From Anne Novak
Dry lightening started a fire near the WY14™, rescued wild horses, yesterday around 6:00 pm. The ranch owner and our volunteers with American Wild Horse Institute and Protect Mustangs were on site and ready with our evacuation plan if needed. We prayed through the night we would not need to evacuate but the trailers were hooked up and we were ready. Thank heavens we have a solid evacuation plan.
I don’t know if you know that I’ve been trained by the United States Pony Club (USPC) in Horse Management, assisted the Chief Judges as a Horse Management Judge at competitions so I have been well schooled in horse care, etc. Irma Novak who sits on our board is a USPC national champion in Horse Management. USPC is cavalry based so it’s all about being prepared, knowing what your doing and giving horses the best of care.
The WY14™ Herd were rescued back form the slaughterhouse yard by Mark Boone Junior and I in 2014. Right now they live on 300 acres of rented eco-pasture on a ranch run by professional equestrians in a very tight horse community. A lot of people have their eyes on the WY14™. We have volunteers living near the pasture. Please make a tax-deductible donation to keep them there. Board is due in 2 days! : Thank you and Bless you!
Yesterday some of our members helped evacuate some mustangs in private care who wouldn’t load into the trailer. They helped other horses too. The whole valley was filled with firefighters and people helping neighbors and animals who needed to evacuate.
Right now there are more than 2,000 fire fighters working on the fire with air drops coming from the nearby airport. We are still on alert even though people are bringing their horses back into the community. . . It pays to be safe.
Here is a photo taken from the ranch last night.
Time is ticking. Pasture board is due in 2 days Please HELP Donate and Share the WY14™’s fundraiser: Thank you and Bless you!
The WY14™ send you their Great LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. They are so grateful you are helping them.
With loving kindness,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
501c3 Non-Profit Organization TAX ID: 464516347
Mission: The American Wild Horse Institute is devoted to the education and preservation of American wild horses.
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, CA. 94705
Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.
Omg, please prayer for the WY14,there’s a fire near them that was cause by dry lighting.
Praying for rain and relief to California. these animals have been thru so much! thanks Anne for keepin us updated and for taking care of these animals!
Praying for WY14. God bless them all. So glad yoj are readt eith a plan to help them. Blessings to all wjo are helping you.
BLESSINGS to all in its path.
Keep us updated Anne.