In the next phase of the WY14 Rescue Mission, Protect Mustangs needs to gentle, feed and care for 14 Wyoming wild horses who were rescued back from the slaughterhouse last year and who will live at the Eco-Sanctuary in about 12 months once it is completed. Please contact Anne Novak, Executive Director via email at or by phone at 415-531-8454 if you have any leads for places in the Bay Area. Thank you!
To put things bluntly and clearly: OK folks this is a chance to put our money where our mouth is. We are going to have to do more of this, support the building of Sanctuaries for Wild Horses, and continue to Donate to Sanctuaries and Rescues that are already established and helping them already! Most of the large Sanctuaries are full to the gills, we need more space for them!! Anne Novak of Protect Mustangs, has been saving Wild horses for six years or more, she has worked closely with the media to publicize their plight. In all of these years, she has worked and worked and worked to Protect Wild Horses (thus the name of their organization “Protect Mustangs”) and now she has 14 beautiful wild young horses, whose parents were sent to slaughter and killed. When Non-Profits and Sponsored organizations (which are supported BY a Non-Profit- which is what Annes organization is) asks for Funding these days, there is a Mob of unconscious people who politically don’t believe in or understand Non-Profits, posting the strangest negative comments . These comments of course, hurt the Fundraisers and then the horses. One of the surest ways of hurting Wild Horses these days is to sabotage the efforts of concerned Public and Non-profits. Many of these oddballs are actually PRO_SLAUGHTER people. Others are simply Hostile or need to travel in “packs” of uninformed, bitter or anxious folks. Their energy could be spent, supporting Sanctuaries and the development of Rescue efforts for Wild Horses and Burros. Non-Profits ask for Donations to support their goals. Anne has been asking for help for weeks now, this is OUR CHANCE to watch our funds, small or large, go into the location of Pasture for these saved Wyoming 14. Eventually, this can manifest into a Sanctuary where all of our efforts can be seen close at hand. Protect Mustangs is great about posting updates, photos and videos that show where donations have gone. If you don’t care about these horses or Protect Mustangs, simply step aside so the horses will finally have a safe haven!! Thank you!!
Please take care for these innocents!!!
Just a word to those who want to undermine the efforts of othérs. You need to reevaluate your dedication to the wild horses because what you are doing is self-centered bs and there is no place for your kind in the run to save horses. Everyone of us must put aside disagreements with each other and fight hard for these horses who are fighting for their lives every day and they need our help!! There are so few of them left it scares me to death that they won’t even be here a year from now. We will have token herds of horses only not really wild anymore but oh so visible for the public to see and think they are wild. Hats off to Anne and Protect Mustangs for fighting so hard for them and making sure the 14 will live in peace from now on!!!