2 hours South of #StandingRock there is a very corrupt situation happening in Lantry, South Dakota involving the lives of up to 700 Mustangs at the oldest sanctuary in America–with some of the purest herds of Wild Mustangs. Wild Horse Annie started the nonprofit organization known as the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB) decades ago.
One herd known as the Gila Herd Karen A. Sussman I believe saved. The rare herd has only 139 Mustangs so it seems they are self-sustaining and not overpopulating! That is the Truth. Do the PZP Pushers and PRO-SLAUGHTER Activists want you to be ignorant?
PRO-SLAUGHTER Activists are all over the Sheriff’s FB page stroking him for planning to take the Mustangs to the SLAUGHTER Auction so the Mustang Advocates can try to save them at the Auction paying big bucks. . . SICK. And risky. How many will the Kill-Buyers get? How many will the Kill-Buyers sell to horse advocates in the parking lot for 8 times as much as what they paid without even loading them in their trailer?
I remember this happening when the Fort McDermitt wild horses were rounded up and sold at the notorious Fallon Auction House.
Why haven’t groups helped the ISPMB reduce their herd through adoption, etc. and get a Big ranch so these native wild horses can graze half of the year to cut costs? Why did so many wild horses need to live on such a small piece of land? The annual cost of hay is huge.
Did you know that Karen A. Sussman has a PT job as a Nurse? What is rumor? What is smear? What are LIES? What is truth?
Why is HSUS claims they are funding Fleet of Angels for this “campaign” and “manpower” but not getting back to people who put in their adoption applications before the deadline to rescue hundreds of lives? Why didn’t they charge a $200. adoption fee to offset costs owed to the county for hay? Did they want adoption to fail so they can make a spectacle over this to push their PZP Pesticide? OMG Lives are at stake! Don’t they care?
Why is this HSUS Crowd of PZP Pushers (people like Neda, Ginger, Denize and others) trying to defame me by calling me “insane” and “crazy”? Is it because I’ve spoken out against PZP Pesticide, exposed the dangers according to science http://protectmustangs.org/?page_id… created the PZP Forum https://www.facebook.com/groups/For… to educate people about PZP so they can make their own decisions?
Why did Clare Staples, now working with In Defense of Animals, (IDA), speak with a professional contact of mine and slander me by calling me a “Madwoman”? What’s happened to wild horse advocacy?
I understand why PRO-SLAUGHTER Activists slander me regularly because I Save Horses’ Lives. Our team saves horses’ lives that the Horse-Killers want to either CARVE UP for heinous Nazi-like Population Control Experiments or SLAUGHTER them for Human Consumption abroad. If people want to call me a Madwoman to be against this CRUELTY then whatever! #HorseLivesMatter #WaterIsLife #VetsStand #NoDAPL
Please avoid the PRO-SLAUGHTER Distraction and focus on getting trailers in to save the ISPMB Mustangs’ Lives! ISPMB Mustangs are getting severely injured because people want to get them in the trailer when there is ice and snow on the ground. How many wild horses are going to die from broken legs to be saved?
Call the Governor’s office and ask for more time to finish and load all the adopted ISPMB Mustangs. Governor Dennis Dauguard: Tel: 605.773.3212 Send a Fax: 605.773.4711 Ask for an extension to get the adopted ISPMB Mustangs hauled out to their adoptive homes.
If you filled out the ISPMB application before midnight November 30th, then you could send in at least $1. per mustang you are adopting/buying to seal the “Bill of Sale” deal and make it legally binding so the mustangs you are RESCUING belong to you! Send $1. per mustang you are adopting to https://www.paypal.com/donate/… Make it clear this money is for purchasing the ISPMB Mustangs you applied to get. Include your name and keep a copy of the PayPal transaction. Upon receipt of the $1 and when you get a signed copy of the Bill of Sale I believe they become your property. I believe YOU will have legal recourse to save their lives until you can pick them up. Ask an attorney for specifics but I wouldn’t listen to anyone working with HSUS because this whole deal stinks!
For the Wild Ones,
Volunteer Executive Director
(Photos posted for discussion in the Fair Use Act)