From a BLM press release
The Bureau of Land Management is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for shooting and killing a wild horse in early October 2015 at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center, near Carson City, Nevada.
The BLM currently manages thousands of wild horses in accordance with the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, which gives the agency a mandate to protect and manage the animals. The Northern Nevada Correctional Center/Stewart Conservation Camp Saddle Horse and Burro Training Program is a cooperative partnership between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Nevada Department of Corrections-Silver State Industries. Through this training program, wild horses and burros are gentled and trained before being adopted. About 60 wild horses and burros are trained and adopted at the facility each year. Currently, the Northern Nevada Correctional Center horse program houses and maintains approximately 1,500 BLM horses.
Individuals with information about this incident are encouraged to call the BLM crime hotline phone number at: 1-800-521-6501
I am surprised that that reward has been offered since the BLM indirectly destroys horses in their roundups and their shipping to the various holding pens, where there is lack of food, shelter and care. Anyone who has bothered to even go to these facilities to view their conditions would be aghast at how these animals are treated. To compound their misery, they are shipped under horrid conditions, by brutal people to their ultimate demise . A reward yes should be offered, not only for the shooting of that horse, but also a huge reward for the destruction and dismemberment of that of the Bureau of Land Management and every single person that are those welfare ranchers. It would be a vast improvement with their being gone.