Controversy over PZP

nt B:W


Know this

Ken Salazar’s Wild Horse Plan Fuels Accusations That He’s In The Pocket Of Ranchers, Associated Press, 2010:

Wildlife ecologist Craig Downer of Nevada accused Salazar, a former rancher, of acting on behalf of those who view mustangs as taking scarce forage away from their cattle herds. Downer contends cattle are more destructive to the range because they concentrate in high numbers around water sources instead of grazing over a wider area as wild horses do.

“Both the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management have the right to remove livestock to ensure viable, healthy populations of wild horses. But they refuse to exercise that,” Downer said. “Their master is primarily these traditional ranching interests.”

Opposition grows to Salazar’s plan to move wild horses to Midwest preserves, Associated Press 2009

Horse defenders have stepped up their efforts in recent weeks, suing to block a proposed roundup of 2,700 horses in northern Nevada and lining up the support of celebrities such as Sheryl Crow, Lily Tomlin, Bill Maher and Ed Harris.

Crow took her concerns directly to Salazar in a telephone call this past week.

One of the first things he said was something must be done because the horses are starving. We (advocates) don’t believe it,” Crow said in an interview with The Associated Press.”

7 Preserves Envisioned to Manage Wild Horses, New York Times, 2009

“HELENA, Mont. — Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Wednesday that he was proposing to create seven new wild-horse preserves, including one in the East and one in the Midwest, to address the problem of a growing population crowding the Western range.

The program, which also applies to wild burros, would expand the use of contraceptives and would geld more herds on public lands in the West, Mr. Salazar said.”

. . . ”

Yet the proposal quickly drew criticism from wild-horse advocates. Ginger Kathrens of Colorado Springs, a maker of documentary films who has chronicled the lives of a wild-horse herd in Montana, said that blocking reproduction could alter the animals’ behavior.

“It takes the wild out of wild-horse herds,” she said. “They’re families in sophisticated societies. Creating gelding herds and preventing them from reproducing is managing them toward extinction.”

But ranchers, who see wild horses as competing with cattle for grasses and water, welcomed the proposal. Jeff Eisenberg, executive director for the Public Lands Council, a group that works on public lands issues for ranchers, said Mr. Salazar’s proposal was a big step toward a solution.”

Sheryl Crow Slams Salazar’s Wild Horse Plan, Huffington Post 2010

With one voice we are insisting that our government stop managing these beautiful and important animals to extinction,” Crow said in a statement released by the Cloud Foundation, a Colorado Springs, Colo.-based horse advocacy group”. . .

It’s time for all of us to speak up for our wild horses and burros so we do not lose these living legends and inspiring symbols of our freedom in America,” she said.

Madeleine Pickens praises Salazar wild horse plan, Horsetalk, 2009

“Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced wide-ranging proposals this week in which horses taken from the Western rangelands would be relocated to new preservation areas further east, utilising better quality grassland.

His plan includes the aggressive use of reproduction controls to manage numbers. Salazar hoped the new herd areas would provide tourism opportunities for nearby communities” . . .

Pickens said she would support Secretary Salazar’s efforts, and would gladly compete to offer the wild horse sanctuary that she has planned to the bureau as one of the facilities proposed by Secretary Salazar.”



“However, recent research in other populations has revealed behavioral and physiological side effects of long-term PZP use.”


Injection-Site Reactions in Wild Horses (Equus caballus) Receiving an Immunocontraceptive Vaccine, By James E. Roelle and Jason I. Ransom,

“Abnormal dart trauma included cases where the dart hit bone or the needle broke off. We found strong evidence (odds ratio = 5.023, P = 0.001) for a higher probability of occurrence of swelling when darts were delivered by blowgun. We found some evidence (odds ratio = 8.729, P = 0.07) that abnormal dart trauma led to a higher frequency of nodule formation. Nodules were the most common reactions observed and often persisted for a year or more, but in our observations they did not appear to change any animal’s range of movement or locomotor patterns and in most cases did not appear to differ in magnitude from naturally occurring injuries or scars. We were unable to perform histological examinations of these nodules, but they may be similar to granulomas reported by other investigators following administration of Freund’s adjuvant.”

Ecologist Craig Downer speaks out against using PZP in the Pryors

Why end natural selection in the Pryors? Should humans run a wild horse breeding program or does nature know best?

The Horse and Burro as Positively Contributing Returned Natives in North America, Craig Downer 2014

35 thoughts on “Controversy over PZP

  1. Intrusion into the natural circumstance and habitat of the Wild Horse Herds, and the human involvement of technology and results thereof, remains the primary difficulty in the mismanagement of America’s Wild Horses. PZP is just one of several unnatural circumstances that has created not only confusion, but Wild Horse death, roundups, and a total lack of understanding the necessities of both the environmental and ecological complex of our Public Lands, combined with Wild Horses, and combined with all wildlife that roams those lands. I think the key term here, and for ever more, Natural Cohabitation — which develops into a healthy environment and ecological system — ignoring this with knee-jerk reactions toward quasi-resolution will ultimately destroy America’s Wild Life and America’s Public Lands!

  2. Why can’t they just let the wild horses monitor themselves they have been doing it for years and doing a good job of it! I realize there needs to be birth control but don’t just half-way do the job follow through. I’m afraid its just laziness that is keeping the horses from being treated properly. Its easier for the BLM to round them up take them off the land and turn it over to cattle. Wild horses are highly intelligent proud free roaming horses who have by law been designated their own land to live on for ever. There are so many excuses made about why they have to do roundups and why they have to do etc.etc.on and on all to the detriment of the horses. It is time to put them back on their ranges monitor birth control and by that I mean safe birth control and they will take care of the rest they don’t need the BLM continually harassing them for one reason or another and making up excuses about why they have to do it. Let the Mustangs run free!!!

  3. PZP would be a disaster not only in disrupting normal herd behaviors, but could cause inflamation, permanent sterility of young mares and death through infection. Devastating infections by the various forms of PZP delivery, e.g. darting could cause large abcesses, or capturing them not only causes trauma, but could also lead to more infections. Wild horses are meant to live freely with nature taking care of their populations.

  4. The ‘wild’ horses and burros are not native, but were brought in and therefore are an invasive species. There numbers have exploded from the target levels in the 1971 act. Thinning for slaughter as well as birth control is really the best answer. Horses on private land should be collected and sold by the land owner or exterminated. Adoption is good, but the majority are not eligible for adoption because of health or age.
    A comment in the Capital Press said that ranchers should be required to fence their property, but fences do not prevent studs crossing the line and breeding a mare in heat. It was a very uninformed comment. The lady should learn more about her subject before she opens her mouth!!

  5. My alternative has nothing to do with PZP or any other contraceptive. Remove all other livestock from the HMAs. Hire on-site managers with range and wild horse & burro experience to do everything a horse rancher would have done BEFORE 1971 (except shoot them or send them to slaughter). That was part of the proposal I sent to the BLM in 2010. It included a VERY basic cost/benefit comparison with the disastrous Calico roundup. My non-scientific numbers showed it would have saved money, and it obviously would have save lives. I doubt the BLM even glanced at it.

  6. Wild equines cannot be ‘managed’ effectively before knowing within a reasonable certainty how many are actually out there.
    I’m speaking of within a few thousand – and not 10 or 20 thousand.
    I’ve catalogued more than a decade of removal numbers and population ‘estimates’ published by BLM bean counters, and the numbers they declare are simply not possible. Especially when held against the percentage of animals removed: Over the past decade, removals averaged 28% of the population estimate annually, while increases have averaged at 34% in the same period, based on those statistics published by the BLM.
    Even if these numbers were credible, it would reinforce the most recent NAS study’s findings that the endless cycle of removals contributes to these ridiculous population estimates.
    Except – we really don’t have any definitive evidence, do we? We have the Word, an endless and unverified gospel that relies of faith – belief without proof.
    Actual range study and monitoring of wild herds is conducted for only a few month prior to reports constructed to validate removals of wild equines, and anyone versed in the Environmental Assessment knows those reports are designed to achieve a foregone conclusion.
    You could not manage a business if you didn’t know your product; you couldn’t manage those under your purview without knowing how many work for you. You couldn’t manage effectively – or truthfully – by basing the entire structure of that business on the theory of ‘estimate’. Your business would fail.
    The only support for the continued and increasing failure of the management of wild horses and burros is the constant influx of taxpayer money. Perhaps rendering these animals infertile or sterile serves that purpose – the eventual demise of the entire Program through attrition.

  7. The Association for the Advancement of Natural Horse Care Practices ( has been vehemently opposed to ANY fertility drug use (PZP as well as its competition) ever since its inception in 2002. We see the breakdown of the immune and metabolic systems in domestic horses from vaccinations, often resulting in the debilitating disorder called laminitis. And we suspect it is the reason for the rise in all the diagnoses of Cushings, EMS, IR, and other easily preventable disorders and diseases. The solution from Big Pharma is simply another medication. We realize there is a tremendous disconnect from most members of the veterinary community about such matters – and their causes and effects. So the same would be true of fertility control drugs. Symptoms of health, or conversely, of pathology quickly show up in the growth patterns and characteristics of hooves. No one has yet conducted a study to assess the health of a single horse on PZP who truly understands the the genuine health of a horse when not viewed on a slide under a microscope. A booster, Mar, would NEVER be the approach. Simply preserving lands for these animals while beefing up the ecosystem to allow for other prey and predator species to co-exist is the answer – the only answer. Unfortunately, so few people understand how to keep domestic horses healthy, it is unlikely that our involvement with the wild horses could be anything but disastrous unless all we do is give them the land and the opportunity to live on their own without our involvement. Jaime Jackson refers to such places as preservation zones – and I believe Craig Downer has joined in to support a similar approach. Hands off – no one profits as they have been…. Instead, the university sector could use these stable populations living untouched by humans in the wild to establish baselines for health in domestic horses or to establish dietary guidelines that are no longer based upon speculation. But that would require intelligence that is always filtered through a humane approach. Maybe it is not too late….

  8. Yes, be sure to read my article and also my book The Wild Horse Conspiracy, now updated and perfected as a 2014 edition. I truly believe that if enough people would just seriously read my book and register its well-rounded message, this would cause the much-needed turn-around in attitudes and will, or resolve, and there would ensue the changes that this society and the precious horses so desperately need today. Very good Mar on your heroic and trenchant “telling it as it is” regarding the disgraceful bowing down to the wild horse enemies that is occurring today!

  9. I am not a proponent of round ups or PZP which is a form of unnatural and dangerous birth control for our wild horses. Horses are like people in that they have families and PZP can alter the social behavior within the family. PZP is done by a dart type injection with needles that can break off in the horse. The PZP has to have boosters which not only attack the very core of a herd but the BLM ignores this fact in effect allowing people to think the BLM is doing something that they are not doing. Choosing birth control destroys the natural behavioral and viability of the herd. PZP has behavioral and physiological effects from long term use. Round ups are violent death traps for many horse families. Some of the foals are chased via helicopters till they run the hooves right off the foal’s feet and they die. The BLM separate the families once chased into the make shift pens never to see their families again. Foals born during the chase die as well do the foals have lost their mothers to death in the pens. At one time the BLM toyed with the idea of sterilizing mares and gelding in the wild. The BLM does what they want and are above the law. DO YOU TRUST the BLM to treat the horses with PZP? They are like a secret cult! I say there is land for these horses and it belongs to the wild horses leave them wild does society have to kill and ruin everything!

  10. PZP is an answer to the wild horse problem if you believe there really is a wild horse problem. Roundups, or “gathers” and PZP darting are efforts to remove wild horses from their home ranges, to make way for other competing interests. The wild horse Herd Management Areas under BLM administrative control should be dedicated to use as wild horse habitat, with other secondary uses permitted only on a case by case basis. Cattle grazing must not be allowed in any HMA at any time for any reason. Existing grazing leases on HMA land should be either cancelled outright or bought out with taxpayer funds if legally necessary. There is sufficient federal land elsewhere for livestock grazing leases if that is a valid public policy interest. Oil, gas, and gold exploration and exploitation should not be allowed in any HMA.

  11. I don’t know what the answer is in the West. The evidence that is consistent with coastal barrier island horses is that there are 100’s of species of fauna and flora listed as alien, invasive, exotics including wild horses and burros, livestock, dogs and cats that are listed as potential pests of plants. Of course, the horse is the only native species, but this is not the issue. NPS, FWS, BLM. APHIS don’t have a single credible source. In fact, they don’t have a source except through CABI. It looks to me like the 1997 and several over policies have been used to over turn the 1971 Act. It sent into force in 2005. The good news is that a treaty that is based on fraud can be overturned. The bad news is that as long as Senator Reid calls the shots, there is 0 chance of this happening.

  12. Well said, Steve Fontaine!

    “The non-native, feral, and exotic designations given by agencies are not merely reflections of their failure to understand modern science, but also a reflection of their desire to preserve old ways of thinking to keep alive the conflict between a species (wild horses) with no economic value anymore (by law) and the economic value of commercial livestock. ”
    Read more:

  13. Allen Hurlburt, I find your remarks remarkable!

    Wild Horses and Burros are most certainly Native to North America and some scientists believe that they are probably the oldest living mammal in North America. There are also fossil remains that are indicative that the Wild Horses and Burros never went extinct at the Pleistocene event.

    Scientists also believe that they crossed the Bering Straits when it was a land mass and populated Asia and Europe, and if they did come back, across the Atlantic in those tiny little sailing ships which could hardly have held one breeding pair, there could have been little else on the ship but hay. And, if this were true, they would be Returned Natives.

    You are very uneducated as to the history of OUR WH&Bs and should do some research before you utter such falsehoods.

    And as to the numbers of WH&Bs presently on the range, true estimates outside of the corrupted BLM are about 15,000. The 1971 Free Roaming Act was initiated with the support of over 90% of the population and a unanimous vote in Congress notably because the two million horses originally on the range had dwindled to 25,000 due to the cruel, vicious and gruesome capture, constraint, and transport of these magnificent animals to slaughter for dog food.

    For your information, the vast majority of the WH&Bs presently in the wild are in extremely good condition considering the drought and the constant harassment by the BLM and people like you who seem to think that the publicly owned lands and horses belong to you private entities who profit from the cheap use of the land and the killing of the WH&BS.

    If you think that those of us Americans who together own these horses will stand for their “extermination” you are sadly misinformed. We are a growing movement and we are mad as Hell. Most of us are opposed to any form of birth control as we have come close to losing the viability of these wonderful creatures. Besides the use of PZP and other forms of sterilization are extremely harmful to the animals.

    Finally, you are obviously uninformed about the true state of ecology on our grazing lands. Horses and burros have for millenniums been the maintenance keepers of the ranges. They reseed the land, they do not kill the grasses as the overgrazing cattle and sheep do, they do not muck up the water holes as the cloven hooved do, and they eat the lower brush which otherwise causes horrific fires.

    Wild Horses and Burros are magnificent, intelligent, beautiful, funny, fascinating, and they are OURs – they belong to all of us Americans not you who profit from their extinction. In my opinion you are just another HORSE HATER.

  14. Dee:
    You equate the wild horses on equal footing with people, choosing their cause over the welfare of people. I think this addiction is called anamorphism. It has a serous effect in warping ones perspective and values
    Those of us that grew up in the western open spaces know that life in the wild is not civilized, it is not protected, it is survival of the fittest. Like the wild population, people have the natural right to protect their families and welfare. The explosion of the wild horse herds are threatening the welfare and livelihood of the families that live within the same habitat. Sharing the same habitat is ok, but when one species starts to threaten another species competing for the same turf, expect the threatened species to protect their turf. This is exactly what we have to do with the over populated wild horse herds. In addition, if they are not culled out, disease and birth defects will increase harming the overall herd. A viable surviving healthy herd is much preferable to a sick one.

  15. Elaine:
    Wow are you a vehement uninformed crusader. Check the fossel record there were no wild horses when the first man crossed the straight. The original horses were three toed, a very distant ancestor. Get out there and check out the health of the herds, the three lagged studs that are injured in fights, the damage to water holes from over use and the total lack of any control other than old age and disease.
    My father and grandfather rounded up wild horses for government contracts in the 1920’s and ’30’s. After the government disbanded the calivary, they sold them for chicken feed. anything to make a buck in the depression. That didn’t work, but the knowledge they learned about wild horses was volumous. I think that the same could be said with the BLM range managers that are out there every day monitoring the habitat. For the most part, they are out there because they believe in the health of the range and have come to the conclusion that it has to be balanced. The wild horses have upset that balance.

  16. Some responders need to do their homework . . .

    The Surprising History of America’s Wild Horses
    Jay F. Kirkpatrick and Patricia M. Fazio

    Modern horses, zebras, and asses belong to the genus Equus, the only surviving genus in a once diverse family, the Equidae. Based on fossil records, the genus appears to have originated in North America about 4 million years ago and spread to Eurasia (presumably by crossing the Bering land bridge) 2 to 3 million years ago. Following that original emigration, there were additional westward migrations to Asia and return migrations back to North America, as well as several extinctions of Equus species in North America.

    The last prehistoric North American horses died out between 13,000 and 11,000 years ago, at the end of the Pleistocene, but by then Equus had spread to Asia, Europe, and Africa.

    Animals that on paleontological grounds could be recognized as subspecies of the modern horse originated in North America between 1 million and 2 million years ago. When Linnaeus coined the species name, E. caballus, however, he only had the domesticated animal in mind. Its closest wild ancestor may have been the tarpan, often classified as E. ferus; there is no evidence, though, that the tarpan was a different species. In any case the domesticated horse probably did not arise at a single place and time, but was bred from several wild varieties by Eurasian herders.

    In recent years, molecular biology has provided new tools for working out the relationships among species and subspecies of equids. For example, based on mutation rates for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Ann Forstén, of the Zoological Institute at the University of Helsinki, has estimated that E. caballus originated approximately 1.7 million years ago in North America. More to the point is her analysis of E. lambei, the Yukon horse, which was the most recent Equus species in North America prior to the horse’s disappearance from the continent. Her examination of E. lambei mtDNA (preserved in the Alaskan permafrost) has revealed that the species is genetically equivalent to E. caballus. That conclusion has been further supported by Michael Hofreiter, of the Department of Evolutionary Genetics at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, who has found that the variation fell within that of modern horses.

    These recent findings have an unexpected implication. It is well known that domesticated horses were introduced into North America beginning with the Spanish conquest, and that escaped horses subsequently spread throughout the American Great Plains. Customarily, such wild horses that survive today are designated “feral” and regarded as intrusive, exotic animals, unlike the native horses that died out at the end of the Pleistocene. But as E. caballus, they are not so alien after all. The fact that horses were domesticated before they were reintroduced matters little from a biological viewpoint. Indeed, domestication altered them little, as we can see by how quickly horses revert to ancient behavioral patterns in the wild.

    Consider this parallel. To all intents and purposes, the Mongolian wild horse (E. przewalskii, or E. caballus przewalskii) disappeared from its habitat in Mongolia and northern China a hundred years ago. It survived only in zoos and reserves. That is not domestication in the classic sense, but it is captivity, with keepers providing food and veterinarians providing health care. Then surplus animals were released during the 1990s and now repopulate a portion of their native range in Mongolia and China. Are they a reintroduced native species or not? And how does their claim to endemism differ from that of E. caballus in North America, except for the length and degree of captivity?

    The wild horse in the United States is generally labeled non-native by most federal and state agencies dealing with wildlife management, whose legal mandate is usually to protect native wildlife and prevent non-native species from having ecologically harmful effects. But the two key elements for defining an animal as a native species are where it originated and whether or not it coevolved with its habitat. E. caballus can lay claim to doing both in North America. So a good argument can be made that it, too, should enjoy protection as a form of native wildlife.

    Jay F. Kirkpatrick, who earned a Ph.D. in reproductive physiology from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, has studied fertility control for wild horses. He is the director of the Science and Conservation Center at ZooMontana, in Billings. Patricia M. Fazio, a research fellow at the Science and Conservation Center, earned her Ph.D. in environmental history from Texas A&M University. Her interests include reproductive physiology, the monitoring of wild horse ranges, and the evolution of equids.

  17. This is in response to Allen Herlburt: There is no longer an excuse for ignorance, as the information is out there — and no, it is not such a quantity that you can pick and choose which science you want. Obvious is the political agendas, or the special interest group agenda in any research. Good science is based on quality data gathering, evidence above and beyond the obvious, and denotes not a decision making process of accepting evidence as reality, but the evidence speaks for itself within the surrounding ecology as well as habitat growth and production.

    So Mr. Herlbert, where does that place you and your entire comment of misinformed fact. Well, a short perusal of good science and facts backed by empirical evidence — provides for everything you stated as wrong, misinformation, and taken from previously noted bad resources. Ironically, it does not take much of a mentality to find correct resources, which you did not do — there is no use debating with a fool — as the conversation merely becomes foolish.

    If you are truly interested in this situation, rather than simply show people what you do not know, be proud and stand up and show people that you actually looked into the situation, and found good science and research, and here is your debate — Good people and accepting good science show beyond doubt that an open debate platform, of quality material and facts, enhance our environment, enhance our ecological systems, and provide for a robust resolution to a Real-Problem — misinformation and using bad science simply adds to the problem, provides for bad decision making, costly most often in taxpayer money spent.

    Just something to consider before you place your ignorant comments onto a Open Debate Platform and essentially make yourself appear as one of those who make more problems for people and our environment, and are the problems this society faces today — There exists today simply too much Blatant Ignorance Developed from Subjective Reasoning. . .

  18. Allen Hurlburt – Please refer to the links on this website to confirm that horses and burros are, indeed, native to North America. This is a scientific fact that cannot be disputed. It is also a fact that human beings and cattle are not native to North America. And yet, WE are claiming that the horses are the invasive species!

    Wild horses and burros are protected by law and were designated millions of acres of land to call home. It doesn’t mean that no one or nothing else can use that land. We have to share. We have to be mutually respectful. For some reason, man has always had a problem with that.

    As far as fencing goes, I don’t know about where you live, but in New Mexico, it is law that land-owners have to fence out critters they don’t want on their land. A good fence will keep a stallion from breeding a mare. I have 3 stallions living peacefully, just a few feet from a pasture of mares, thanks to a good fence. If you don’t want to breed your mares, keep them from getting in situations where they will be bred!

    Your comments are harmful to the future of wild horses and burros. Please consider using fact check before speaking up on issues you obviously aren’t educated on.

  19. They died out 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Those in the wild are not from those strains but rather were decedents
    of imported animals that were released for what ever reason.
    The fools are those that do not equate the current facts with ancient history that has little to do with the current problem.

  20. Allen Hurlburt on what basis do you make your statement: “The ‘wild’ horses and burros are not native,…”

    In defense of the FACT that horses are NATIVE, recently a cave was explored in Wyoming full of bones :

    “Wyoming Cave Dig Reveals Hundreds of Ice Age Fossils
    By Laura Dattaro Published: Aug 11, 2014, 11:09 AM EDT

    A Wyoming cave has turned up hundreds of fossils of animals that roamed the Americas around the time of the last Ice Age. The fossils range from small creatures like lizards and snakes to megafauna like bison.

    We found evidence of bison, a bit of gray wolf and quite a lot of cheetah and horse,” paleontologist Julie Meachen, who led a team of international researchers on a recent dig, told Reuters.The two-week dig ended on Friday.”

    No doubt that the first Spaniards may have released some horses and no doubt ranchers and others have also released or lost some horses that could and did, interbreed with the wild horses already there. However, the interbreeding between domestic and wild horses didn’t make those wild horses domestic – they were assimilated in family bands because they were tough and could survive in the wild. Natural selection takes over to pick the best mate for survival purposes.

    If you don’t believe me then ask yourself where did the dorsal and legs stripes come from that can be found on some wild horses? Where did those genes comes from – certainly not from domesticated breeds of horses!

  21. Allen, this is a very complicated subject – this issue of native or introduced. The fact is, science proves it is the same horse, the one found as fossils and the one standing out on the range – TODAY. This includes the one in your pasture although mankind tries his darnedest to mess it up (i.e., HYPP etc).

    Regarding your other comments on the state law of fencing out – that is a fact as well – a legal fact. Nevada is a FENCE OUT state as well as all the other WESTERN states. If a person wants to complain about an intrusion, they have to first prove they have acted in good faith and obeyed the law. That will be difficult to do for many of those “feral” type humans who have lived out on the public ranges for so many generations and separate from outsiders, they think they own the land and are autonomous as respects accountability. Sorry, but the truth is difficult for some to accept when it means having to change.

    And believe me, even though a rancher complains about the wild stallion jumping his fence, the foal he gets will be the star of his show and he knows it and we know it. Mankind will never breed as fine a horse as God has created. The good people of the Congress of 1971 unaninmously passed The Act to protect these creatures. The least we can do is try to obey as a society. There are a few of us fighting for the law, but so many against us who are trying to erode this corner and that corner (and calling it management) to make it mean what they want it to mean. In some corners, outright subterfuge is happening.

    Being an American means a value system that is honest, loyal and committed to freedom. We do not need an interpretation of it. We – citizens of America. Backbone, intelligence, strength and bravery. Stand up for our wildlands and our wildlife.

  22. It is unfortunate that anyone thinks any form of contraceptive vaccinations are either ‘a good idea’ or ‘needed.’ They are neither…. The one thing all ‘informed’ sides – advocates, the government and the shills at the NAS agree upon – is that there is not an excessive population. The horses who continue to be removed are only in the way of numerous industries and/or ranchers – they are not being removed for any other reason.

  23. The wild horses do not endanger the welfare of We the Actual People. It is “corporate persons” who want them gone. The original intention of the intention of the Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 was to protect wild horses belonging to We the Actual People on public lands belonging to We the Actual People, but BLM is now interpreting it to benefit “corporate persons” such as corporate ranchers, the petroleum and fracking industry, water privatizers and the mining industry. The rationale for the roundups is based, in part, on a fraudulent report paid for by the fracking industry saying that the horses are sick and starving. The real reason is that the corporate interests want OUR public lands. They are empowered to push for this because, thanks to Citizen’s United, they now have the same rights as We the Actual People AND they have tons and tons of money to buy their own officials to do their bidding. The BLM is now corporately owned and operated, and it does not matter to them one bit that more than 85% of We the Actual People OPPOSE wild horse roundups.

    The real, underlying motivation behind these roundups is a corporate land grab. Corporately owned GOP members of congress stand poised to sell off OUR public lands. The real culprit, and what we have to overcome is Citizen’s United. Corporations are NOT people, and money is NOT speech. If we do not get corporate entities and big money out of politics, We the People will lose everything we collectively own including our form of government by, of and for We the Actual People.

    Right now, Democrats in Congress are working to end the insidious influence of money in politics. But they need our help. We need 25O,OOO people to add their name and demand an end to Citizens
    United between now and Election Day. Ending Citizens United will be an enormous challenge. But America needs campaign finance reform.

  24. Allen, the 1990-91 Government Accounting Office report found it was the millions of cattle that destroy the range and riparian areas–not the few thousand wild horses. Cattle will defecate in water and horses will not . Also horses roam and do not over-graze the range. Cattle cause erosion with their cloven hooves too . My father raised cattle, and I have horses and am familiar with both species.

  25. Allen, I believe you will find, again, in one of the links on this site, proof that scientists have found bones of horses that are dated a mere 200-300 years before the arrival of the “imported” horse you speak of.

  26. “Being an American means a value system that is honest, loyal and committed to freedom. We do not need an interpretation of it. We – citizens of America. Backbone, intelligence, strength and bravery. Stand up for our wildlands and our wildlife.”

    Well said! 🙂

  27. Sorry, Allen, you need to update your history. There have been numerous fossils discovered throughout North America including California of equines that lived here long after the Pleistocene event which was once thought the cause of their so-called extinction and long before the Spaniards set foot in the West Indies. The only fear a Wild Horse or Burro in North America has of becoming extinct is from people like you.

    All species of equine discovered in NA are related to each other and the modern horse who when set loose upon the land internally returns to the freedom of their genealogy and becomes “Wild” again. But of course you would refer to them as “feral pests” would’t you?

    Sending you Pink Light and Pink Love!

  28. Oh, Allen, I forgot to ask, what is “the current problem”? Something to do with private profit, is it not?

  29. Thank you Barbara Warner for sending this in:

    The recent National Academy of Science (NAS) report on the Wild Horse and Burro Program determined that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has no evidence of excess wild horses and burros; because the BLM has failed to use scientifically sound methods to estimate the populations (NAS, 2013). The NAS cited two chief criticisms of the Wild Horse and Burro Program: unsubstantiated population estimates in herd management areas (HMA), and management decisions that are not based in science (NAS, 2013).

  30. There is no give and take there are no excuses what is going on is going on behind the public’s back its done for greed by cowards who will not follow the rules of law and have no hearts, there is only one answer that all wild horses are free to roam and are respected and protected by the people who are fighting for them not sold by cowards for slaughter. We as a people demand that they get looked after and that ALL is made public and that the activists are allowed into the round ups to see and over see all and report the truth so that this STOPS, its 100% barbaric and cruel and anyone who says that its not needs to come and say that to my face one on one and prove it. Allow the people in to see ALL and REPORT ALL get it on the news stations the radios and the papers so all the world can see these illegal acts done by COWARDS looking for a fast buck living on lies these people are the SHAME of the US. To all the activists, keep fighting, keep pushing and do all thats needed, out these people for what they are. Tell The World. With respect always, James Howie…

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