Taxpayer-Funded Experiments on Wild Mares Rip Out Ovaries Dripping in Blood


Write and call the President, your Senators, and Congresspeople to express your outrage against cruel ovary-ripping experiments on America’s last wild horses! Teach your elected officials and those running for office that wild horses are underpopulated, reduce catastrophic wildfires and are native to America.

Does the BLM have the right to use tax dollars for cruel research projects? Nope.

Take action to stop this cruelty! Do whatever you can. Hire a lawyer, write letters, lobby in Washington, make signs, rally to stop it and unite to stop the cruelty. Stand up for America’s defenseless wild mares who are being used in Nazi-like experiments for population control.

Notice the edits in the Bureau of Land Management’s video–They cut out sections of the mare showing extreme pain. This promotional video was paid for with your tax dollars too. What do you think about that?

Prayers Needed to Stop the Mustang Roundups!

America’s last wild horses are being managed to extinction right now. The Triple B Roundup (NE Nevada) is starting soon. Please sign and share the petition to defund the roundups and stop the helicopter stampedes. Click here: Thank you and do what you can to stop the roundups.

PREVENT Pre-Existing Deaths at Taxpayer-Funded Roundups

BLM Stampede = Death

The Triple B wild horse roundup starts after the 4th of July holiday weekend. More than 800 native wild horses will lose their freedom and their independence. They will be ripped from their families and chased from their home on public land in the last wild places of the American West.

What is a “Pre-Existing Death” at the taxpayer-funded roundup? These roundups are run by the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) who hires helicopter contractors.

Are all the broken legs or hoof injuries caused by stampeding wild horses for hundreds of miles in the 1,608,530-acre herd management area going to be categorized as “pre-existing conditions”? Are they attempting to cover up the truth when the Feds kill America’s legendary symbols of freedom?

Is the BLM trying to manipulate the death count to hide the cruel carnage?

Land Grab Roundup will Wipe Out Nevada’s Wild Horses to Make Way for Mining and Liquid Natural Gas Fracking

BLM plans on conducting a wild horse roundup in eastern Nevada
ELY, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will begin a wild horse roundup near Ely, Nevada on or about July 8, 2019. The purpose of this roundup is to use taxpayer dollars to appease Cattlemen as well as the mining and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) fracking industry, etc. There is no evidence of overpopulation it’s just a big fat greedy lie.

Wild horses torn from their family bands and homes on public land, will be made available for adoption or sale as a means of “disposal” through the BLM’s Adoption and Sale Program. In the past, the BLM has sold thousands of wild horses to alleged kill buyers such as their buddy who purchased at least 1,700 native wild horses to “use in the Mexican film industry.”

The BLM is claiming the population of wild horses in the proposed roundup area, known as the Triple B Complex, was estimated at 3,381 as of March 1, 2019 – more than ten times above the target population of 474-889 wild horses. Advocates who crunch numbers such as Marybeth Devlin find this impossible because wild horses don’t have litters.

After years of land degradation from overgrazing cattle and most especially sheep, the BLM and their P.R. division spin lies and fake news once again. They claim, “… By balancing herd size with what the land can support, the BLM aims to protect habitat for other wildlife species such as sage grouse, pronghorn antelope, mule deer, and elk. Removing excess animals would also enable significant progress toward achieving the Standards for Rangeland Health identified by the Northeastern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council (NGBRAC).” Know that the NGBRAC is made up of opportunists who want to cash in on the land, water, resources or government funding for the wild horse “problem”.

Of course, former Secretary of Interior, Ryan Zinke, has joined the board of U.S. Gold Corp., who is involved with mining and exploration of liquid natural gas, etc. Even the Elko Daily reports:

“The rapid transition from the highest levels of the executive branch to the corporate boardroom is raising questions about possible conflicts of interest.

It comes fewer than four months after Zinke left a cabinet position overseeing the country’s oil and gas, coal and other natural resources and those companies that profit off their extraction.”

Read more about Zinke’s alleged conflicts of interest here:

Keep in mind that Zinke, while in office, allegedly made deals to remove America’s wild horses from public land–to free it up for mining, fracking, water grabs, etc. Just #FollowTheMoney because now it’s so obvious as the public watches it play out.

Now here’s the funny part–the BLM has not proved to the American public or elected officials that there are “excess” wild horses on 1,682,998 acres of public land in what’s known as the Triple B Complex near Ely and Elko. After allegedly being seduced by big dollars, Zinke said there were too many wild horses while in office and therefore it supposedly is so.

Who suffers as a result of all this greed? The innocent wild horses do of course.

Roundups are cruel, period. Injuries and deaths are commonplace. Native wild horses suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after being chased by helicopters, stampeded into traps, then ripped from their families and their native land. Because the BLM views American wild horses are soul-less animals and pests, they don’t care and they lie to claim they do. The BLM strives to hide the cruelty from the public to avoid outrage that travels like wildfire–thanks to the social media.

The Triple B Complex is located in the BLM’s Elko and Ely districts on public lands administered by the Wells and Bristlecone field offices. The roundup may also take place in areas outside the Complex where wild horses have moved in search of food and water after being fenced out of their rightful access to food and water on public land. The BLM claims they will leave 2,581 wild horses in the Complex once the roundup is completed. The truth is the BLM inflates the population estimate to justify removing a high percentage in order to wipe out the majority of wild horses in the resource-rich Complex. The roundup is expected to last approximately 20-25 days at huge expense to the American taxpayer. Are you aware of how much money roundup contractors rake in?

The BLM states that members of the public are welcome to view the daily roundup operations, provided that it does not jeopardize the safety of the animals, staff or observers and that it does not disrupt gather operations. The BLM will escort the public to gather observation sites located on public lands. The BLM anticipates that viewing opportunities will begin on or about July 9, 2019, weather and logistics permitting. Those wanting to view roundup operations are asked to notify Public Affairs Specialist Chris Hanefeld at (775) 289-1800 prior to the desired viewing date to be added to the attendee list and to receive specific instructions on meeting locations and times.

Some high-tech behind the scenes horse advocates, who aren’t asking for donations, believe the BLM’s contractor “pre-gathers” and therefore stampedes wild horses much further than they would let the public know. Of course, the BLM and everyone in on the roundup game won’t tell you the truth.

The BLM is conducting the roundup under the DOI-BLM-NV-E030-2017-0010-EA Antelope and Triple B Complexes Gather Plan Environmental Assessment decision signed on December 21, 2017, when Ryan Zinke was the Secretary of Interior overseeing the BLM. Access the Decision Record and determination of the National Environmental Policy Act adequacy at

Once the roundup is underway, the BLM will post roundup reports and wild horse death reports as well as additional information on its website at For technical information, contact Wild Horse and Burro Specialist Ben Noyes at (775) 289-1836 or

Utilize wild horses to reverse desertification

Instead of mimicking nature in the American West, we need to utilize America’s last wild horses to help heal the land. Alan Savory’s method mimics wild herds, but keep in mind that instead of costly roundups and removals, herds of wild mustangs can be used to heal the land that has been ruined by overgrazing cattle and sheep. There are thousands of wild horses in holding that can be returned to public land to help reverse desertification and save the taxpayer close to $70,000,000. annually.

Dolly Varden Springs, in northeast Nevada, is a good example of land that has been ruined by decades of sheep grazing using poor management methods. The degradation at Dolly Varden Springs, highlighted by filmmaker Ben Master’s visit with the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, was blamed on wild horses when the truth is excessive sheep grazing was the real culprit and the land hasn’t healed since that fiasco.

Princeton University researchers in Africa proved that raising cattle with wild herbivorous animals improved livestock. Read about Dr. Dan Rubenstien’s studies in Wildlife and cows can be partners not enemies in search for food.

If Alan Savory’s method works, then how about sharing the land with wild horses to build healthy ecosystems so both public land grazing permittees and wildlife can thrive?

WARNING: Wipe-Out Plan Exposed!

Traitors of the cause?

Are the big money animal and wild worse non-profit organizations in bed with BLM, Big AG, Cattlemen, the Farm Bureau, etc. to push for huge roundups and removals of wild horses and population control based on an overpopulation lie? Have they been using the overpopulation lie to fear-monger the public that it’s either death/slaughter unless their plan based on Pesticide PZP and other one-shot sterilization chemicals are used?

Now they have come out of the dark shadows and are asking the Appropriations Committee for close to $130 Million of your tax money for their “Plan”. It’s called “The Path Forward for Management of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Wild Horses and Burros.”

They want to cash in on Millions of tax dollars for big roundups–yes they are asking for roundups but calling them “gathers” to soften the cruelty. They also want heavy population control and to warehouse wild horses in pastures and private sanctuaries funded by tax dollars. Of course, these sanctuaries will request donations for admissions to see and photograph America’s last wild horses if they would even let you in. Right now for no admission fee, you can see wild horses living on public land–if you can find them. Of course, overpopulation is a lie.

Their conflict of interest is obvious. The supposed “steak-holders” are selling out America’s last wild horses and it’s disgusting. One is the registrant of Pesticide PZP (see photo below) pushing for population control chemicals. It seems they would like to corner the market and run the wild horse and burro program. Another is a nonprofit organization who it seems received more than 400,000 from the Feds in a population control experiment on wild horses years ago using Pesticide PZP, etc. And the list goes on. . .

Yes, it true. These animal and wild horse nonprofits are in bed with BLM’s plan to get rid of America’s last wild horses because as Robert Redford said it’s about the competition for “resources” on public land. Ask yourself, “Who is really funding the wipe-out?

Keep in mind these organizations selling out don’t represent the American public who wants America’s last wild horses to be treated fairly and left alone to live in freedom and in peace. Nope. These groups were cherry-picked because they seem to share a greedy thirst for money!  Many other nonprofit organizations, experts and scientists weren’t invited to the roundtable intentionally to avoid opposition to this heinous plan. . .

Remember members of the plan have paid lobbyists working behind the scenes–greasing palms to get what they want. With the 2020 elections coming up there are a lot of hungry politicians who need campaign funding so this is a bad time for wild horses who are being sold out by lobbyists and those who hired them.

Below is the list of those who authored the plan asking for large roundups and removals, to hold wild horses in private sanctuaries funded by tax dollars, run adoptions, sterilize wild horses, leave a few photo ops on public land as part of a cruel breed control experiment, etc. and ultimately taking away their freedom to be wild based on the overpopulation lie to fuel their cash-cow. The question is, what is their cash cow and why is the State of Utah such a big player in the national wild horse wipe-out plan?


American Farm Bureau Federation

Society for Range Management

Humane Society Legislative Fund

Public Lands Council

Return to Freedom Wild Horse Conservation

National Horse and Burro Rangeland Management Coalition

Eureka County, NV County Commission Office

Humane Society of the United States

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Beaver County, UT County Commission Office

American Mustang Foundation

Utah Governor Office

You can read their horrid plan ‘s Wild Horses & Burros

Gonacon™ and other sterilization methods will be used.

The Big Ag groups who signed onto the plan aren’t betraying their members because their position against wild horses has been clear for a long time. Do they have more integrity than greedy animal and wild horse nonprofits who have been fooling the public for decades? Have these animal and wild horse groups always been working behind the scenes to round up and control America’s last free-roaming wild horses and burros?

Pay attention to what you read, see hear. . . Be a voice for the voiceless wild horses and burros who need you!

Take a Stand! Sign and share the petition for a headcount of America’s last wild horses and burros: Debunk the overpopulation myth to protect America’s last wild horses.

Remember the traitors are asking for more big roundups. Never forget they are trying to cash in on the overpopulation lie, cash in on your tax money and ask for more roundups.

For the Wild Ones,

Anne Novak

Please Share this important Petition to Defund the Roundups:

Video reveals truth about California wild horses before the roundup

Photo by the U.S. Forest Service

Watch this video on Devil’s Garden to know what was going on out there before the huge roundup started to destroy the Devil’s Garden herd.

The roundup is a sham and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

Are they counting rocks as horses?

U.S. Forest Service photo

The Devil’s Garden Roundup in Modoc County is in full force with one of the last big California herds being attacked. Where’s the accurate headcount? Are they counting rocks as horses to justify a massive removal and destruction of native wild horses?

Take Action: Sign and share the Petition for a Head Count:

Do what you can to STOP the Roundup!

Artist reconstructs the Yukon horse

“The similarities between E. Lambei and E. Caballus are easy to explain: full DNA analysis proves they are the same species. I think it is remarkable all horses in the world today originated from North America and these pretty ponies. Excellent forensic art. ( not really extinct species though, just a very old ancestor…like Kennewick man is to us). Reminds me of Haflinger ponies.” ~Audrey Lively

Here are the discovery notes:

Are North America’s wild horses native?

Read more about the Yukon horse here: