An American mustangs escapes a cruel death
AMORE’s owners never thought she would be bought at the auction by a Kill-Buyer who would sell her to slaughter. Someone who loved her braided her hair and made her look pretty hopping she would go to a good home. Poor baby ended up in the clutches of the killers!
Thanks to an angel named Clare Staples and with the help of Jim McQuillen, Protect Mustangs got her away from the killers!
Then the little mare got sick and had to stay in Quarantine in Oklahoma for about 2 months. She was well taken care of by Tonni and we are so thankful for her wonderful care. Now AMORE is ready to go back out West where she is from.
PROTECT MUSTANGS and AMORE want to thank everyone who pulled together to donate and share her Quarantine and Transportation fundraiser making it a success in less than 3 days. It takes a village and you all are part of this special rescue. We are grateful you are friends of AMORE. She sends her love and blessings.
AMORE is going to be safe in CALIFORNIA. She will live with some of the other mustangs from our Outreach Program. She’s about 15 years old now and when she gets older she will retire with the other mustangs and NEVER be at risk again of becoming meat on someone’s dinner plate in a foreign country.
If you are interesting in sponsoring AMORE and being a very special part of her life please contact Anne Novak at 415-531-8454.