PZP advocates push to dart wild horses to extinction now? They spin Pesticide PZP as “Humane Management”

Overpopulation is a lie

Instead of fighting with their lobbyists and millions of dollars for wild horses to have their land and freedom, the #Pesticide PZP Pushers would rather sell-out and sell their darting program. Some jump for joy they could shoot and dart native wild horses from helicopters!

Pesticide PZP sterilizes after multiple use and doesn’t stop the mares with weak immune systems from breeding. That means the weak will breed, the strong will be sterilized and the BLM laughs as PZP Pushing Horse Advocates manage wild horses to extinction!

Read the science and dangers of Pesticide PZP here: http://protectmustangs.org/?page_id=6922

Who are the many witnesses to the rotten Pesticide #PZP program in Nevada? Michael Leifeste, spoke out once he learned how harmful Pesticide PZP is.

Now ask yourself why aren’t the PZP Pushers telling you the truth?


Outrage over winter roundup likely to cause deaths

Feds to conduct cruel and costly wild horse helicopter stampede

ELY, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning a helicopter roundup stampeding native wild horses for miles over harsh icy terrain into traps on or about January 23 despite no concrete evidence of wild horse overpopulation in the Triple B Complex.

The Eastern Nevada complex near Ely and Elko is made up of the Triple B HMA, Maverick-Medicine HMA, and Cherry Springs Wild Horse Territory (USFS). Together these three legal wild horse areas contain 1,682,998 acres.

Instead of protecting or preserving America’s indigenous wild horses using holistic land management methods, the feds intend to chase our icons of freedom with helicopters for miles to round them up, break up their families, probably killing some.

Please sign and share the Petition to Defund the Roundups: https://www.change.org/p/defund-and-stop-the-wild-horse-burro-roundups Members of Congress are watching this petition. If one million people sign the petition then together we will stop the roundups.

The BLM’s roundup for “population control” plans on permanently removing at least 1,000 native wild horses, forcibly drugging approximately 250 indigenous mares with dangerous population control Pesticide PZP-22. Then the feds plan to release those drugged wild mares back into the gigantic Eastern Nevada complex–along with about 250 stallions. At least 1000 native wild horses will lose their homes despite returning some.

Right now all the wild horses in federally funded holding facilities are at risk of being shot or sold to slaughter because of poor management choices, overpopulation, lies and nasty politics.

As if that’s not bad enough, the BLM is planning on adding 1000 more wild horses to their broken captivity system with expensive holding facilities and an adoption program with rotten customer service.

It’s essential for Congress to know exactly how many wild horses and burros are living in the wild and in captivity. We have a petition you can sign and share that demands a head count and an investigation into the BLM’s sketchy program: https://www.change.org/p/u-s-senate-investigate-the-wild-horse-burro-count-in-captivity-and-freedom . Please send your elected officials the petition and take it with you to meetings to be a voice for the voiceless.

(Sadly the only paid lobbyists seem to be pushing Pesticide PZP so elected officials are getting the wrong education.)

Congress should insist the BLM take wild horses out of costly holding facilities to repatriate them into the wild in friendly areas, where neighbors appreciate them, and onto legal but empty Herd Areas to help prevent catastrophic wildfires and heal the land. The BLM must not put more native wild horses in costly holding facilities.

The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Interior want to find ways to dispose of our national treasures so they can control and make billions of dollars off the public’s land.

Helicopter contractors, earning millions from roundups, will be paid to stampede native wild horses for miles and miles over snow, ice, and dangerous rocky terrain. Stampeding wild horses is cruel, unnatural and terrifying.

Then the wild horses will be shoved, sweating, into trap corrals with a fog of steam emanating from their wet, stressed bodies in freezing temperatures . . . The wild ones’ muscles can seize up after the terrifying stampede causing severe pain, and the wild horses’ upper respiratory systems will suffer.

The expensive helicopter roundup–which is expected to last approximately a month in freezing temperatures–will put native wild horses at risk of upper respiratory diseases such as strangles and equine pneumonia. Some may die.

These deaths won’t be counted as “roundup related” because the wild horses will die painful deaths while suffering in holding facilities. Dead bodies of native wild horses will be scooped up by BLM tractors before public watchdogs can notice.

The Triple B roundup is being conducted by the BLM Ely District Office which is conflicted with extreme energy industry and mining bias. The Bureau gets a kickback from what is extracted on BLM land–whether it’s gold, copper, lithium, oil, natural gas or other resources. The BLM has boasted that they made more than 4 billion dollars last year. Most of that is from the extractive industry polluting the environment on public land. The agency only cares about money.

Less than 2,700 wild horses will remain in the vast Triple B Complex if this cruel roundup starts and it isn’t stopped in the courts.

In 2010, when the BLM managers were shipping wild horses to slaughter through middleman Tom Davis, the vast Herd Management Areas had many more wild horses living in freedom. The Bureau then decided it could lower the allowed numbers through a sleight of hand, by joining all the HMAs into a “complex.” No one challenged the formation of complexes in court, so the BLM went ahead with their plan to reduce the number of wild horses allowed in the area.

The Triple B Complex is made up of 1,682,998 acres. To leave only 2,766 wild horses on that vast amount of acreage translates to 608 acres per wild horse. With 200 acres per wild horse 8,414 wild horses could live on the huge landscape and with 100 acres per wild horse 16,829 wild horses could stay living wild and free at virtually no cost to the American taxpayer.

The public should know how much privately owned domestic livestock, cattle, and sheep would be allowed to graze in the Triple B Complex after native wild horses are rounded up.

Through control of gathering data, BLM scapegoats native wild horses for livestock damage made by one million head of domestic cattle and sheep on public land.

Public Relations campaigns funded through the BLM claim that the purpose of the roundup is to prevent degradation of public lands by an “excess” of wild horses, and to restore a “thriving natural ecological balance” and create “multiple-use relationship’ on public lands, consistent with the provisions of Section 1333(b) of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act (WFRHBA)

Yet the BLM has never proved that there are any “excess” wild horses. The key word in the BLM’s PR phrase is “relationship”. Instead of working with local public land users to create healthy rangelands using wild horses as a resource for holistic land management, the BLM and the locals are ignoring possibilities to take land management out of the dark ages.

The reality is that the agency doesn’t think twice about the ecological damage associated with a helicopter roundup, stampeding wild horses for miles over the terrain and into trap corrals. The BLM ignores that trucks and trailers would be destroying the habitat and the amount of greenhouse gas polluting the environment as a result of a million dollar roundup.

Million dollar roundups fund the BLM’s mess of a Wild Horse Program. They need the “problem” to keep the flow of cash coming in from Congress. The reality is there is no overpopulation and no problem, only out of date land management.

The truth is, the current population for the Triple B Complex is unknown. The BLM’s guess is “approximately 3,842 wild horses” in the Triple B Complex consisting of 1,682,998 acres. As discussed above, more than 16,829 native wild horses could live in the Triple B complex with 100 acres per wild horse. That’s 12,987 more wild horses than the BLM claims are living there now!

The BLM’s management level for all the Herd Management Areas within the targeted Triple B Complex helicopter stampede is ridiculously low–at only 472 to 884 wild horses for 1,682,998 acres. The BLM must revise management levels and be honest about unfair grazing allocation to livestock and stop blaming native wild horses for livestock damage from years beforehand as well as today.

The BLM plans to roundup 1,500 wild horses and remove approximately 1,000 indigenous wild horses forever. The BLM will only release about 250 mares that they will forcibly drug with the dangerous population control pesticide PZP-22 to slow the population growth for 2 years despite the fact that the National Academy of Sciences found there is no evidence of overpopulation. PZP-22 is dangerous.

PZP wreaks havoc with the law of nature, the mustangs’ immune systems, hormones, social behaviors and sense of well-being–and ruins federally protected wild horses’ right to freedom from harassment, branding, and abuse.

All forms of the EPA Restricted Use Pesticide PZP will sterilize wild horses after multiple applications. Only 250 stallions will be returned to the range yet established families (harem bands) will be destroyed.

These wild captives will be subjected to the horrors of the BLM’s processing facilities where families are ripped apart, males are separated from females, and ID numbers are tattooed on their bodies. Some American wild horses will be cruelly abused in population control experiments, and they all will be at risk of death.

The lack of compassion and violation of the federal law protecting wild horses from abuse and harassment opens the BLM up to costly lawsuits and continued waste of tax dollars. It’s time to look at this whole situation differently and come up with holistic management that works!

For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak

Executive Director
Protect Mustangs

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org

Note: The roundup is being conducted under the DOI-BLM-NV-E030-2017-0010-EA Antelope and Triple B Complexes Gather Plan Environmental Assessment decision signed on December 21, 2017. The decision record and determination of National Environmental Policy Act adequacy can be accessed at the national NEPA register at www.goo.gl/HQJ73h.


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Red Alert! Urgent Call to Save 3-Strikes Mares from Possible Slaughter #EquinoxMustangs

“Hell, some of the finest meat you will ever eat is a fat yearling colt,” said the infamous kill-buyer, Tom Davis. “What is wrong with taking all those BLM horses they got all fat and shiny and setting up a kill plant?”

BLM is getting ready to ship out 3-Strikes wild mares from Palomino Valley Center near Reno to “long-term holding” at taxpayer expense which mean these creeps, who are licking their chops, will want to get their hands on them. If Congress is stupid and votes for unlimited sales then 30,000 wild horses will be fat in long-term pastures and ready to ship to the slaughterhouses after their “middlemen” purchase them!

We aren’t going to let that happen!

You can buy up to 4 wild horses per year without special approval like Tom Davis had to buy them by the truckload. Here is the sales application: http://protectmustangs.org/…/PM-Application-to-Purchase-BLM…

The cost to buy the 3-Strikes mares is $25. each. Buyers are responsible for transportation so if you join up with buyers near you then you can save money in transport.

You need to FAX your purchase application in to BLM’s Palomino Valley Center’s fax number is (775) 475-2053.

Call me 415-531-8454 if you need help to get through the application. BLM wants specifics. Fencing issues can be solved. People can borrow panels from neighbors or build high pens with cheap materials.

Keep in mind these mares are wild and will need gentling. We can refer you to trainers who board wild horses .

Remember BLM wants their adoption program to fail and that’s why these mares have their 3-Strikes. BLM employees get paid the same government salary whether they adopt them out or ship them out. BLM’s goal is disposal. “Disposal” is written all over Congressional documents.

When you call the BLM they will tell you not to worry that everything is fine . . . Are you going to believe that?

Buying 3-Strikers is different than adopting. You get title right away then you are done with BLM. If you ever thought you would like to save some wild horses from potential slaughter–now is the time!

For the Wild Ones,

Anne Novak

Volunteer Executive Director

Protect Mustangs

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org

URGENT: Help Wild Mares Escape Experiments!

Help wild horses at BLM’s notorious Burns Corral (Oregon) get to safety

With all the information coming out of the Burns Corral in Hines, Oregon it’s no wonder that Bureau of Land Management (BLM) volunteers have tried to discredit good advocates for wild horses. I remember when bizarrely our 2012 awareness campaign about 3-Strikers being sold by the truckload was attacked. BLM’s collaborators don’t want the public to know the truth because selling truckloads of wild horses to kill buyers is greasing palms and disposing of America’s iconic wild horses that they regard as vermin.

Pro-slaughter activists–pushing for Nazi-like population control experiments on wild mares–claim to “volunteer for BLM” and have deep ties to the Burns Corral as well as the Eugene auction house which is frequented by kill-buyers. Recently, Pro-Slaughter activists purchased wild fillies from the BLM to perform sterilization surgeries on them then resell them at a rodeo. Their objective is to buy publicity for surgically sterilizing wild mares despite the fact that there is no evidence of overpopulation. Pro-slaughter lobbyists are dangling a $25,000 purse exclusively for these sterilized fillies in the upcoming 2018 rodeo. They seem to be partnering with BLM from the Burns Corral and using taxpayer dollars in the process. How do you feel about that?

Since the pro-slaughter lobby is happy to toss money around left and right it’s becoming obvious that they are paying internet trolls to infiltrate “horse advocacy” and Facebook groups. Their goal is to disrupt unity and break down the mustang protection movement. They start smears with goals to divide and conquer. It’s time for real horse advocates to realize they are being played by pro-slaughter creeps.

Are mustang profiteers taking advantage of the well intentioned national Trainer Incentive Program (TIP) to grab wild horses that the BLM wants to dispose of? How would you prove they are sneaking wild horses out and selling them to slaughter? Who is keeping track of all the wild horses who have been transferred to TIP “trainers” since 2009? Please sign and share the petition for a head count to uncover the back-doors to slaughter: https://www.change.org/p/u-s-senate-investigate-the-wild-horse-burro-count-in-captivity-and-freedom


The truth is, places like the Burns Corral in Oregon are high risk zones for wild horses. Please share the following mares so they can be adopted or purchase and get to safety in private care. Thank you and Bless you!

photo by BLM

GLENDA (#3413) is a 6 year old mare from Beatys Butte (OR) who holds ancient wisdom and kindness. She deserves respect and love. Ideally GLENDA would be most happy and blessed to leave the notorious Burns Corral with her buddy. She has been there since she was captured in 2015. We hope her buddy can be identified quickly so they both can get out before it’s too late. We will not sit by and let the BLM and their collaborators experiment on GLENDA and her best friend. Please share this post and PRAY for GLENDA to find her forever home quickly. You can bid on her here: https://www.blm.gov/adoptahorse/horse.php?horse_id=9592&mygalleryview=

This is what BLM says about GLENDA:

“Sex: Mare Age: 6 Years Height (in hands): 14.1

Necktag #: 3413 Date Captured: 11/05/15

Freezemark: 11023413 Signalment Key: HF1AAAAAG

Color: Gray Captured: Beatys Butte (OR)

Video of this horse is available here.

This horse is currently located at the Corral Facility in Hines, Oregon. For more information, please contact Patti Wilson at e-mail pwilson@blm.gov.

Pick up options (by appt): Burns, OR (after Sep 19); Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK, Ewing, IL.

Other pick up options: Sedalia, MO (Oct 6); Hot Springs, AR (Oct 20); and Pensacola, FL (Nov 10).

Adoption confirmation for this animal must be finalized, by email to BLM_ES_INET_Adoption@blm.gov, no later than Noon Mountain September 14. After this date, all unclaimed animals will be available for in-person walk up adoption ONLY.
The opening bid is $125.00 You must be approved to bid
and logged in.  If you already logged in, you must have completed an application and it must be approved before you can place a bid.”


photo by BLM

DOROTHY (#3262) is a 6 year old mare from GLENDA’s herd called Beatys Butte. She is a strong mare who will probably bond well with strong and gentle leadership. DOROTHY should never have been removed from the wild and now she’s been sitting int he BLM pens for close to 2 years. Could she be buddies with GLENDA? Please share this post and PRAY for DOROTHY to find her forever home quickly. The clock is ticking . . .   You can bid on Dorothy here: https://www.blm.gov/adoptahorse/horse.php?horse_id=9613&mygalleryview=

This is what BLM says about Dorothy (#3262):

“Sex: Mare Age: 6 Years Height (in hands): 14.2

Necktag #: 3262 Date Captured: 11/05/15

Freezemark: 11023262 Signalment Key: HF1AAAAAG

Color: Gray Captured: Beatys Butte (OR)

Video of this horse is available here.

This horse is currently located at the Corral Facility in Hines, Oregon. For more information, please contact Patti Wilson at e-mail pwilson@blm.gov.

Pick up options (by appt): Burns, OR (after Sep 19); Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK, Ewing, IL.

Other pick up options: Sedalia, MO (Oct 6); Hot Springs, AR (Oct 20); and Pensacola, FL (Nov 10).

Adoption confirmation for this animal must be finalized, by email to BLM_ES_INET_Adoption@blm.gov, no later than Noon Mountain September 14. After this date, all unclaimed animals will be available for in-person walk up adoption ONLY.adoption ONLY.”

Please share out Wizard of Oz mares called GLENDA and DOROTHY. If these two mares don’t get picked and go into good homes then they could end up with another strike and soon sold for sterilization experimentation or worse. Check back here as we will be posting more on this page. Thank you for doing what you can do to help America’s last wild horses. Saving these two lives right now will make a difference for them. 

Together we can turn this around.

For the wild Ones,
Anne Novak

Volunteer Executive Director
Protect Mustangs  
501(c)3 nonprofit organization

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org

RED ALERT: Get Comments into BLM against roundup of 6,700 wild horses

Keep them in the wild and safe from slaughter!

YOU can help STOP the proposed ROUNDUP of 6,700 Wild Horses living in northeast Nevada! #TakeAction Get your comments in against the Roundup, Against PZP, Gonacon, Sterilizations, Give wild horses their fair share of public land and STOP scapegoating them for range damage by sheep and poor livestock management! Please get your comments in by 4:30PM PDT Monday August 21st (eclipse). Don’t forget!

BLM says, “The Antelope and Triple B Complexes Gather Plan EA is available for a 30 day review period beginning July 21, 2017. Submissions will be accepted until 4:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time on August 21, 2017. Interested individuals should mail written comments to the BLM Elko District Office, 3900 Idaho Street, Elko, NV 89801 Attn: Marc Jackson, Wells Field Manager. Comments may also be provided through email to this address: blm_nv_eldowellshorsegathers@blm.gov . Be advised that only the comments received by postal mail or to this specific e-mail address will be considered in the completion of the Final EA, Finding of No Significant Impact and Decision Record.” https://eplanning.blm.gov/epl-front-office/eplanning/planAndProjectSite.do?methodName=dispatchToPatternPage¤tPageId=125205 .”

If your email bounces back then maybe BLM put out a typo. Try this: blm_nv_elkowellshorsegathers@blm.gov

Stand up warriors! Speak Out. Demand an independent head count and no roundup, no birth control as there is no proof of an overpopulation of wild horses. as part of the NEPA before any plans for a Roundup!

Save the Mustangs!

Read about the wild horse crisis on our blog here: www.ProtectMustangs.org

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org

Petition: Take the Collars off Wild Mares Now!

EXPERIMENTS on wild mares

Abuse and harassment

$11.5 million tax dollars are being given away to experiment on America’s last wild horses and burros based on a lie. The truth is free roaming wild horses are under-populated and there never has been an accurate headcount–only lies to get tax dollars from Congress.

The Adobe Queen video is going viral. She’s being cruelly harassed (https://www.facebook.com/ProtectMustangs/videos/1395669043825444/?pnref=story) by forcing a tracking collar on her. Collars might cause death when the collars get tight.

The Care2.com petition to Take Collars off Wild Horses Now! hits close to 60,000 signatures and is going viral. This is what it says:

We request you immediately release federally protected Adobe Town Wild Horses from tracking collars! All collars can cause injury and death to wild horses.

As of March 30, 2017, at least 14 Adobe Town wild mares have been trapped, harassed and collared. There is a remote release feature that can free them in an instant. We request you push the button and end this harassment now!

In this video you can see how the wild mare is trapped and harassed as they put the collar on her–as part of an experiment. This sort of cruelty should never happen. The BLM wants to know their hiding places so they can shoot and kill them if they get permission later. The public is outraged!

Right now America’s free-roaming, federally protected wild horses are being abused and harassed in various sick and twisted experiments paid for with $11.5 million tax dollars. Read more about that here: http://protectmustangs.org/?p=10136 They should never be used as lab animals! Wild horses are supposed to be protected from harassment and abuse according to the law but that’s not happening. The public demands this cruelty stop!

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the University of Wyoming have forced collars on iconic wild horses from the Adobe Town herd to track their hiding places in the vast high desert. These collars are not only cruel, violate their right to freedom but they could cause death as they have in the past.

What happens if the wild mare gets caught on something? What happens when she fattens up after winter and the collar is too tight? Will the collar kill her?

There is no evidence of overpopulation according to the National Academy of Sciences, therefore population control with dangerous Pesticide PZP (http://protectmustangs.org/?page_id=6922), sterilizations and this tracking device to help hunt wild horses down in future roundups have no merit. It’s harassment, animal cruelty and a waste of tax dollars.

We want federally protected wild horses to be protected–so quickly release the collars to stop the harassment and cruelty now!

Sign and Share the petition here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/180/446/599/take-collars-off-wild-horses-now/

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org



from Senator Thad Cochran’s press release on July 18, 2017


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies today approved a $145.4 billion appropriations bill to support federal agriculture and nutrition programs in FY2018.

The FY2018 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill will be considered Thursday by the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The Senate legislation recommends $145.4 billion in discretionary and mandatory funding, $4.85 billion above the President’s budget request and $7.9 billion below the FY2017 enacted level. The discretionary funding in the bill totals $20.525 billion, $352 million below the FY2017 enacted level. Mandatory funding in the bill totals $124.9 billion.

This appropriations bill supports U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agriculture, rural development, conservation programs, and food and drug safety. It also provides essential nutrition assistance for children, families and seniors. The measure also creates incentives for military veterans to enter careers in agriculture.

“We worked hard to maintain our agriculture budget and ensure that this legislation provides our farmers, ranchers and rural communities with the support they need to meet challenges from low commodity prices to natural disasters,” said U.S Senator John Hoeven (R- N.D.), chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee.

“This legislation maintains a robust safety net and rejects cuts to crop insurance and commodity programs. We also make strong investments in farm service programs, agricultural research and rural development programs to help make our agricultural communities strong and vibrant,” Hoeven said.

Bill Highlights:

Agricultural Research – $2.55 billion to support agricultural research conducted by the Agricultural Research Service and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. This amount includes $375 million for the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, maintaining the increase provided in FY2017. Formula research funding for land-grant universities is maintained at FY2017 enacted levels. The bill also rejects proposed extramural research project terminations and laboratory closures included in the budget request.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – $953.2 million for APHIS, $143.2 million above the budget request and $7 million above the FY2017 enacted level. Overall funding will continue programs to control or eradicate plant and animal pests and diseases that threaten U.S. agriculture production. The bill maintains investments included in FY2017 for emergency preparedness/response for disease outbreaks and workforce development for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. Increases are provided to address wildlife damage management issues and tree pests.

Natural Resources Conservation Service – $874.1 million, $9.6 million above the FY2017 enacted level and $108.1 million over the budget request, for conservation operations to help farmers, ranchers, and private forest landowners conserve and protect their land. The bill also includes $150 million for the Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations program to support needed investments in rural communities.

Farm Service Agency (FSA) – $1.521 billion for FSA for various farm, conservation, and emergency loan programs important to the nation’s farmers and ranchers. It prohibits the closure of FSA county offices, and provides resources for personnel and physical security programs across county offices.

Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) – $1.038 billion, $6 million above the FY2017 enacted level and consistent with the budget request, for food safety and inspection programs that work to ensure safe, healthy food for American families. The bill promotes the safety and productivity of the nation’s $186 billion meat and poultry industry by supporting more than 8,000 frontline inspection personnel for meat, poultry, and egg products at more than 6,400 facilities in the United States. The bill provides full funding for FSIS to implement Siluriformes fish and fish product inspection.

Rural Development – $675.3 million for Rural Development salaries and expenses, the same level as FY2017.

 Rural Housing Loans and Rental Assistance – $24 billion in loan authority for the Single Family Housing guaranteed loan program, equal to the FY2017 enacted level and the President’s request. It includes $1 billion for the direct loan program, which provides low-income rural families with home loan assistance. In addition, $1.345 billion is provided for rental assistance for rental assistance for affordable rental housing for low- income families and the elderly in rural communities for renewal of all existing rental assistance contracts.

  •   Business and Industry Loans – The legislation supports $1 billion in grants and loans for rural business and industry programs that promote small business growth in rural areas. The bill includes funding for the Healthy Food Financing Initiative to improve access to affordable, healthy foods in underserved areas.
  •   Rural Utilities – $1.25 billion for rural water and waste program loans, the same as the FY2017 enacted level; $394 million for water and waste grants, and $18 million for the Circuit Rider program. The bill also provides $6.94 billion for rural electric and telephone infrastructure loans and $30 million for broadband grants.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – $2.8 billion in discretionary funding for the FDA, $1 million over the FY2017 enacted level. Overall, total FDA funding, including user fee revenues, is $5.2 billion, which is $491 million above FY2017. The bill does not support new user fees or the associated cuts to budget authority as proposed in the budget request. Food safety activities are fully supported, and the bill provides $60 million as authorized in the 21st Century Cures Act.Food and Nutrition Programs – The bill provides discretionary funding, as well as mandatory funding required by law, for food and nutrition programs within the USDA. This includes funding for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and the Child Nutrition programs.
  •   Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) – $6.35 billion in discretionary funding for WIC, which is level with the FY2017 enacted level. This amount is based on USDA estimates of WIC enrollments and will not prevent eligible participants from receiving benefits.
  •   Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – $73.612 billion in required mandatory spending, which is outside the discretionary funding jurisdiction of the Senate Appropriations Committee, for SNAP. Due to declining enrollments, this is $4.868 billion below last year’s level.
  •   Child Nutrition Programs – $24.243 billion in required mandatory funding, which is outside the discretionary funding jurisdiction of the Senate Appropriations Committee, for child nutrition programs. This funding will provide meals for an estimated 30.1 million participants, 22 million of which qualify for free or reduced-priced meals. In addition, $53 million in discretionary program funds is also included for equipment grants and the Summer EBT Demonstration.International Programs – $1.6 billion for Food for Peace grants, which support the delivery of American-grown food to foreign countries experiencing chronic hunger crises. The McGovern- Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program is funded at $206.62 million, and includes $15 million for the Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement at the Foreign Agriculture Service.



Protect Wild Horses and Burros Senator Feinstein!

Let people in the San Francisco Bay Area know that the Emergency San Francisco PROTEST will be held Monday July 3rd at 11 AM. Stand up against giving tax dollars to the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management to KILL, SELL to SLAUGHTER or give America’s last wild horses and burros to the states for eventual sneaky sales to slaughter! America’s living legends of freedom are being managed to extinction by the federal agency in charge of protecting them and taxpayers would pay for extreme animal cruelty!

WHAT: Overpopulation is a hoax. Wild horses and burros live on only a tiny percentage of public land. They are wrongfully given only about 2% of the forage. Wild Horses reduce catastrophic wildfires. They are nature’s ‘Fire Brigade’–being a low cost resource to stop wildfires. It’s time to get them out of captive pens and back on the land to eat down the fuel!

WHEN: Monday July 3rd from 11a.m.-12 noon

WHERE: Outside of Senator Feinstein’s office on the corner of Market & Montgomery, San Francisco, California (Montgomery BART)

BRING: Handmade Signs and friends to hold them!

TWITTER: @SenFeinstein

Advocates have been working with the inventory sheets to bust BLM’s backdoor to slaughter! Has BLM been directed to count the wild horses now? Stay tuned. . .

Sign and Share the petition for an investigation and head count! https://www.change.org/p/defund-and-stop-the-wild-horse-burro-roundups

Protect Mustangs has offered to help find homes for all the 3-Strike Sale Authority wild horses but BLM is dragging their feet. Would they rather kill them or sell them to slaughter?

Sign and Share the #NoKill Mustangs petition with more than 223,000 signatures: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/907/592/301/demand-nokill-45000-wild-horses-burros-in-holding/

Congress is on 4th of July holiday recess right now. Does the DOI/BLM hope to get away with things while elected officials are on vacation?

Senator Dianne Feinstein is on the Appropriations Committee that gives the BLM money to spend. The Senator will know we are outside her SF office on Monday even if she’s vacationing somewhere like Lake Tahoe.

We are watching out for our national treasures and we respectfully demand America’s last wild horses and burros be protected and restored to their rightful land and freedom, period.

#MustangProtectors #WildHorses #AmericanMustang #Freedom #July4 #Animals

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org

Red Alert: 65 Three-Strike wild horses in Fallon, Nevada need safe homes! #Fallon65

Three-Strike wild horses often show up in the slaughter pipeline

RENO, Nev. (May 5, 2017)— Protect Mustangs encourages the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to make it easy on the public to view and buy the 65 three-strikes wild horses, known as the #Fallon65, during the two free public tours of the Indian Lakes Off-Range Wild Horse and Burro Corral in Fallon, Nevada, on Friday, May 12. This is a private facility that is closed most of the year to the public therefore adoptions are limited. Sales appear limited to 4 wild horses per person per year. Title is awarded at the sale.

“We hope the 65 Three-Strike wild horses at the Fallon Facility will be easy to identify in separate pens so the public can find ones to buy and get them out to safety,” says Anne Novak, executive director of Protect Mustangs. “This is a golden opportunity for the public to take these wild horses off the BLM’s hands.”

The public can download the sales forms here: https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/wildhorse_howtoadopt_doc4.pdf and get pre approved before attending the tour. If you have any questions about the form call (775) 475-2222. If you find you need help to get through the application process or if your calls and questions aren’t being answered by BLM, please email Contact@ProtectMustangs.org or call (415) 531-8454. Protect Mustangs has helped many adopters and buyers succeed with their applications.

About a 90-minute drive east of Reno, the holding corrals are located at 5676 Indian Lakes Road, Fallon, and is privately owned and operated. The public tours will begin at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and each will last about one hour and accommodate up to 20 people. Attendees should wear comfortable shoes and clothes; hats and sunscreen are recommended, and photography is welcome. To register for the tour or to get driving directions to the facility, please contact the BLM at (775) 475-2222.

Check back for updates. We will post the ID numbers of the #Fallon65 when we receive them. Some wild horses have been chosen on the recent internet adoption and others have acquired 3-Strike status. Stay tuned for the final count.


Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org

Prayers Needed for Wild Horses Today

America’s wild horses and burros are at great risk right now.

Please join us Tuesday April 25 at noon (California Time) to #pray for the safety, protection and freedom of America’s wild horses and burros.

Lobbyists are in Washington greasing palms to get what they want: slaughter, killing, pesticides for birth control and sterilization for extinction. This is not what the public wants. We love our wild horses and burros. We want them protected and forever free.

Truck in the pens (© Anne Novak, All rights reserved)

Sign and share the petition demanding a headcount and congressional investigation: https://www.change.org/p/u-s-senate-investigate-the-wild-horse-burro-count-in-captivity-and-freedom This will help stop trafficking wild horses to slaughter and extinction!

There is a lot going on behind the scenes now in Washington. This petition is making an impact. It’s time for us to let more people know about the fake inventory before more roundups, experiments, sales, etc. are allowed to destroy the last wild herds in America.

Together we can turn this around. Thank you and bless you.

With Gratitude,
Anne Novak

Founder & Executive Director

© Anne Novak, all rights reserved.

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses. www.ProtectMustangs.org