Truth speaks volumes
The letter from the vet who inspected the WY14™. Dr. Peck D.V.M. says, “…I would grade the condition of these horses as excellent. They appeared very healthy and showed no signs of malnutrition.” and “In my years of experience, this horse holding area is the best I have seen.”
Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.
I could not think of a better way to help the
Wild Mustanges than contributing to support
the WY 14. You can see by the pictures and
the veterinarian check that these horses are
thriving in their environment.
Thanks to Anne Novak and her volunteers.
Imagine if this could be multiplied a hundred fold. Imagine if the BLM did their job as per the law, but then again the BLM has other motives and they have those willing to do their bidding.
My name is Pastor David Ward. I am the founder of Sweet Haven Ranch ( a not for profit horse rescue) ive been a supporter of the WY 14 since the begining. Anne is a personal friend and a trusted respected saver of wild mustangs. We also are saving wild mustangs. These are the BEST horses the good Lord ever graced this earth with.
Pastor David L. Ward
Sweet Haven Ranch
W4207 US HWY 151
Chilton Wi.
To me , this report is not a surprise. Anne has done beautifully with these horses’ ! And is now spending time & money for assurance of their health & transparency to the Public .I have been invited to go see them personally & would only hope that someday I may be able to ! Congratulations & best of Luck & Wishes Protect the Mustangs !!!!
This is a grest report. It comes as no surprse to me.
Dr Peck DVM approved of their condition and the pasture.
I support the WY14 and Anne Novak 100%
Anne Novak for Secretary of the Interior and BLM Head!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!
Wonderful report… Keep up your valuable work!!!
I have made an earlier comment that the WY14 is helping the horses. It is something when it has to have private citizens help the horses whereas the BLM is too damn corrupt, too damn stupid and has idiots and morons running a lousy agency that was no damn good from the get go, with rotten administrators from top to bottom, criminals and murderers all. What do you call a group of lousy people who care not for the welfare of the horses? I’d hope there will be some caring people somewhere, that may be appointed to look out for the welfare of the horses, as these ( bleep) individuals are totally and utterly worthless human garbage!
Critics: Be silenced! This report by an eminently-qualified veterinarian confirms that Executive Director Anne Novak has secured a paradise-of-a-pasture for the WY14. Wildlife Biologist Craig Downer had already found this to be the case, which he detailed in his own report. Now it is time for those who previously had doubts and concerns to be fully assured that the rescued wild horses are healthy and happy. I am proud to support Protect Mustangs and the WY14.
Of course Protect Mustangs would take excellent care of the Wy14. Thank you, Protect Mustangs, for being such great stewards of these horses. You were the only organization that stepped up to rescue these horses.
This should settle the harassment of Anne Novak and Protect Mustangs by the phony “advocates” and their hangers-on.
Indeed, they are some of the luckiest horses on the planet! What with the illegal horse roundups, horses being sent to slaughter, evil PZP experiments being performed on PREGNANT mares (which is blasphemy, by the way), and all this evil being perpetrated by the so-called “government” agency known as the BLM, I am tickled pink that Anne was able to save these horses from that same fate! Thank you to Anne and all those folks who work so tirelessly to care for these wonderful beings! BOOYAH SLANDERERS!! BOOOOOOYAAHHHHH!
Excellent job by Anne Novak and Protect Mustangs! If only BLM could learn from this example of how to care for wild horses…
Great veterinary report on the WY14! That would not have been the case had they not be getting what it takes to thrive by people who truly care about their well being. That they are able to “socialize in a normal fashion” is crucially important to their physical and emotional condition.
Thank you Protect Mustangs! Keep up the great work. Looking forward to when you get your WY14 page up and running!
Keep up the good work Ann! We love you!
Actually people should be donating to help Protect Mustangs because Annie Novak and Craig Downer are against PZP and this horrible BLMS Scientific Research being done on our Wild Horses Both are working very hard to stop the complete Abomination of our Wild Horses. Thank you Annie Novak & Craig Downer, we sincerely appreciate you both! Tina Wooten Equine Rights
Vet. Peck corroborates my findings concerning the Wy 14 and their sanctuary. But do the detractors admit this?
Many thanks to Protect Mustangs and the work they do. I hope this silences the BLM assets. Protect Mustangs is one of the few advocacy groups who refuse to buy into the BLM rhetoric re: over population and refuse to PZP wild horses or agree with any surgical sterilizations. They won’t help the BLM reduce the numbers of wild horses any more than they have already been decimated. They deserve our support and thanks.
Spot on ! Craig Downer , as usual !!!