December 1st update on ISPMB Mustangs


I’m posting this because so many people are asking questions and want to know what’s going on.

The State Attorney in South Dakota said he’s willing to consider proposals for the situation at the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB ). This includes evidence that funding will be available to the ISPMB for the next 18 months for the organization to get on their feet. He also wants money to cover all the county’s costs of caring for the ISPMB Mustangs. For example, if the ISPMB can pay them through January 1st if he would consider granting an extension for adoptions to occur, etc. Basically in the same breath he said the county will continue forward preparing for the sale of ISPMB Mustangs at public auction because the county has a lien on the majority of the 700 ISPMB Mustangs–Not the 20% who are being allowed to be adopted in this first leg of adoption. The State Attorney’s name is Steve Aberle and his number is (605) 865-3528 .

I heard that through donations the ISPMB has been paying off the money owed to the county to feed the mustangs. Adoptions will reduce the herd size. With a reduced herd, a sustainable business plan and help with management Karen Sussman could turn this around and save Wild Horse Annie’s Legacy organization.

Why did the organizations with millions in the bank wait for this crisis to finally help the ISPMB Mustangs with some hay? Why didn’t organizations help ISPMB when the Director needed it and when she asked to avoid this crisis? Did they want her to fail?

What happened when the PZP grants for birth control studies were over around 2012? Is this when the ISPMB started to be financially challenged?

I bet it would help if the ISPMB could move to a huge ranch with grazing to lower their hay costs.Then they could graze half of the year.

The money numbers I hear from the Sheriff and from the State Attorney that are needed to stop the rest of the ISPMB Mustangs from going to sale, are different amounts. The State Attorney wants an escrow account. He claims it costs $50,000. a month to feed them hay.

It’s going to cost the county a lot of money to get the ISPMB mustangs to sale in the middle of the winter. Horses don’t sell for much at auction in South Dakota. Of course that’s what the Kill-Buyers are counting on. A wealthy PRO-SLAUGHTER activist lives in South Dakota. She arrived at ISPMB weeks ago with trailers hoping to load them up with mustangs from Wild Horse Annie’s organization. Karen Susssman kicked the slime off the property.

It appears the State Attorney has at least one proposal on the table from the newly formed Wild Horse Sanctuary Alliance who has been working with Elaine Nash according to her update. I wonder if HSUS is part of this Sanctuary Alliance too? There could be some other proposals on the table as well.

December 30th I was told that all the adoptions that were approved by Karen A. Sussman by midnight would be honored and the mustangs protected. I don’t know when adoption approval letters are going out as I’m not involved with adoption approvals. So please be patient.

For all adopters needing transportation assistance, make sure you have filled out paperwork with the Fleet of Angels ( who I believe has been receiving donations for transportation to help this rescue.

Adopters are required to pay for the Coggins and health certificates. If you are adopting a lot of ISPMB Mustangs and require financial assistance for Coggins, etc. then I encourage you to start a fundraiser on and share it with your network of family and friends.

Personally I find the lack of transparency and lack of updates with regards to this situation troubling. It creates a hotbed for Facebook rumors and drama. I hope the South Dakota State Attorney and/or the Dewey County Sheriff’s Dept. will start posting daily updates on Facebook because so many people are concerned.

I don’t want too see the Kill-Buyers get any ISPMB Mustangs and I don’t want too see any euthanized unless they are unable to heal.

I’ve received reports that the paid PRO-SLAUGHTER Trolls have been bullying adopters and spreading lies. Stand Strong for the lives of these wild horses you are protecting!

Several people have contacted me who will take the blind, special needs and old mustangs. A lot of those people turned in adoption applications.

The proposal to euthanize ISPMB Mustangs through a “compassion adoption” is outrageous and sets the wrong example for the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Congress. I hope people realize–after the tremendous effort our team leaders put out to bring in hundreds of homes for ISPMB Mustangs–that unless the wild horses are severely ill or injured people want to save their lives.

I’ve asked Fleet of Angels for the final count of the total number of ISPMB Mustangs who have offers for adoption and I look forward to the answer. I’m so thankful so many people worked so hard in the last 3 days to get adoption applications in. It’s evidence that these wild horses are wanted and deserve to live.


I’m so grateful for the outpouring of support to find homes for the ISPMB Mustangs. It’s a bit unclear what’s happening behind the scenes right now. I hope we will get updates from county officials and ISPMB in the future. Let’s see how this all plays out and pray for miracles.


For the Wild Ones,

Anne Novak

Volunteer Executive Director

Protect Mustangs

P.O. Box 5661

Berkeley, California 94705

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.

Butterball #scam for mustang slaughter

“BLM’s got those wild horses as fat as butterballs–all paid for with taxpayer dollars,” explained an anonymous source. “That way they always have buyers wanting them by the truckload.”

“If you think they aren’t selling wild horses to buyers taking them to slaughter then you’re really naive,” continued the source. “BLM just hasn’t got caught recently.”

Why are holding facilities fattening up native wild horses with alfalfa to the point of obesity and cresty necks? Aren’t they worried the mustangs might get sick and founder? Or are they just fattening them up to sell them off?


“Do you know what ever happened to the racket they were running out of Utah?” the source snickered. “Remember when they had a truckload of mustangs as fat as butterballs heading to slaughter? They were going to get busted because someone squealed.  BLM busted them to keep the truth from getting out.”

The source was referring to this:

BLM mustangs seized in slaughter ring


Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

BREAKING: 79 3-Strike Wild Horses and Burros from PVC and Fallon are Offered FOR SALE on the Internet #Nevada79

Help the 3-Strike wild horses and burros who have lost their protections get to safe homes away from Kill Buyers!

PM Sale Authority List PVC Fallon A July 8 2016

PM Sale Authroity List PVC Fallon B July 8 2016



Dear Friends of Wild Horses & Burros,

All of these wild horses and burros known as the #Nevada79 have received 3-Strikes and are now considered Sale Eligible thus losing their protections. 12 are located at the Palomino Valley Center outside Reno, Nevada and 67 are located at the facility in Fallon, Nevada known as Indian Lakes.

Let’s make sure none of them go to kill buyers signing on the dotted line and lying to BLM.

Here is the list: PM AWHI PVC Fallon Sale Eligible WOF53WOF56asof0 7 08 16

Most of these wild horses and burros will be put on the Internet Adoption for Sale starting next week here: 

Let’s get them into loving homes in pairs. Let’s get all of them to safety!

With devotion,

Anne Novak

Executive Director
Tel./Text: 415.531.8454
Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses. We are a member of the Alliance for Wild Horses and Burros
 BLM explains how they create 3-Strike wild horses:
PM Oct 2014 PVC Mirror

Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

#URGENT ~ Which wild horses have 3-Strikes and who was really picked up by adopters? Who needs to be saved? #Call2Action


1.) After the BLM’s poorly publicized Internet Adoption, which wild horses have three-strikes therefore losing their protected status?

2.) Which wild horses have been picked up by adopters and who is still at risk?

3.) Who wants to save some 3-Strike wild horses?

Answer in the comments below and let’s network these wild mustangs to safety away from kill buyers’ trucks.

BEWARE: Pro-Slaughter Activist have been sabotaging our posts on Facebook and getting them deleted from groups they have infiltrated. They can’t mess with saving wild horses from slaughter on our website so let’s get to work!

FALLON, Nevada Part I :

PM FALLON Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 1

FALLON, Nevada Part 2:

PM FALLON Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 2

FALLON, Nevada Part 3:

PM FALLON Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 3


BURNS, Oregon Part 1:

PM BURNS Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 1


BURNS, Oregon Part 2:

PM BURNS Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 2

RIDGECREST, California Part 1:

PM RIDGECREST Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 1


RIDGECREST, California Part 2:

PM RIDGECREST Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 2


RIDGECREST, California Part 3:

PM RIDGECREST Who is 3-Strikes Now Part 3

Information on BLM’s 3-Strike system is here.

The BLM’s online gallery is here:

Sale Authority wild horses come with title immediately.

See the empty captive pens at Palomino Valley Center where 1,800 wild horses and burros lived:

Follow Anne Novak on Facebook: and on Twitter:

Follow Protect Mustangs on Facebook:

Our email is

Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Failed Internet adoptions generate dangerous strikes for young wild horses

Tibet (#9783) is a wild horse yearling from Wyoming who has 2-Strikes against him.

3 Strikes and federally protected wild horses can be sold to anyone who says they wont sell them to slaughter

Several young wild horses in the recent internet adoption were passed over and now have received two strikes against them. All the others have one strike now. Most of these wild horses are yearlings.

BLM’s head office confirmed by email what we warned was happening despite certain holding facilities giving out misleading information and confusing the public.

Now we must act quickly to save the 2-strikes horses on the list and ensure the 1-strikers get adopted before they get two more strikes and can be sold for $10 each by the truckload to people like Tom Davis, exposed in the recent ProPublica report. Davis is quoted as saying:

“Hell, some of the finest meat you will ever eat is a fat yearling colt.”

We are working with an adopter for Desiree (2-Strike two year old mare from Nevada).

We need donations for Tibet’s transportation from Wyoming to the San Francisco Bay Area and for Blondie from Litchfield to the Bay Area too.

Thank you for taking action to help save these 2-Strike yearlings and help find adopters for the other at-risk young mustangs.

You may donate via PayPal to  We are very grateful for your help to save these young wild horses.

Blondie (#3498) is a 2-Strike wild horse yearling from California’s High Rock HMA.

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: Answers to your question and strike status of internet
From: “Collins, Deborah A” <>
Date: Thu, October 25, 2012 10:02 am
To: Anne protectmustangs

Hi Anne.  Sorry for not getting back to you yesterday.  Meetings and report deadlines held me up.  Please see the strike status of the horses in question below my responses to your adoption/sale questions . . .

From: []

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:31 AM

To: Collins, Deborah A

Subject: Number of strikes

Dear Debbie,

May I please have the strike status (number of & date accrued) to include the last internet adoption for the following wild horses:

From Litchfield, California:

The California 11 wild horse yearlings who were passed over in the last internet adoption

#2484 Sorrel Gelding:     No Bid on the  internet adoption. 1 strike. Now going to IN adoption to potential adopter. (Sweet Baby Red)

#2534 Appaloosa Gelding:   No Bid on the  internet adoption. 1 strike. Now going to IN adoption to potential adopter. (Happy)

#2868 Bay Filly:   No Bid on the  internet adoption. 1 strike. Now going to IN adoption to potential adopter.

#3361 Brown Filly:   No Bid on the  internet adoption. 1 strike. Now going to IN adoption to potential adopter. (Lily)

#3416 Brown Gelding:   No Bid on the  internet adoption. 1 strike. Now going to IN adoption to potential adopter. (Wise Soul)

Still in California as of this date:

#2600 Brown Gelding:   1 Strike as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption. (Stuart)

#3278 Sorrel Filly:   1 Strike as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption has an adopter (Sky Dancer)

#3298 Brown Gelding:   1 Strike as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption has an adopter (Rubin)

#3306 Brown Filly:   1 Strike as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption. (Brownie)

#3498 Sorrel Filly:  No Bid on the internet adoption. Now has 2 strikes.

From Rock Springs, Wyoming:

#9783:  No Bid on the  internet adoption. 2 strikes. Now going to Mantle’s for potential adopter. 

#9380:  1 Strike as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption. (We are going to verify with BLM as we were told Merlot had 2 strikes now. He can leave the facility in January as he was not able to get out yet with an adopter. Please adopt Merlot)

#6144:  No Bid on the  internet adoption. 1 strike. We were told earlier Sophie had 2 strikes. Now going to Mantle’s for potential adopter.

From Palomino Valley Center, Nevada:

#4371:  2 Strikes as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption. (Desiree)

#6457:  1 Strike as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption. (Ellie)

#6140:  1 Strike as of conclusion of Sept 26 internet adoption. (Honey)


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Protect Mustangs is a Bay Area-based preservation group whose mission is to educate the public about the American wild horse, protect and research wild horses on the range and help those who have lost their freedom.  



BLM explains how they count strikes against wild horses

Wild mustang weanling in holding. (Photos © Anne Novak, all rights reserved.)

Native Wild horses can loose their federally protected status and be sold of by the truckloads after getting 3 strikes

We are sharing our email with BLM officials in the Washington D.C. office to educate and create awareness of how the 3-Strikes system works. We believe in transparency. After 3-Strikes even a yearling can be sold to anyone signing the dotted line who agrees they will not sell any horses to slaughter, etc. Of course we all know kill buyers aren’t the most honest people on the planet . . .

Here is the email stream:

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: 3-strikes questions
From: “Collins, Deborah A” <>
Date: Mon, October 22, 2012 12:02 pm
To: Anne protectmustangs
Cc: “Gorey, Tom” , “Spencer, Sally J”
<>, “Lewis, Bridget L” <>,
BLM_WO_Wild_Horse <>
Hi Anne.When Congress amended the 1971 Act to add a sale category for excess animals, they defined a sale animal as:(
1) In general. Any excess animal or the remains of an excess animal shall be sold if-

(A) the excess animals is more than 10 years old; or(B) the excess animal has been offered unsuccessfully for adoption at least 3 times.The BLM then developed a policy that currently defines an adoption attempt to meet the following criteria:(A) Adoption Event: Either a Satellite or an INTERNET adoption.i. Satellite Adoption: Organized event that is advertised and held at a location other than a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or contract holding, preparation or training facility.

ii. Internet Adoption: Animals offered for adoption through the National Internet adoption site administered by the Eastern States Office (ESO).

Currently, if an animal is in a short-term holding corral, like PVC, it is not earning any strikes unless it is offered at a specific adoption. I believe Tom has answered the remainder of your questions. Thank you.

Debbie Collins
Bureau of Land Management
National Wild Horse & Burro Marketing and
Information Center Coordinator
(405)790-1056 = Desk
(918)625-5292 = Cell

From: Gorey, Tom
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 9:36 AM
To: Anne protectmustangs
Cc: Spencer, Sally J; Collins, Deborah A; Lewis, Bridget L
Subject: RE: 3-strikes questions

Wild horses and burros over the age of 10 are sale-eligible. Those younger that are passed over for adoption at least three times become eligible for sale. (See our Sales Program page at

Adoption events count as a “pass over.” I will let Sally or Debbie answer the “pass over” question re: Palomino Valley Center and Internet adoptions.

The number of horses in long-term holding (33,623) can be found at our Quick Facts Website at

The number of horses adopted in Fiscal Year 2012 (2,598), which ended Oct. 1, 2012, can also be found at the Quick Facts site. The number of horses and burros sold in FY 2012 was 391.

From: anne  []
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 8:02 AM
To: Gorey, Tom
Subject: 3-strikes questions

Dear Mr. Gorey,

Kindly explain in detail how the 3-Strike system works at BLM with regards to wild horses of all ages and those 11 and over.

Do facility adoption venues such as Palomino Vally Center count? Do Internet adoptions count? Do adoption events also count?

How many wild horses are currently at LTH? How many wild horses have been adopted this year? How many wild horses have been sold this year?

Where can people buy 3-Strikes yearlings and two year olds?

Thank you for your kind assistance.

Anne Novak

Anne Novak
Executive Director
Protect Mustangs
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, California 94705

Twitter @TheAnneNovak & @ProtectMustangs

Protect Mustangs on YouTube
Protect Mustangs in the News
Donate to help Protect Mustangs

Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Governor Sandoval: Stop the sale of Nevada’s wild horses to kill-buyers

Governor Brian Sandoval ~ Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Call Governor Brian Sandoval and politely let him know you want the trapping and selling of Nevada’s indigenous wild horses at auctions frequented by “kill-buyers” to STOP now.

80% of Americans are against horse slaughter.

Does he want Nevada to stay on the top of the bad list as perceived by Nevadans and everyone else?

The first auction is this Wednesday in Fallon, N.V.–a town where he once lived.

More than 22 Virginia Range wild horses from ‘The Meadow’, on the outskirts of Reno, are going to be sold by the pound. Kill-buyers will be bidding on America’s icons to sell them to slaughter for human consumption in foreign countries.

Politely ask Governor Sandoval to step in–to stop the removals and the sales. Ask him to RELOCATE all the wild horses who have been trapped already by the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDOA) and bring them food and water if needed on the range.

Rotten development planning and urban sprawl is removing habitat from wildlife–including wild horses. Not only is the sprawl causing global warming but now it’s causing strife in communities over wild horses.

It’s the developers’ responsibility to fence out wildlife to prevent entry on their property if that is what they wish. Nevada is a “fence out” state by law.

Back in August several wild horses were taken by people connected with a development. The horses ended up at the prison where they process wild horses to go to the auction frequented by kill-buyers. Who were these people and are charges being prosecuted against them? Are they connected to the current trappings at a development now conducted by the NDOA?

Taxpayers should not pay for the NDOA to remove wild horses when the developer is not taking responsibility for putting up fencing. Nevada wants fiscal responsibility.

Land development does not need to ruin indigenous wild horse habitat, break their families apart and sell them at auctions where kill-buyers purchase horses to sell to slaughter.

We are asking for a win-win NOT for Nevada’s wild horses go to their brutal death–to slaughter.

More wild horses are needed to stop Nevada’s mega-million dollar wildfires. According to a report by CoreLogic, U.S property exposed to wildfire is valued at $136 billion.

If some wild horses do need to be brought in then the mustangs should NEVER be sold at an auction frequented by kill-buyers but should be cared for by the State of Nevada or given to sanctuaries and rescue groups. Their lives are the responsibility of the Silver State if they are not on Federal land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. We know Nevada can do the right thing.

80% of America’s population are against horse slaughter. If Governor Sandoval wants to run for President someday, then he needs to be aware that he is smearing himself by delaying taking action to stop the sale of Nevada’s beloved wild horses to kill-buyers. His character is being measured during this time of crisis.

He has an opportunity now to make history and win the endearment of 80% of Americans nationwide.

Contact the Governor here:

Governor Sandoval
Tel: 775-684-5670
fax: 775-6845683

Emails can be sent via this link.

Send us a copy of emails you send him. Our email is

Also contact Governor Sandoval on Twitter  @GovSandoval

Here is an example of wild horses not causing damage from Barbara Warner’s comment against the Sheldon Refuge wild horse wipe out:

“The 1990-91 GAO ( Government Accounting Office) study proved that horses do not over-graze or destroy riparian areas. Sheldon is still recovering from the damage that cattle have been proven to cause. Horses have flat hooves which don’t cut into the ground and constantly move as they graze. The increased population of pronghorns proves that wild horses benefit them and no doubt many other species as well.”

Here is an excellent scientific example of wild horses as native wildlife:

Indigenous wild horse families living in peace on the Virginia Range in Nevada, January 2012. (Photo © Anne Novak, all rights reserved.)

This photo shows several Virginia Range wild horse families at ‘The Meadow’ on the outskirts of Reno.

These wild horses are loved around the world. Tourists enjoy observing them at ‘The Meadow’ and elsewhere. Eco-tourism businesses could boom taking customers on wild horse safaris. This would create jobs for Nevada.

Now the Virginia Range wild horses are being trapped, castrated and ripped apart from their families only to be sold at a series of auctions, frequented by kill-buyers in Fallon, N.V. starting September 19th, 2012 and ending around October.

As of this date, the Nevada State Department of Agriculture has trapped more than 60 indigenous wild horses–of all ages–and is planning to dispose of them by selling them at the auction frequented by kill-buyers.

Please contact Governor Sandoval and ask him to take this opportunity to make history.


Links of interest:

Governor Brian Sandoval’s website:

Governor Brian Sandoval on Twitter:

News 4 reports: Sixteen Virgina Range wild horses captured

Nevada policy change ~ sells its wild horses by the pound:

U.S. property exposed to wildfire valued at $136 billion:

2012 Nevada wildland fires:

Nevada is a fence out state: Rural Fencing Rules in Nevada |

Video of wild horses in ‘The Meadow’:



Rally to STOP selling Reno’s wild horses to kill buyers ~ Friday Sept. 14 in Carson City, NV

Take Back the Power (© Protect Mustangs)

Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:02 AM

The Rally will start promptly at 11 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m., directly in front of the Legislative Building. We will only be allowed to walk on the sidewalk and grass next to the street.  We will NOT be able to use the Legislative Building grounds to meet ahead of time. 
So, we will be staging at the vacant lot on the corner of Carson Street and Fourth Street – DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE SIDEWALK CROSSING  IN FRONT OF THE LEGISLATIVE BUILDING [BIG CLOCK].
We have lots and lots of Nevada Department of of Agriculture signs already  made out.  Cat Kindsfather is making up some special signs for us to carry, at the last minute and very much appreciate her efforts on this.  I am bringing a Nevada flag, as well as our Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates Advocates big banner.
So, with that said, it’s vital we meet early enough to go over the talking points and to hand out signs.
Thank you all – realize the whole thing’s been a rush, but this Rally is very needed on the truth and lies about the Nevada Department of Agriculture, informing the public before the already-captured Virginia Range horses go to sale at auction on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 – SALE MEANS SLAUGHTER!