Dear Friends of Wild Horses,
Of course there are not seventy-three thousand federally protected wild horses roaming the American West. That’s the new “number” the Bureau of Land Management pulled out of a hat to fear-monger elected officials in Congress. Why? They want Congress to give them more tax dollars to fund their broken Wild Horse and Burro Program.
How are they going to make Congress give them money when the public is against roundups and animal cruelty? The BLM will concoct a crisis. The current fake crisis is called overpopulation.
Always remember that the National Academy of Sciences reported that “there is no evidence of overpopulation”, period.
Demand a head count now! Call, visit, write your senators and congressman/woman to politely demand a head count. Use this petition for your talking points. All the information is there. Go for it!
Together we can turn this around!
For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Protect and preserve native and wild horses