Appeal to stop the wild horse wipe out

© Cynthia Smalley


Dear Friends of wild horses and burros,

Despite the fact that the National Academy of Sciences stated there is “no evidence of overpopulation”, a group with alleged funding related conflict of interest is pushing the sterilizant known as PZP on an uninformed public using the ‘it’s either slaughter or PZP’ scare tactic.

Today’s drug pitch is found in the Huffington Post:  It references population control experiments on the less than 48,000 acre Assateague Island in the East and lacks scientific comparison with the vast open range found in the West–where some herd management areas cover 800,000 acres or more.

Why did the coalition of several groups give up the fight for wild horses’ real freedom?

Freedom is the American mustangs’ right according to the Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971. They should not be manipulated by man on the range nor in congressional back rooms. Native wild horses should never be domesticated through sterilizants with man choosing who breeds. That’s nature’s job in the wild. It fosters survival of the fittest.

The solution to the fertility control debate is to focus on what the wild herds need to thrive in freedom not what a campaign, driven by a sanctuary or the BLM, wants to achieve. We need good science to find solutions.

The BLM wants to eliminate the majority of wild herds to free up public land for toxic drilling so why is this coalition following BLM’s lead to push population control before science?

There is no accurate population count to justify roundups. BLM’s overpopulation claims are a farce.

What’s the solution for a falsified overpopulation problem?  A reality check and good science.

Fearing extinction from excessive roundups since the 2009 public land grab for energy exports, America’s wild horse birthrate in the West is abnormally high. That should be a red flag that there is something seriously wrong with ecology on their native range.

The Chainman Shale deposit of oil and natural gas in northeastern Nevada and into Utah is about to boom. Exploration began around 2009 in tandem with vast roundups removing the majority of wild horses who have the legal right to be on public land. Some went to probable slaughter and others make up the 50,000 captives warehoused in long-term holding facilities at taxpayer expense.

America’s wild horses should live wild and free–not drugged up with “restricted use pesticides” passed by the EPA for pest control and unsafe for domestic horses.

We invite the public and elected officials to demand a 10 year moratorium on roundups for recovery and studies to develop good science for management. Wild horses are an essential part of the thriving natural ecological balance. They will help reverse desertification and reduce global warming by filling their niche on their native range.

Please sign and share the petition for a 10 year moratorium on roundups for recovery and scientific studies:

Contact us if you want to keep America’s herds wild and free. Our email is  We need your help in various ways.

Remember the herds are the lifeblood of our native wild horses. Due to underpopulation their genetic viability is in crisis today. American wild horses must be protected from experimentation and from domestication so they can always run wild and free.

Many blessings,

Anne Novak
Executive Director for Protect Mustangs™

Links of interest:

Chainman Shale:

One of the many pesticide fact sheets:

Are wild horses going to be sterilized due to an advocacy campaign?

Washington Post reports: U.S. looking for ideas to help manage overpopulation

The Horse and Burro as Positively Contributing Returned Natives in North America:

Press Release: No proof of overpopulation, no need for native wild horse fertility control

Bogus Science and Profiteering Stampeding Their Way into Wild Horse Country

Protect Mustangs speaks out against the Cloud Foundation’s PARTNERSHIP with BLM using risky PZP that could terminate natural selection:

Wildlife Ecologist, Craig Downer, speaks out against using PZP in the Pryors:

Report unveils wild horse underpopulation on 800,000 acre Twin Peaks range:
Protect Mustangs educates, protects and preserves native and wild horses. The nonprofit conservation group strives for a moratorium on roundups and science-based holistic land management to reduce global warming.


BAD NEWS! The President’s proposed budget calls for aggressive population control methods. Email your Senators and Rep to defund sterilizations and request a ten-year moratorium on roundups


from Wikimedia

from Wikimedia


“The President’s fiscal year 2015 budget request is outrageous. It favors Big Oil and Gas fracking on public land while funding the American wild horse wipe-out. Currently there is no evidence of overpopulation while the BLM’s  runaway train for sterilization packaged as ‘birth control’ bashes down the tracks. We request a ten-year moratorium on roundups for scientific studies on population, migration and holistic land management. Science must come before aggressive measures to sterilize native wild horses. Birthrates are abnormally high from excessive roundups. Studies show the herds will self-regulate if the BLM stops managing them to extinction.” ~Anne Novak, Executive Director of Protect Mustangs

Contact your senators and representatives today!  Send them the study showing wild horse herds will self-regulate

Please sign and share the Petition to De-Fund & Stop the Roundups.

Sign and share the petition for a 10-year moratorium on roundups for scientific studies:

Read the fine print, ask questions and beware of pleges you are asking your representative to sign. Read: Are wild horses going to be sterilized due to an advocacy campaign?

PZP is a restricted use pesticide approved by the EPA calling wild horses PESTS! The Humane Society of the United States is the registrant of the drug. Why did they name indigenous wild horses pests? Was it to fast-track the drug because the FDA would not approve it?

Press Release: No proof of overpopulation, no need for native wild horse fertility control

Protect Mustangs speaks out against the Cloud Foundation’s PARTNERSHIP with BLM using risky PZP that could terminate natural selection:

Wildlife Ecologist, Craig Downer, speaks out against using PZP in the Pryors:

Proof the herds will self regulate: Study shows wild horse herds with functional social structures contribute to low herd growth compared to BLM managed herds

Use social media, email and call elected officials to help save America’s wild horses. Wild Horse Wednesday™ is a call to action day. #WildHorseWednesday

Go to the 2015 Budget and comment below on the problems you see.

PM BLM Hip Branding

Cross-posted from a BLM press release:

President Proposes $1.1 Billion for BLM in Fiscal Year 2015
Investment in Public Lands Yields $150 billion in Economic Output and 750,000 Jobs

WASHINGTON – President Obama today requested $1.1 billion for the Bureau of Land Management in Fiscal Year 2015, which will enable the BLM to continue to responsibly manage the development of conventional and renewable energy on public lands, conserve valuable wildlife habitat and cultural and historic resources, and implement innovative landscape scale management approaches.

“This balanced and responsible proposal will advance the BLM’s mission of multiple use and sustained yield of the public lands at a time of tight budgets,” said BLM Principal Deputy Director Neil Kornze. “The BLM continues to be a major economic engine for many communities across the West and this budget makes smart investments that provide for a secure energy future, expanded outdoor recreational opportunities and thoughtful resource management.”

Kornze noted that the BLM generates an estimated $150 billion annually in economic output for the Nation and supports more than 750,000 jobs through resource development and conservation and recreational activities on BLM-managed public lands.

The 2015 President’s request seeks $954.1 million for the Management of Lands and Resources appropriation and $104.0 million for the Oregon and California Grant Lands appropriation, the BLM’s two major operating accounts.  The total BLM budget request, partially offset by new fee collections, is a decrease of $5.6 million below the 2014 enacted level.

Under the President’s budget for 2015, the BLM – with a workforce of about 10,000 employees – would focus on the following priorities:

Powering Our Future – The President’s 2015 budget proposes an increase of $20.3 million above the 2014 enacted level ($113.4 million) for the BLM’s Oil and Gas Management program. The request includes both direct appropriations and funding fees for services provided to oil and gas producers on Federal lands.  The request includes an increase of $5.2 million to provide staffing, training, and other resources needed to strengthen operational guidance to BLM units.  The request also includes $4.6 million to strengthen the BLM’s core oversight, leasing and permitting capabilities, allowing the BLM to keep up with industry demand and workload.  Among other things, the increase will enable BLM to fill vacancies and expand staff in key locations, as well as continue implementing leasing reforms instituted in May 2010 by supporting enhanced environmental analysis and planning for future lease sales.  The budget request also proposes to expand and strengthen BLM’s inspection and oversight capability through fees comparable to those assessed for offshore inspections.  This funding will help BLM fully implement a risk-based inspection strategy to improve production accountability, safety, and environmental protection of oil and gas operations.  The budget proposes an inspection fee schedule estimated to generate $48.0 million in offsetting collections, which allows for a proposed reduction of $38.0 million in appropriated funds, while providing an increase of $10.0 million to enhance BLM’s inspection capability.

The President’s Budget request maintains funding for renewable energy at essentially the 2014 enacted level, $29.2 million, providing the BLM with the resources it needs to continue to aggressively facilitate and support solar, wind and geothermal energy development as Interior works toward the President’s goal of approving 20,000 megawatts of renewable energy on public lands by 2020.

Since 2009, the BLM has approved 50 utility-scale renewable energy proposals and associated transmission on public lands, including 27 solar, 11 wind, and 12 geothermal projects. Together, the projects could support more than 20,000 construction and operations jobs and, if fully built, generate nearly 14,000 megawatts of electricity, or enough to power 4.8 million homes.

Complementing the Secretary’s Powering Our Future initiative are efforts to facilitate efficient delivery of energy to the markets where it is needed to meet growing demands.  The West’s aging electrical infrastructure is an impediment to efficient energy transmission and maximizing renewable energy development.  The BLM has a critical role in expanding electric transmission infrastructure through the issuance of rights-of-way.  To support the necessary upgrades needed to improve reliability and increase capacity, the budget includes a $5.0 million increase in the Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management program to enhance the BLM’s ability to identify and designate energy corridors in low conflict areas and to site high-voltage transmission lines, substations, and related infrastructure in an environmentally sensitive manner.

Bureau of Land Management Foundation – The budget proposes to establish a charitable, non-profit organization to benefit the public by protecting and restoring BLM’s natural, cultural, historical, and recreation resources for future generations.  The National BLM Foundation will be similar to existing foundations, including the National Park Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the National Forest Foundation.

Sage-Grouse Conservation – The President’s request continues to provide $15 million to implement broad-scale Sage-Grouse planning and conservation activities to lessen the threats to the sage grouse and its habitat to help prevent the future listing of the species for protection under the Endangered Species Act.  The efforts include amending or revising 98 land-use plans to designate priority habitat; performing habitat restoration and improvement; and conducting habitat mapping, assessment and monitoring activities.

America’s Great Outdoors – The BLM plays a key role in advancing the President’s conservation initiative to reconnect Americans to the outdoors.  More than 61 million visits are made to BLM public lands every year.  Accordingly, the 2015 budget request includes an increase of $1.9 million to strengthen management of national monuments and national conservation areas, key units of BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System that contain some of the West’s most spectacular landscapes.  Other increases in support of America’s Great Outdoors include $900,000 in Recreation Resources Management for planning, visitor safety, and interpretive services and $742,000 in Cultural Resources Management for inventory and site protection activities.

The 2015 budget also includes increases for programs funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, a vital component of the America’s Great Outdoors initiative.  The 2015 budget proposal includes a total of $89.4 million for BLM land acquisition, including $25.0 million in requested discretionary appropriations and $64.4 million in permanent funding.

Wild Horse and Burro Management – The President’s budget proposes a $2.8 million increase in the Wild Horse and Burro Management program to allow BLM to more aggressively implement recommendations in the June 2013 National Academy of Sciences report on improving the WH&B program, including expanding ongoing research on population control methods, a key component of controlling program costs.

Engaging the Next Generation – The 2015 budget request seeks a total of $4.8 million for BLM youth programs and partnerships, a $1.3 million increase over the 2014 enacted level.  This funding will enable the BLM to engage youth in work and training opportunities that promote conservation stewardship and pathways to careers.

Enterprise Geospatial System – The BLM is requesting $3.8 million to expand the implementation of the BLM’s enterprise geospatial system in 2015.  This will include improved data management across administrative units that will provide enhanced information for landscape-scale planning initiatives, include the Greater Sage-Grouse Plan Implementation and Monitoring, Renewable energy Development, Rapid Eco-regional Assessments, Climate Change Adaptation and Regional Mitigation.

Abandoned Mine Lands – A $2.8 million program increase in the Abandoned Mine Lands program will support implementation of the remediation plan goals for 2015 at the Red Devil Mine site in Alaska.

Challenge Cost Share – A proposed program increase of $1.2 million in the Challenge Cost Share program will be leveraged with support from local partner organizations to address priorities for on-the-ground habitat conservation, recreation, and cultural resources protection work.

Livestock Grazing – As in previous years, the Administration’s budget proposal seeks to initiate a grazing administration fee pilot project that would enhance BLM’s capacity for processing grazing permits.  A fee of $1 per animal unit month is estimated to generate $6.5 million in fee collections in 2015, more than offsetting a $4.8 million decrease in appropriated funds in the Rangeland Management program.  The increase of $1.7 million in funding resources will allow BLM to make more progress in addressing the grazing permit backlog.

Alaska Conveyance – The 2015 budget proposal seeks $19 million for the Alaska Conveyance Program allowing the Agency to continue to pursue the implementation of more efficient cadastral survey methods with a goal of completing all Alaska survey and land transfers in the next 10 years.

Oregon and California Grant Lands – The budget proposes reductions totaling $11 million in the Oregon and California Grant Lands account, including a $4.2 million decrease in Western Oregon Resource Management Planning, which is consistent with the expectation that the BLM will complete six resource management plans during fiscal year 2015.

Implementing Federal Oil and Gas Reforms – The 2015 budget includes a package of legislative reforms to bolster and backstop administrative actions being taken to reform management of Interior’s onshore and offshore oil and gas programs, with a key focus on improving the return to taxpayers from the sale of these Federal resources and on improving transparency and oversight.  Proposed statutory and administrative changes fall into three general categories: (1) encouraging diligent development of oil and gas leases, (2) improving revenue collection processes, and (3) advancing royalty reform.  Collectively, these reforms will generate roughly $2.5 billion in revenue to the Treasury over ten years, of which approximately $1.7 billion will result from statutory changes.  Many States also will benefit from higher Federal revenue sharing payments as a result of these reforms.

Modernizing Management of Hardrock Mining and Abandoned Mine Clean-up – The budget includes mandatory proposals to address the legacy of the Nation’s antiquated laws on hardrock mining.  Reforms will ensure the cleanup of environmental and safety hazards from past mining practices by creating a Hardrock Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) program with dedicated funding for AML cleanup, and provide taxpayers a fair return from the mining of gold, silver and other hardrock resources on Federal lands.

Additional details on the President’s FY 2015 budget request are available online at

Link to this alert is here: :

Natural gas pipelines destroy the environment and push out wild horses


© Irma Novak, all rights reserved

© Irma Novak, all rights reserved

The big push to frack for natural gas is for export to Asia.  They need liquid natural gas for their growing electricity needs.

Wild horses are rounded up and removed for mega pipeline projects like the Ruby Pipeline. Many native wild horses have ended up going to slaughter. Politicians sell out to the Oil & Gas lobbyists. It’s time to hold them accountable.

Look at the damage just one section of natural gas pipeline can cause. This is happening today in Canada:

Then there is all the environmental damage caused by fracking to get the natural gas out of the ground. Watch GASLAND 1 and 2 to learn the truth.

Watch GASLAND here:

Watch GASLAND 2 here.

Then join the movement to stop toxic fracking here.



Please sign & share the petition to Save our Native Wild Horses!

© Irma Novak, all rights reserved

© Irma Novak, all rights reserved

Save our native wild horses

The Petition to be delivered to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama

Classify America’s wild horses, E. caballus, as a native species. Horses originated in America and were either returned to their native land or never left. More information can be found here:

Petition Background

Taxpayers are paying for cruel native wild horse roundups in the West–where Big Oil wants to Frack for oil and natural gas–and needs water to do so. A lot of natural gas will be sold to Asia, to make electricity. During and after roundups many wild horses are injured: foals are often killed and many mares miscarry their babies. Currently 50,000 native wild horses are stockpiled in holding, at-risk of going to slaughter, and should be returned to live on public land. Less than 18,000 indigenous wild horses are estimated to be living in freedom now. The National Academy of Sciences reported there is “No Evidence” of overpopulation. has called for population studies with a moratorium on roundups yet Congress is turning a deaf ear. Is the Oil and Gas Lobby influencing our democracy? Indigenous horses fill their ecological niche on public land. They help to reverse desertification, reduce risk of wildfires and create biodiversity for many species to thrive. Please help protect our native wild horses before the herds are destroyed.

LInk to the petition:

Yearling wild filly needs adopter (semi-halter trained)

Cinnamon is a yearling filly #8764. She needs an adopter!

Cinnamon is a yearling filly #8764. She needs an adopter!

UPDATE: Cinnamon has found an adopter! A big thanks to everyone who shared.

Help us find an ADOPTER for Cinnamon (# 8764 yearling wild filly) to save her from getting another STRIKE against her!!! Keep her away from slaughter!

She can be picked up in Florida!

No one has bid on Cinnamon on the internet adoption. WHY isn’t BLM at Palomino Valley promoting her? Why is their adoption program a Marketing FAILURE?

After 3-STRIKES she can be SOLD into the SLAUGHTER Pipeline because The Burns Amendment allows this! She is so young. Please help!!!

Here is the info on Cinnamon according to the BLM:

Sex: Filly Age: 1 Years Height (in hands): 13

Necktag #: 8764 Date Captured: 08/01/12

Color: Sorrel Captured: Desatoya (NV)


#8764 – yearling Sorral Filly, Star gathered August 18, 2012 from NV0606 Desatoya Herd Area, Nevada.

This horse has always been very friendly. She was always the first one to come to the fence to greet the public. Tag# 8764 has been in a pen by herself for two weeks. When we took the pictures on 9/18 she was introduced to her halter, she lipped it for a few minutes and then let us put it on her without any hesatation. She lets us brush her and run our hands down her legs. 8764 has not offered to kick or bite. 8764 is very willing to learn new things. 8764 has not been worked with a lot, she is just a very loving lil filly.

This horse is currently located in Palomino Valley, NV. For more information, please contact Stacy at 775-475-2222, Monday-Friday 8am-4pm or email

CONTACT Anne at 415-531-8454 if you want to adopt her because the BLM fails at placing wonderful wild horses like Cinnamon and we don’t want to see her get 3-Strikes and be SOLD to an alleged KILL BUYER!!!

PICK UP options (by appt): Palomino Valley, NV; Salt Lake, UT; Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK; Piney Woods, MS, Mequon, WI.

Other pick up options: Okeechobee, FLORIDA (Jan 10).

Adoption confirmation for this animal must be finalized no later than Nov 22. After this date, all unclaimed animals will be available for in-person walk up adoption only. Here is her page at BLM:

Adoption info: Applications will be accepted starting November 4, 2013 and will close at noon on November 18.

You are only required to keep the wild horse in high fencing until they are halter gentled. Then they can go with other horses in more regular settings. CALL Anne if you are getting BLM Red Tape.

We want to make it easy for you to adopt a wonderful horse. Cinnamon is already a little bit halter gentled. She will make a great friend. She is as cute as a button and just needs someone to love her.

Please email your Senators and Representative asking them to investigate the broken wild horse and burro adoption program. Thank you for helping Cinnamon. She is one of 50,000 American wild horses at-risk of ending up at probable slaughter.

A Big Thank You to Daryl Hannah for spreading the word about Cinnamon!

Seasons Greetings from BLM

© Michelle Guillot, all rights reserved. Released through Protect Mustangs.

Public outrage gets creative

SAN FRANCISCO (December 20, 2012)–Citizens around the word are outraged at the BLM’s cruelty towards America’s native wild horses. The alleged federally protected mustangs are being rounded up and removed by the thousands only to be stockpiled in the Midwest at taxpayer expense. Some end up in the slaughter pipeline. During the current Owyhee roundup wild horse advocates documented mustangs being chased by a helicopter through barbed wire fencing. Protect Mustangs wants the roundups to stop and for the government to use the wild herds in Holistic Rangeland Management instead to reverse desertification on public land.

Artist Michelle Guillot says she was inspired by the horrific scenes of wild horses being driven through barbed wire at the Owyhee Roundup in Nevada.

“I was so appalled that I had to do something!” states Guillot. “How can the government hire helicopter contractors to push mustangs into barbed wire?”

She made the Seasons Greeting poster to let the world know what’s going on. Protect Mustangs is grateful to be able to release Guillot’s powerful message.

Public outrage is mounting and as a result, Protect Mustangs is organizing a Rally in San Francisco for January 2013. Date, time and place to be announced.

“The cruel roundups must stop,” states Anne Novak, executive director of Protect Mustangs. “Congress needs to listen to the public. They must stop enabling the wild horse wipe out–even if lobbyists are throwing cash around Washington.”

Protect Mustangs encourages Americans to meet with their senators and representatives to ask them to stop the roundups and use wild equids with livestock for Holistic Rangeland Management. This is a powerful solution for climate change–one that will reverse desertification.

The Petition to Defund and Stop the Roundups is circulating. Animal lovers around the world are encouraged to share it with their friends and request the United States Congress stop the cruelty and stop the roundups.

Michelle Guillot retains the copyright to the poster but encourages animal lovers to share the poster to spread awareness. She does not want the poster used for fundraising or commercial use.

The poster may be downloaded from

Protect Mustangs is a California-based preservation group whose mission is to educate the public about the American wild horse, protect and research wild horses on the range and help those who have lost their freedom.  

# # #

Media Contacts:

Anne Novak 415-531-8454,

Kerry Becklund 510-502-1913,



Advocates Protest Wild Horse Removal Near Reno Nevada

Written by Michael Wolfe of  Reno’s 2 News

“…there’s other alternatives…another solution”



A group gathered in south Reno to protest the removal of wild horses.

The small group of wild horse advocates camped out along Veterans Parkway in south Reno Wednesday morning. Several police officers were also on hand to ensure it was peaceful.

The protesters say once the horses are gathered, they could be sold at auction and possibly slaughtered by the buyer.

They say they understand the safety concerns of property owners, but also say they want a better solution.

“I can feel for these homeowners. I really do, but there’s other alternatives and that’s all I want, another solution to this problem,” says Frederick Rodriguez.

We also talked with the property owner.

They tell us the horses can be dangerous if they get too close to cars or homes – and they are simply following the Department of Agriculture’s instructions.

“We comply with their direction instructions explicitly and what these people would like to do is turn them loose. And we’ve had to say ‘no, you cannot go on our property and turn those horses loose, the State Department is on their way to pick them up,’” says Perry Di Loreto.

Di Loreto also said if the advocates have an issue with the removal of the horses — they should raise them with the state.