alone. We demand protection for America’s last wild horses and burros now!

It’s time to stand up and demand a head count of the last will horses left in America. Are truckloads of stallions being taken off the range and shipped over the border to slaughter? We need a freeze on cruel roundups, forced drugging with Pesticide PZP, transport to slaughter, etc. so they can be counted now!

It’s time to expose the overpopulation myth as the wicked lie.

Tell Utah politicians they need to stop trying to kill and slaughter wild horses and burros that belong to the American people from coast to coast. Hands off! Let them live free.

Take Action: Sign and share the petition demanding a head count and Congressional investigation: Take it with you to meetings with your elected officials to ask for help. Bring the petition to defund the roundup and slaughter of America’s wild horses and burros ( with you too and the #NoKILLmustangs petition These tools will help you stay on topic when you ask your elected officials to protect them.

Stand up for the last American wild horses and burros! Become a Mustang Protector. Together we can turn this around.

For the Wild Ones,

Anne Novak


Volunteer Executive Director

Protect Mustangs

Protect Mustangs is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

Wild horse overpopulation is fake news

Continue reading

Brutal experiments continue on pregnant wild horses!

Did you know that right now the Bureau of Land Management, under the Department of Interior is still funding cruel experiments on wild pregnant mares for population control?

Keep in mind that the National Academy of Sciences Report from 2013 stated there is “no evidence” of overpopulation. It’s the end of 2016 and there is still no evidence of alleged overpopulation and the thugs in control won’t do a headcount. They just want to keep abusing innocent wild horses and burros who should be living in freedom. Sickos!

The brutal tubal ligation research on pregnant wild mares in Oregon was stopped due to public outrage but that’s it. All the other tax-payer funded experiments on pregnant wild mares continue. They are cruelly experimenting on them now! Did you realize that?

The Department of Interior is giving away grants totaling up to 11 million dollars for population control experiments–on pregnant wild mares. Are these experiments causing pain and suffering and do they violate the rights of wild horses and burros to live free? Yes. This a wicked violation against their freedom.

So while everyone was distracted by real threats of killing and slaughtering wild horses, the brutal Nazi-like experiments–mostly with injections–continue . . .

America’s last wild horses should never be used as “lab animals”. Never. How is this even legal to experiment on federally protected wild horses?

Wild horses have been cruelly subjected to experimentation for decades. This cruelty has been going on for so long that the Bureau of Land Management and their supporters think this is “normal”. Experimentation on federally protected wild horses must be against the law but there is so much corruption within wild horse and animal advocacy that no one is stopping this! Those organizations who support using Pesticide PZP as birth control will not fight against experimenting on wild horses because they are still involved with PZP experiments or receive funding from those that are.

2017 is the time to fight back the evil cruelty inflicted upon America’s innocent and voiceless wild horses and burros! They should be protected from experimentation, protected from being sold to slaughter, protected from being killed and protected to live freely in the wild.

We’d like to protect wild horses from this abuse. Will you join us?


For the Wild Ones,

Anne Novak

Volunteer Executive Director

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

December 1st update on ISPMB Mustangs


I’m posting this because so many people are asking questions and want to know what’s going on.

The State Attorney in South Dakota said he’s willing to consider proposals for the situation at the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB ). This includes evidence that funding will be available to the ISPMB for the next 18 months for the organization to get on their feet. He also wants money to cover all the county’s costs of caring for the ISPMB Mustangs. For example, if the ISPMB can pay them through January 1st if he would consider granting an extension for adoptions to occur, etc. Basically in the same breath he said the county will continue forward preparing for the sale of ISPMB Mustangs at public auction because the county has a lien on the majority of the 700 ISPMB Mustangs–Not the 20% who are being allowed to be adopted in this first leg of adoption. The State Attorney’s name is Steve Aberle and his number is (605) 865-3528 .

I heard that through donations the ISPMB has been paying off the money owed to the county to feed the mustangs. Adoptions will reduce the herd size. With a reduced herd, a sustainable business plan and help with management Karen Sussman could turn this around and save Wild Horse Annie’s Legacy organization.

Why did the organizations with millions in the bank wait for this crisis to finally help the ISPMB Mustangs with some hay? Why didn’t organizations help ISPMB when the Director needed it and when she asked to avoid this crisis? Did they want her to fail?

What happened when the PZP grants for birth control studies were over around 2012? Is this when the ISPMB started to be financially challenged?

I bet it would help if the ISPMB could move to a huge ranch with grazing to lower their hay costs.Then they could graze half of the year.

The money numbers I hear from the Sheriff and from the State Attorney that are needed to stop the rest of the ISPMB Mustangs from going to sale, are different amounts. The State Attorney wants an escrow account. He claims it costs $50,000. a month to feed them hay.

It’s going to cost the county a lot of money to get the ISPMB mustangs to sale in the middle of the winter. Horses don’t sell for much at auction in South Dakota. Of course that’s what the Kill-Buyers are counting on. A wealthy PRO-SLAUGHTER activist lives in South Dakota. She arrived at ISPMB weeks ago with trailers hoping to load them up with mustangs from Wild Horse Annie’s organization. Karen Susssman kicked the slime off the property.

It appears the State Attorney has at least one proposal on the table from the newly formed Wild Horse Sanctuary Alliance who has been working with Elaine Nash according to her update. I wonder if HSUS is part of this Sanctuary Alliance too? There could be some other proposals on the table as well.

December 30th I was told that all the adoptions that were approved by Karen A. Sussman by midnight would be honored and the mustangs protected. I don’t know when adoption approval letters are going out as I’m not involved with adoption approvals. So please be patient.

For all adopters needing transportation assistance, make sure you have filled out paperwork with the Fleet of Angels ( who I believe has been receiving donations for transportation to help this rescue.

Adopters are required to pay for the Coggins and health certificates. If you are adopting a lot of ISPMB Mustangs and require financial assistance for Coggins, etc. then I encourage you to start a fundraiser on and share it with your network of family and friends.

Personally I find the lack of transparency and lack of updates with regards to this situation troubling. It creates a hotbed for Facebook rumors and drama. I hope the South Dakota State Attorney and/or the Dewey County Sheriff’s Dept. will start posting daily updates on Facebook because so many people are concerned.

I don’t want too see the Kill-Buyers get any ISPMB Mustangs and I don’t want too see any euthanized unless they are unable to heal.

I’ve received reports that the paid PRO-SLAUGHTER Trolls have been bullying adopters and spreading lies. Stand Strong for the lives of these wild horses you are protecting!

Several people have contacted me who will take the blind, special needs and old mustangs. A lot of those people turned in adoption applications.

The proposal to euthanize ISPMB Mustangs through a “compassion adoption” is outrageous and sets the wrong example for the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Congress. I hope people realize–after the tremendous effort our team leaders put out to bring in hundreds of homes for ISPMB Mustangs–that unless the wild horses are severely ill or injured people want to save their lives.

I’ve asked Fleet of Angels for the final count of the total number of ISPMB Mustangs who have offers for adoption and I look forward to the answer. I’m so thankful so many people worked so hard in the last 3 days to get adoption applications in. It’s evidence that these wild horses are wanted and deserve to live.


I’m so grateful for the outpouring of support to find homes for the ISPMB Mustangs. It’s a bit unclear what’s happening behind the scenes right now. I hope we will get updates from county officials and ISPMB in the future. Let’s see how this all plays out and pray for miracles.


For the Wild Ones,

Anne Novak

Volunteer Executive Director

Protect Mustangs

P.O. Box 5661

Berkeley, California 94705

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

URGENT: Adopters and Boarding needed for Mustangs coming out of South Dakota #NoKILLMustangs

I just got off the phone with the Dewey County Sheriff. The counties and State Attorney are in a meeting now to decide what they are going to do with the 700 Mustangs from the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB) currently in their care and control. More Team Leaders are needed to each find homes for 28 mustangs. Call me if you can help 415-531-8454 The deadline to get in adoption applications is Wednesday November 30th at 6:00 PM California time. Please adopt ISPMB Mustangs from Wild Horse Annie’s Organization and Save their lives!

I have heard that people are asking for donations to euthanize the ISPMB Mustangs and I find that disgusting! No excuse for euthanasia when adoption effort isn’t flowing. Fix it please!Even the older mustangs deserve to live!  #NoKILL.

If everyone works together we can find homes for all the ISPMB Mustangs that need homes! Spread the word and find adopters! The clock is ticking . . . Get the adoption applications filled out, sent in, approved, load the ISPMB Mustangs with donated panels and get them in trailers headed for safety. I do not know exactly how many need to be re-homed but in times like these we must prepare for the worst and pray for the best. The Sheriff told me they have control of the ISPMB Mustangs as of December 1st.

We have reports of many applications being backlogged. Let’s get all the people needed involved to help move it forward to save the lives of ISPMB Mustangs.

We ask that the ISPMB Mustangs be protected and that people Do NOT Euthanize ISPMB wild horses and do not sell them at auction especially when the Tree Leaders are hard at work finding adopters and boarding for the mustangs! Working together round the clock we have found homes for more than 100 ISPMB wild horses just today and it’s only noon on Tuesday Nov 29th California time.


We have people willing to board adopted ISPMB mustangs through the winter in Colorado so you can have them hauled to your home after winter is over and the roads are clear. One awesome team leader will board 28 ISPMB mustangs that belong to adopters for about $175 each per month in Colorado and that includes hay. They will even board YOUR ISPMB Mustang for the life of your horse!

More boarding situations are coming forward and we need more offers please! Call me at 415-531-8454 if you can board adopted ISPMB Mustangs through the winter. Transport is needed too!

We can board a few at our new farm in Walnut Creek short-term. There are people in Reno who can board your adopted ISPMB Mustangs for under $200 a month (including hay) too!

We are looking for places in South Dakota to cheaply board your ISPMB Mustangs over the winter until transport can easily flow in and out in the Spring! There are solutions. PLEASE ADOPT TODAY! #NoKILL

If people euthanize the ISPMB Mustangs because their adoption plan didn’t work then they are sending the message to the Bureau of Land Management and Congress that they should euthanize BLM wild horses too. Do you realize the message you are sending out?

Here’s the new adoption form. Be sure to click on the button to have a copy of your application sent to you:…/1FAIpQLSdXEVFZhWzY6qKuPr…/viewform

Please get your Applications in to ISPMB! Do not KILL older wild horses or any of them! Give them a chance! Open up the bottleneck and approve adoption applications please!

For the Wild Ones,

Anne Novak

Volunteer Executive Director

Protect Mustangs

P.O. Box 5661

Berkeley, California 94705

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.


Help get wild horses to safety!

Now that the election is over let’s get America’s at-risk wild horses out of holding facilities to safety! Don’t forget the Bureau of Land Management’s Advisory Board voted to kill all the wild horses in holding facilities. They are all at risk of losing their lives.

Please Help SARA (#1709) Get To Safety! 

She was passed over in the Internet Adoption and has another STRIKE against her


SARA (#1709) seems to be a very bright yearling filly who needs to get out of the clutches of the Bureau of Land Management! She will respond well to leadership, respect and love once she knows she can trust you. She is growing. She seems to be very intelligent– holding ancient herd wisdom lost with so many wild horses being slaughtered. But with that comes an eye that will watch to see if she can trust you. Show her pure love and patience so SARA can shine. Adopt her with a buddy so she will feel safe and less stressed as she is gentled and learns to trust you. Take it slow with her. SARA seems to be the kind of wild mustang who will love you forever.

Adoption is $125 and 3-Strikers for purchase cost $25

This is what the Bureau of Land Management says about SARA:

Sex: Filly Age: 1 Years Height (in hands): 13.1

Necktag #: 1709 Date Captured: 04/01/15

Freezemark: 15621709 Signalment Key: HF1AAEDIE

Color: Sorrel Captured: Born in a Holding Facility

This wild horse is currently located in Fallon, NV. For more information, please contact Jeb Beck at (775) 475-2222 or e-mail:

More wild horses at-risk will be posted soon!

Please share this post to help 3-Strikers and those close to 3-Strikes get to safe homes, sanctuaries and trainers. It’s much cheaper to adopt and or buy them now than later from a kill pen for seven times the price.

Contact us by email at if you need help navigating the Bureau of Land Management’s red tape or get discouraged. Problems can be solved so you can save wild horses. Our goal is to support you to make your adoption or 3-Strike purchase a happy experience.

Check back on this page daily as we will be updating this page with mustangs who need to be saved. Thank you and Bless you!

For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak

Volunteer Executive Director
Protect Mustangs
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, CA. 94705

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

Secret documents from 2008 reveal plan to kill and dispose of America’s wild horses and burros

© 2014 Anne Novak, all rights reserved.

© 2014 Anne Novak, all rights reserved.

 The Bureau of Land Management plots to wipe out wild horses and burros at taxpayer expense.  Is this how you want your tax dollars used?

“Jim says Burns takes them to a pit but they have always used it  . . .”

Notice that Pesticide PZP, made from slaughterhouse pig ovaries, is part of their wipe out plan. It sterilizes after multiple use. Their goal is zero population increase which would ruin natural selection and make it impossible for the species to survive climate change.

Members of the public and some organizations have been fooled into supporting Pesticide PZP as the “lesser of two evils”. Those who believe in the true spirit of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 are attacked for speaking out against Pesticide PZP.

Follow the money if you want to understand who profits from forcibly drugging wild mares with Pesticide PZP for population control. . .

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is the registrant of Pesticide PZP HSUS called native wild horses and burros “PESTS” on the EPA Pesticide Application. Have they changed the legal definition of wild horses and burros with the EPA application that should be revoked?

Scott Beckstead, who was born and raised on a working cattle ranch and now works for HSUS, reported at the BoLM’s Spring 2016 Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board meeting that HSUS is experimenting on a stronger form of Pesticide PZP. Does “stronger” mean their new form of Pesticide PZP will forcibly sterilize native wild horses and burros with one injection?

Wild horses and burros are underpopulated on public land which is overpopulated by beef cattle and sheep. Ranchers, BoLM and others try to scapegoat wild horses and burros for range damage when the truth is commercial livestock is destroying, or already has destroyed, the ecosystem.

July 29, 2008











“GonaCon® is also a product that needs to be relooked at for sterilization of mares.” (Quoted from item 4 above)

Read about the GonaCon® experiment at Water Canyon that launched in 2015: They have hopes to use GonaCon™ on the whole Antelope Complex.



August 12, 2008









PM Aerial Photo 6

Thanks to Jane Cheuvront for the Google Earth photo)

Read our August 11th blog post: What’s in the mounds, craters and pits at American wild horse holding facilities?

See all the notes from the secret conference calls in 2008 about killing off America’s wild horses and burros: pm-blm-secret-killing-conference-calls-2008



Special thanks to Dr. Patricia Haight, RIP, with the Conquistador Equine Rescue for acquiring the documents through FOIA.

See the draft of the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program Alternative Management Options from October 2008 the result of the secret conference calls: pm-blm-killing-plans


(Fred T. Woehl, Jr. and Sue McDonnell, PhD. for Wild Horse & Burro Research are some of the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board members, who voted on September 9, 2016, to kill the alleged “unadoptable” wild horses and burros)


Protect Mustangs is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

Wild horse and burro adoptions stonewalled by the Bureau of Land Management

Below is one example you can email to your senators and representative of many well documented incidents where Bureau of Land Management staff prove to be obstructionists

Notice that on August 26, 2016 the bureau employee, paid for with tax dollars, refuses a simple request to provide the tag numbers of the four burros at the Palomino Valley national adoption facility.

Protect Mustangs had to send someone in to get the tag numbers ourselves to help the two burros get adopted. Our video of two adorable burro friends Sam #1740 and Kiwi #1742 circulated on Facebook and reached more than 38,000 people–generating interest in adoption. Someone came forward to adopt as a result.

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: How many burros are left?
From: “Wilhelm, Jeremy” <>
Date: Thu, September 15, 2016 11:19 am
To: Anne Novak <>


I request that you correspond with Jason Lutterman or John Neill from here forward.

Jeremy Wilhelm

Contact Rep./ Volunteer Coord.
Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center
15780 State Route 445
Reno, NV, 89510
ph: (775) 475-2222
fax: (775) 475-2053

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 10:36 AM, <> wrote:

Jeremy Wilhelm
Contact Rep./ Volunteer Coord.
Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center
15780 State Route 445
Reno, NV, 89510
ph: (775) 475-2222
fax: (775) 475-2053
Mr. Wilhelm,
Your track record speaks for itself. So many complaints have come in regarding your poor customer service that it’s no wonder that so few wild horses and burros get adopted under your watch. Are you aware that the Wild Horse and Burro Program is supposed to be adopting a lot of wild horses and burros?
Why aren’t you providing the tag numbers as requested? Why do you make things so difficult to get wild horses and burros adopted or 3-Strikers sold to good homes?
I want to note that you refused to answer my question below “Please give me the tag numbers for the burros available at PVC.”
So I will politely ask a second time, what are the tag numbers of the wild burros currently available for adoption at Palomino Valley Center?
Other adoption centers are easy to work with but you seem to have made Palomino Valley Center notorious for being difficult to work with–not just for our members but for other would be adopters that have been discouraged from adopting after dealing with you as well as adopters who have toughed it out. Even many TIP trainers are complaining about the horrible customer service now at Palomino Valley.
Tim was much better at this job.
Our network looks to us for guidance, problem solving regarding adoption. For several years we have helped place a lot of mustangs.
Third party? You obviously have no idea about the conference call and agreement that was made Thursday August 25th between #####, the buyer and myself regarding picking up paperwork Friday afternoon on behalf of the buyer, hauling her 2 wild horses on Monday, etc.
Why are you always being an obstructionist and making adoptions so difficult Mr. Wilhelm? I’ve especially noticed it since the Water Canyon weanlings and yearlings were put up for adoption at Palomino Valley as a result of the GonaCon® Experiment. My Water Canyon Babies video went viral on Facebook. As a result, you should have been able to quickly place the 11 young wild horses after I was sending everyone directly to you on the video page. It seems you sabotaged and discouraged adoptions that I was sending your way.
When the gentleman walked up, saw the young wild horses from Water Canyon in the pen and knew nothing about the “Lucky 11” as promoted by GonaCon® Experiment / Project Coordinator, Jeanne Nations, why did you seem to congratulate the fellow on adopting a “Lucky 11” mustang? Were you trying to make it look like this was some sort of adoption success? Are you aware that word travels in the Nevada-California horse community?
Why would you behave so unprofessionally? Are you somehow connected to the Gonacon® Experiment, Jeanne Nations or to Pesticide PZP Experiments?
How did the PZP Pilot program for Water Canyon change and become the GonaCon® Experiment?
PM WC11 Lucky 11 Map
53 Water Canyon wild horses were rounded up in 2015. 11 youngsters were adopted at Palomino Valley. 2 Were adopted at a trap-site adoption. Where are the Water Canyon 18?  What are their id numbers? People want to adopt them. People would like to purchase any of the 18 that are “sale eligible”.  We have requested this before on January 28, 2016 but our request was ignored It’s time for transparency
People also want to adopt mare and foal pairs from the Beatys Butte roundup that are now at Fallon or elsewhere. Kindly provide are all their tag numbers so the public can adopt them.
I hope you will respond in a professional manner as it really seems as if you don’t want the wild horses and burros to get adopted. Is it because this just is a government job and the pay is the same no matter what? Or is it easier for you if all the captives end up getting “lovely euthanasia” or sold to buyers by the truckloads who will sell them to slaughter?
Anne Novak
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Tel./Text: 415.531.8454
Read about native wild horses:  
Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: How many burros are left?
From: “Wilhelm, Jeremy” <>
Date: Fri, August 26, 2016 3:57 pm
To: Anne Novak <>
We have 4 burros of different ages, none are sale authority. Fallon does not have any burros. If you have people that are interested in adoption or purchase have them contact me directly. Again we do not work with a third party.

Jeremy Wilhelm

Contact Rep./ Volunteer Coord.
Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center
15780 State Route 445
Reno, NV, 89510
ph: (775) 475-2222
fax: (775) 475-2053

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 4:50 PM, <> wrote:

Please give me the tag numbers for the burros available at PVC. Do you have any at Fallon?
Are the ones at PVC 3-Strikers? How about Fallon?
I might have some people interested.
Thank you,
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Tel./Text: 415.531.8454
Read about native wild horses:  
Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Protect Mustangs is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.