“BLM’s got those wild horses as fat as butterballs–all paid for with taxpayer dollars,” explained an anonymous source. “That way they always have buyers wanting them by the truckload.”
“If you think they aren’t selling wild horses to buyers taking them to slaughter then you’re really naive,” continued the source. “BLM just hasn’t got caught recently.”
Why are holding facilities fattening up native wild horses with alfalfa to the point of obesity and cresty necks? Aren’t they worried the mustangs might get sick and founder? Or are they just fattening them up to sell them off?
“Do you know what ever happened to the racket they were running out of Utah?” the source snickered. “Remember when they had a truckload of mustangs as fat as butterballs heading to slaughter? They were going to get busted because someone squealed. BLM busted them to keep the truth from getting out.”
The source was referring to this:
Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.
URGENT: They have forecasted MORE SNOW Sunday! We can’t buy a big load of hay until the WY14’s goal is met here: https://www.gofundme.com/WY14WinterHay It’s getting close to the halfway mark. Please help with a donation to FEED the Dry Creek WY14 this Winter. Your donations are tax-deductible and will make a direct impact on the lives of the youngsters rescued back from the slaughterhouse.
Thank you for being part of the WY14 Rescue Mission.! Protect Mustangs is 100% volunteer so every dollar counts and they all add up to help the youngsters eat and stay warm in the snow.
If you would like to make a donation by www.PayPal.com please send it to Contact@ProtectMustangs.org
Or send a check by mail to:
Protect Mustangs
PO Box 5661
Berkeley, CA. 94705
Thank you for your hay donation to feed them so they can stay warm in the freezing winter nights.
The WY14 love you and know you are helping them. They send their heartfelt gratitude and blessings.
Here is the first video clip released of some members of the WY14. Please help them raise the money before 3 p.m. (Pacific Time) March 31st to get their semi-load of hay. Donations are tax-deductible and sharing helps too. Here is the link: http://www.gofundme.com/HayDriveWY14Spitfire
The survivors need hay to grow strong and heal from the trauma of the roundup that sent all their herd members over the age of 2 to slaughter. The clock is ticking.. . Please help the WY14 and Baby Spitfire! It takes a village.
They send their love and are so grateful you care.
Many blessings,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
“Here is a two-fer fer ya: Give a generous donation to help feed the Wyoming 14 and get a year end tax deduction. Make it big enough and maybe you can drop into a lower tax bracket: a real win: win for you and for the mustangs. Don’t hesitate though–only a few days left to do it. Or please just do it for the sake of keeping these wild mustangs, saved from the slaughterhouse from going hungry over the winter.” ~Carl Mrozek, filmmaker of the burro film in the works called Saving Ass in America. You might have seen Carl’s nature footage on CBS Sunday Morning News. Here is an example: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/nature-wild-palomino-horses/
One of the reasons why we are fundraising on an open platform at GoFundMe http://www.gofundme.com/9xcfag and http://www.gofundme.com/fujloc is to provide transparency and education. Your donations are tax-deductible as well. Our transparency is important and crowd funding encourages transparency. We also accept donations via PayPal to Contact@Protect Mustangs.org Most people have no idea how much is really being donated to orgs and how much the true cost is to feed and care for rescued wild horses for example.
Out on public land it costs basically nothing to have wild horses and burros because they are part of the eco-system and fill their niche. It’s important to fight for their freedom to live in the wild.
Our plan is to create a sustainable eco-sanctuary where the the wild horses can graze and we can grow hay for the winter. The WY14 will be allowed to live in sanctuary and to be observed by visitors, students, artists, veterans, etc. They will only be minimally gentled to provide foot care and other care as needed but otherwise left in peace. The other wild horses in our Outreach Program are Ambassadors that interface with the public in a hands on way and will go to events to champion and encourage wild horse adoption as well as bust prejudice against WILD horses.
Val for example has already dispelled many myths to a lot of DVMs and vet students at UC Davis. It’s beautiful to watch it happen. Maybe now some of those people will think slaughtering wild horses is a bad idea because they met Val.
We are a national nonprofit organization based in California. Donations made directly to us via www.PayPal.com or by mail to Protect Mustangs, PO Box 5661, Berkeley, Ca. 94705 should be tax-deductible retroactively as we are filing with the IRS in 2014. Meanwhile the Andean Tapir Fund (501c3) is our fiscal sponsor while ours is in the works. When we have our own 501c3 status then we will start a fundraising campaign to create the ecosanctuary. In the meantime we need to feed, board, train and care for the wild horses in our program. We are 100% volunteer–no salaries. Your tax-deductible donations are going to the wild horses in our program.
Hay is extremely expensive and the only power we have to get a better rate is if we buy semi truck loads. We haven’t been able to raise that kind of money so we buy it in blocks of 30 bales or less at a time. Most rescues and sanctuaries are struggling with hay prices so high. For example, in the SF Bay Area hay retails for $25 a bale. In Reno the hay is cheaper. We always are sourcing out better prices to stretch out donor dollars.
We must get more hay for the 14 rescued orphans from Wyoming (WY14) to eat this week so I want you to know that your donations are SO NEEDED to keep the young rescued wild horses from feeling hungry.
Left in the wild, they cost virtually nothing, heal the land and live in freedom for the public to enjoy anytime they can find them. After the roundups some lucky ones are saved but many disappear. . .
Sadly all the wild horses over three-years-old from the WY14’s herd were slaughtered at the Canadian plan to be eaten abroad as a “delicacy”. The WY14 were being fattened up in the feedlot surely to be live shipped to Asia to become foal sashimi. Expensive foal meat is pink whereas the pricey meat from 3-year-olds and up is dark red. That’s the only reason the WY14 were still alive when we found them and rescued them.
We are a 100% volunteer organization with no salaries. We give all we can. The WY14 need help to buy hay for them to eat. When you donate, you are providing direct aid to keep them fed so they won’t starve.
With your help we can make sure the WY14 are well fed and taken care of. Together we will honor the native herd that was brutalized and slaughtered by taking care of the 14 young orphans eventually in an eco-sanctuary.
As of September 26th, all the money raised up until that point has been spent. Hay prices are outrageous and are going to get worse this winter. This is becoming a dire situation. The WY14 need your help today!
The WY14 know they have angels out there like you, helping them. . . They need everyone’s prayers to heal from the trauma of the roundup and loss of their families. It was brutal and their healing will take a long time.
Please help the WY14 with a hay donation today. Thank you for your kindness and compassion for the 14 innocents who have been so traumatized. God bless you!
Only a few hours left to get the t-shirts accounted for or they won’t go to print. Do you know anyone who might like one of the “I Love Ponies . . . Discover Mustangs” awareness t-shirts in kids–adult sizes for only $20. each? All the money raised in this fundraiser goes to feed the Outreach Mustangs in our program.
Thanks to donations for the Outreach Mustangs, Tibet was able to get his feet trimmed.
Good foot care is essential to keep a horse healthy and for youngsters to grow properly. In the wild, mustangs wear their feet down but once they are living in captivity quality foot care is one of the best things you can do for them. Sadly the Bureau of Land Management neglects captive wild horses feet in the pens. We are grateful to be able to give excellent corrective foot care to the wild horses in our Outreach Program.
Every trim is always another learning experience. Today Tibet (Divide Basin, Wyoming) was trimmed for the first time in the big barn at the boarding facility with other horses around in stalls, horses walking in and out and being saddled up and hosed off. His back was facing a lot of the activity so he learned to be OK with that.
Terry Johnson, one of our the farriers, is so patient with young horses and has no prejudice against wild horses. Sadly some farriers think wild horses will be difficult and refuse to work with them. Wild horses are just like green horses once they are gentled.
Tibet is only 2. We saved him a year ago from facing his 3rd Strike and possibly being sold to a kill buyer for $10 in a truckload of wild horses ending up at slaughter.
One hoof trimmed and 3 more to go.
Then he got squirmy so I hand fed him some hay. A lot dropped on the floor. We had to keep his head up so the farrier could work on him without Tibet moving about.
Tibet heard the tractor going to get the hay for dinner and he became more squirmy.
The farrier suggested we give him some alfalfa pellets and boy was Tibet a happy camper! So that’s how we finished the job.
Blondie got a trim also thanks to her sponsor
Blondie was distracted by so much activity in the big barn but the grain worked wonders for her also. Such a great learning experience for Blondie too!
Val and Sol need their feet trimmed next please donate to help the Outreach Mustangs
Contact us if you would like to sponsor Val, Sol or Tibet to be a very special part of their lives and an essential force in our Outreach Program. These Ambassadors are educating many people about the plight of America’s wild horses.
You may also make a one time or monthly donation for the Outreach Mustang Fund that pays for hay, board and trims. We are 100% volunteer non-profit organization with all the money going directly to the wild horses. We donate our time to care, train and engage in outreach with the wild horses in our program.
Right now on Facebook we have a fundraiser for the Fund. You can donate $150 and receive a one of a kind handmade turquoise bracelet as a thank you.
Here is a slide show of Blondie & Tibet during their first turnout after we gentled them.
Near unprecedented drought in South Dakota has placed the historic International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB) in an emergency situation. There has been virtually no snow, there is virtually no grass growing and ISPMB is having to actually import hay from Canada at huge expense to feed their herd of about 100 Virginia Range mustangs.
Karen Sussman has two priorities. The first is to be able to continue to feed the horses in the preserve. A donor who had indicated that he was shipping truckloads of western hay to the preserve failed to come through. As a result, ISPMB is still having to raise funds to purchase Canadian hay.
The second priority is to reduce the herd by placing horses with other groups and responsible individuals. Karen is very reluctant to adopt horses locally due to their proximity to Canadian slaughterhouses.
Many of the horses are nice looking and are relatively friendly. If you or your group could help by accepting a few of these horses and/or assisting with hay expenses, please contact the ISPMB at http://ispmb.org or telephone 605-964-6866.
Historically the ISPMB has helped other groups with placing horses and now they need our help.
Footnote: This “problem” has developed into a full blown emergency. Additional anticipated snow did not fall and ISPMB has to relocate their horses by the end of March! Calling all advocates! This emergency will require a “team” response to be resolved.
PO Box 55
Lantry, SD 57636-0055
605-430-2088 ispmb.org