Today wild horses are underpopulated on public land. The BLM’s roundups and removals have caused the herds to have an increased birthrate because they fear extinction and the social structure is unstable.
The ISPMB Study shows wild horse herds with functional social structures contribute to low herd growth compared to BLM managed herds. Click here to read the study:
We request a 10 year moratorium on roundups for recovery and scientific studies before wild horses are managed to extinction.
Propaganda for the unwitting public. What a shame that they will flat out lie to people to suit their agenda. The guy even said 600 horses but didn’t mention the thousands of cattle that crap the springs full and trample the land into a concrete consistency. They also don’t mention that the welfare ranchers cost the tax payers 123,000,000 million a year. This has to be the biggest glass of KoolAid I have ever seen!