The WY14 are 14 young wild horses from Wyoming who were rescued from Bouvry’s SLAUGHTERHOUSE yard. They need HELP to stay in their new pasture! $2,500 is due for the September board. Please DONATE: They need to raise the money so it can be dispersed before the 1st. This is the first time since the CRUEL BLM Roundup that the WY14 have had any sense of freedom to choose where they go. They are healing front he trauma of the roundup and loss of their families. Thank you for helping to set things right for these survivors.
They are still here—learning growing loving and now free again! They returned from the slaughter house under the capable direction of Anne Novak and now have made it to the range again ! Right before our eyes the WY 14 have grown as a herd and now learn to be wild mustangs again! This is a good day to believe!
Heads up advocates… A huge Ty to Protect Mustangs for working so tirelessly in finding our beautiful horses new grazing land. Although they are enjoying their new munchies, much more help is needed to keep them there, food is not free…, please join me in showing our gratitude to Protect Mustangs by donating to help feed them, every bit helps! Ty To Anne Novak and her team for keeping our horses safe..
It’s wonderful to see how far the WY14+ 2 have come in over a year. More & more people are learning about them & how they were saved. Hay Fundraises have been well supported in the past. We need to continue supporting them by donating to this new fundraise.
These are some very special horses who were saved from slaughter by Protect Mustangs. The rest of their family was taken to slaughter in Canada. They were left without their mothers their herd the only life they knew was ripped away from them. Please help them be free again with lots of land to run on. Things will never be the same for them what happened was very traumatic to these young horses but now they are running on open land and they will begin to heal and take their place in the wild. Just as it should be.
It is not easy to save 14 babies but it didn’t stop these Angels with brave hearts from taking action. The Angels knew it would be tough raising funds and they knew they would have to use a good sum of their own money. These babies do not know the cold hard horror of slaughter but we fight slaughter every day. I donated and will continue to do so as this project is to be commended.
Please chip in to help pay their September board. They really need to rest up here to get over what happened to their mama’s. Just send a little – every little bit helps. Thank you so much!!
If you can help them please do.
The WY 14 are ambassadors for the many hundreds of wild horses being dispossessed of their legal lands in the West by cows and by oil and gas wells. PLease do what you can to help keep them alive, and in the open air, so that they can do their job: demonstrating what we’re all losing (forever) in Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Idaho……. one herd at a time.
I can only imagine how wonderful it feels to these horses to have such a beautiful pasture to run in and graze. Thank you to Anne and Protect Mustangs for procuring this new home for the Wyoming 14. Sustaining this requires consistent financial support from all of us that care about the plight of the wild horses.
They have come a long way in a short time, they deserve protection and respect from us all, its a must that we can give as little as we can and that we keep on getting the word out so that more know and more can help. Keep taking your stand. Peace James.