Beloved wild horses at auction against the public’s wishes
Right now 41 wild horses from the Reno area including Rambo’s band are at the Fallon Auction where kill buyers come to buy horses for slaughter.
Governor Sandoval refused to step in and stop the auction despite protests. Read his response here:
Advocates and concerned citizens are hoping to save these iconic mustangs from being sold into the slaughter pipeline.
We have been in touch with Shannon Windle, President of the Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund who has arrived at the scene and is working on saving horses. She said there are a lot of horses.
Contact Governor Sandoval to tell him you don’t want native wild horses sold at auctions where kill buyers shop. Ask him to give the horses to local advocacy groups rather than sell them into the slaughter pipeline.
Call, email and/or fax Nevada’s Governor Brian Sandoval,
Office Phone: (775) 684-5670
Office Fax: (775) 684-5683
Tweet ©GOVSandoval Use #NEVADA to let the Governor.
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