PRO-SLAUGHTER, PRO-EXPERIMENT Activists, PZP-Pushers, BLM wives, with BLM supporters LIE to create confusion. They slander real advocates to create a distraction because we are here only for the wild horses and they want to slaughter them. They are worried the public will find out how many have already gone out the back door to slaughter. They don’t want their pipeline to get shut down.
Well these creeps are LYING again because they don’t want this petition to get attention but it’s too late for them! We want a head count. People aren’t stupid! states that “This petition will be delivered to:
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
President of the United States”
Of course we don’t change the petition letter either. Updates are updates. They really try to play the Facebook public for fools.
That’s the #TRUTH and these liars just lost their credibility–again.
We also deliver our petitions to elected officials and others in meetings working for change. The Bureau of Land Management is bureaucracy and corruption at its worse. Change seems to take a long time. Perhaps if the nationwide protests start up again to Stop the Roundups it will help the push for change.
Take action by sharing this petition ( by email to everyone you know so we can STOP the cruelty!
Join the Thunderclap to spread the word about the petition on social media: to get this petition out there! It’s free. You have until midnight March 29th to sign up.
For more information go to and type the word “experiments” in the search bar.
For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.