I just got off the phone with the Dewey County Sheriff. The counties and State Attorney are in a meeting now to decide what they are going to do with the 700 Mustangs from the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB) currently in their care and control. More Team Leaders are needed to each find homes for 28 mustangs. Call me if you can help 415-531-8454 The deadline to get in adoption applications is Wednesday November 30th at 6:00 PM California time. Please adopt ISPMB Mustangs from Wild Horse Annie’s Organization and Save their lives!
I have heard that people are asking for donations to euthanize the ISPMB Mustangs and I find that disgusting! No excuse for euthanasia when adoption effort isn’t flowing. Fix it please!Even the older mustangs deserve to live! #NoKILL.
If everyone works together we can find homes for all the ISPMB Mustangs that need homes! Spread the word and find adopters! The clock is ticking . . . Get the adoption applications filled out, sent in, approved, load the ISPMB Mustangs with donated panels and get them in trailers headed for safety. I do not know exactly how many need to be re-homed but in times like these we must prepare for the worst and pray for the best. The Sheriff told me they have control of the ISPMB Mustangs as of December 1st.
We have reports of many applications being backlogged. Let’s get all the people needed involved to help move it forward to save the lives of ISPMB Mustangs.
We ask that the ISPMB Mustangs be protected and that people Do NOT Euthanize ISPMB wild horses and do not sell them at auction especially when the Tree Leaders are hard at work finding adopters and boarding for the mustangs! Working together round the clock we have found homes for more than 100 ISPMB wild horses just today and it’s only noon on Tuesday Nov 29th California time.
We have people willing to board adopted ISPMB mustangs through the winter in Colorado so you can have them hauled to your home after winter is over and the roads are clear. One awesome team leader will board 28 ISPMB mustangs that belong to adopters for about $175 each per month in Colorado and that includes hay. They will even board YOUR ISPMB Mustang for the life of your horse!
More boarding situations are coming forward and we need more offers please! Call me at 415-531-8454 if you can board adopted ISPMB Mustangs through the winter. Transport is needed too!
We can board a few at our new farm in Walnut Creek short-term. There are people in Reno who can board your adopted ISPMB Mustangs for under $200 a month (including hay) too!
We are looking for places in South Dakota to cheaply board your ISPMB Mustangs over the winter until transport can easily flow in and out in the Spring! There are solutions. PLEASE ADOPT TODAY! #NoKILL
If people euthanize the ISPMB Mustangs because their adoption plan didn’t work then they are sending the message to the Bureau of Land Management and Congress that they should euthanize BLM wild horses too. Do you realize the message you are sending out?
Here’s the new adoption form. Be sure to click on the button to have a copy of your application sent to you: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdXEVFZhWzY6qKuPr…/viewform
Please get your Applications in to ISPMB! Do not KILL older wild horses or any of them! Give them a chance! Open up the bottleneck and approve adoption applications please!
For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
Protect Mustangs
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, California 94705
Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.