Butterball #scam for mustang slaughter

“BLM’s got those wild horses as fat as butterballs–all paid for with taxpayer dollars,” explained an anonymous source. “That way they always have buyers wanting them by the truckload.”

“If you think they aren’t selling wild horses to buyers taking them to slaughter then you’re really naive,” continued the source. “BLM just hasn’t got caught recently.”

Why are holding facilities fattening up native wild horses with alfalfa to the point of obesity and cresty necks? Aren’t they worried the mustangs might get sick and founder? Or are they just fattening them up to sell them off?


“Do you know what ever happened to the racket they were running out of Utah?” the source snickered. “Remember when they had a truckload of mustangs as fat as butterballs heading to slaughter? They were going to get busted because someone squealed.  BLM busted them to keep the truth from getting out.”

The source was referring to this:

BLM mustangs seized in slaughter ring KSL.com


Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Roundups for research: Animal cruelty funded by tax dollars

PM Roundups for research Meme FB

How did the little burros die in Utah?

Is this how you want your tax dollars used?

While looking through the Bureau of Land Management’s 2016 tentative roundup schedule we noticed that several wild horse and burro roundups in Utah are for “research’. Some wild horses in Utah are being forced to wear hazardous radio collars around their necks so the BoLM can study herd migration, etc. This should be illegal according to the 1971 Protection Act but the BoLM, represented by the Department of Justice in court, is getting away with atrocities. Utah is a very corrupt state with strict Ag-gag laws and biased judges in federal court. We witnessed that firsthand when Protect Mustangs and Friends of Animals tried to stop the Sulphur Roundup in 2015. It seemed like the federal judge was part of the BoLM club.

This is what we saw on the roundup schedule:

PM Roundups for research 1


PM Roundups for Research 2

So how did the burros die?

PM BLM Investigating Burro Deaths Utah


Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.