UPDATE 3:18 p.m. (PST) Sheriff Les Mayer said that Karen has until midnight to approve applications. Those will be honored. You have 5 days for pickup.
Please get your applications in! Here is the online application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXEVFZhWzY6qKuPr5qAzaQcFF2-s7Ojpx-n1Qqi8zHgYlWjg/viewform
Original post:
The deadline to get your adoption applications in is 9 PM (EST), 6 PM (PST) today. Right now the adoption fees are waived. There is a possibility ISPMB Mustang adoptions will be extended but right now we encourage you to get your applications in today to guarantee you will save their lives.
It’s urgent to get your applications in today, November 30, 2016 because tomorrow, December 1st, the 2 counties take control and move forward to take the remaining ISPMB Mustangs to be sold at the livestock auction. The counties put a lien on the mustangs to recover their costs for hay and care. According to the Sheriff it costs $50,000. per month to feed the ISPMB Mustangs.
Here’s the new adoption form. Be sure to click on the button to have a copy of your application sent to you: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdXEVFZhWzY6qKuPr…/viewform
The State Attorney told me that all adoptions approved by Karen Sussman before December 1st will be honored. He said that as of December 1st they will prepare to take them to auction. The attorney said that this is a money issue and that International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB) needs to come up with more money to pay back the county, pay for hay and prove they can sustain themselves for 18 months. Even to get the adoptions extended through January 1st is all about money that the ISPMB needs.
Karen Sussman told me that the ISPMB will be adopting for the 3 weeks.
Please share the adoption application with an appeal to adopt to save lives. Reach out in your community. Call everyone in your contacts. Help people send in their applications today. The clock is ticking. Thank you!
When I get more information I will post it. Please pray for a miracle.
For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
Protect Mustangs
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, California 94705
Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.
Do you have concerns that waiving the adoption fees allows for some horse dealers posing as rescues raise thousands of dollars in donations from their gullible social media followers to rescue some of these horses, but after they get the horses they will kill them (at least two “rescues” in CA have negative histories of killing wild horses they don’t want to deal with), or they “back-door” them to the kill buyers they have on speed dial and then they pocket the donation money?
How do you ensure these horses arent being used as pawns to rake in donations and then they are killed or shipped after the donations to “rescue them” run dry?
That scenario of “rescued” wild horses being used to acquire donations, sorted at the rescue (just like kill buyers do), wild mothers having their babies kept, and the moms being shuttled into the slaughter pipeline happens every time there are rescues like this.
It would be nice if your organization, and also other orgs working on this, had safeguards in place to insure that rescued horses are actually rescued long-term and horses don’t go missing instead after being used to collect donations.
Yes but we do not decide this we are only trying to help them get adopted. We are told they go through a tough screening process which is why it can take awhile
I don’t know the first thing about taking care of horses. I answered all the questions on the app as best I could. I am counting on someone out there to take the six horses I adopted to keep them from being slaughtered. Please respond, I’m starting to panic. Thanks.
Mary Lou Loesch. marytiques@mediacombb.net
11210 Charlie Dr.
Bishopville, Md. 21813
Cell. 215-527-7364
Will you really adopt the six horses I filled the app for?