Inaugural Flag Day Rally
The SF Rally is outside Senator Feinstein’s Office Building in SF from 11-12, June 14th (Flag Day is not an official federal holiday) 1 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94104. Meet at 10:30 with your signs. Come early to park or take BART. The station is Montgomery. Handmade signs are the best. Bring the kids!
The Carson City rally, from 4pm to 7 pm on Friday June 14th, is in front of the Legislative building, across the street from Comma Coffee house on 395/ Carson Street ~ Address: 401 S. Carson St, Carson City, NV 89701.
Many cities are participating. See rally info, organize, start a rally and post it on Facebook here:
The press release calling for a moratorium on roundups and national rallies to Save the Mustangs is here:
Sign and share the Petition to Defund the Wild Horse and Burro Roundups:
Tweet: Get ready! #Rally4Mustangs on Flag Day July 14th International #WildHorses #Animals #Fracking

Robin Warren, Youth Campaign Director for Protect Mustangs with her mother Denise Delucia at the Sacramento Rally to Stop the Roundups. (Photo © Cat Kindsfather, all rights reserved.)

Stop the Roundups rally organized by Protect Mustangs & Native Wild Horse Protection. (Photo © Respect 4 Horses.)