URGENT ALERT: We have been told there are other sites on the internet who seem to be fraudulently asking for donations for the 14 young wild horses (WY14) Protect Mustangs rescued from the slaughterhouse.
We believe more than 100K people have been directed to donate to the wrong website . . . and as a result, the WY14 are being scammed. We noticed donations for the WY14 decrease dramatically after their first 45 days in California.
As of August 17, the WY14 moved from a layover ranch north of Reno to another ranch in northern California. Protect Mustangs has always paid for their hay, vet and their other costs made possible by donations. The previous ranch was authorized to have a GoFundMe to pay for $600. a month board for 2 months, then we paid for their board until we moved them out. We are sure that the ranch where they reside now is honorable and not asking for donations for the WY14.
How can some people scam on these young innocent orphans who lost their place in the world, their freedom, and lost their families to slaughter?
Because of a severe drop in donations, the WY14 desperately need hay donations right now!
Hay prices have skyrocketed. . . All the money previously raised for their hay costs since their arrival from the slaughterhouse feedlot May 26th has been spent on hay with nothing left. We hope you will understand that we need to wait to print and mail out thank you gifts because first the WY14 needs to eat. We will get thank you gifts out when we have stabilized their hay situation.
Protect Mustangs is a California non profit organization and is in the process of getting a 501c3. Your donations directly to us should be retroactive. Meanwhile we are sponsored by the Andean Tapir Fund to ensure 501c3 tax-deductible status. We receive ONLY the funds we raise for the WY14.
You can help the 14 WILD ones by donating to help buy hay on our website www.ProtectMustangs.org via www.PayPal.com to Contact@ProtectMustangs.org , sending a check in the mail to Protect Mustangs, PO Box 5661, Berkeley, Ca. 94705 or by going to this fund-rasing link http://www.gofundme.com/9xcfag . GoFundMe takes a % to use their service. These are the only secure ways to donate to feed and help these traumatized young wild horses.
The WY14 are so grateful for your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donations to buy hay so they can eat and heal from the trauma of the roundup where they lost their families to slaughter. Please help with a donation today. The WY14 know you care and they are grateful you are helping to feed them.
Many blessings,
Anne Novak
Founder & Executive Director
Make sure you know who you are donating to … ask yourself a question as you read a plea for donations from anyone other than the organization – is the person who made the fundraiser a member of the Board of Directors for that org? If not, don’t donate or share and ask the org if this is their fundraiser. We all know that the #WY14 are #ProtectMustangs.org youngsters saved from slaughter, don’t we?
This is outrageous and inexcusable behavior! I am so sorry. Shared for donations to go to YOU!
FYI – To avoid getting scammed please visit Protectmustangs.org to donate, as you can see wild horses need you help!
There is a lot of this going on recently- this happened to our site/FB page also. The complete FB page was lifted (that is the Public page, not the Subject page). It had my photo on it and everything. First they tried to REFRIEND friends, then they would ask them for money. To control this, report to FB then go to Security (on FB) and delete all other “devices” being used. I eliminate every week or more- one from Sac, one from washington etc. I haven’t been to those places within the month so its coming from somewhere else. This is a real CRIME (i even reported it to the FBI) subject to penalties, even imprisonment. Asking for money from YOUR friends and impersonating another person. We have no fundraising going on at the moment and we haven’t for about a year so this was easy to trace. Non Profits like mine, Anne’s and so many other great Rescues, are sincere with our Donors and we owe everything to them. WE DONT NEED THIS, EITHER DO YOU!! Please check security options on FB! Thank you !
Fraudulent internet sites need to be reported. Google will pull down the sites and FBI will investigate, as it involves interstate money.
Also, it might be worth compiling a list of validated/credible sites.
Sadly, this is how scammers work. Always be careful and do your research when donating, make sure your syntax is correct for the organization that you are donating to, as mentioned in prevoius post. The scammers will often lift pictures from an actual page and the scammers website will closely resemble the real website, seeking donations.
Anne Novak,
If you have not already, please visit the Horse Health Products page on Facebook to enter the contest for a years supply of hay. Entry ends 9/30/14. Winner is announced October 10, 2014. I have used their horse products for years.
Thank you Protect Mustangs for rescuing the Wyoming 14. This was the first and perhaps the only time that Bouvry Exports agreed to sell horses to rescue. This was a monumental effort on your part, and we all appreciate it.