The Triple B wild horse roundup starts after the 4th of July holiday weekend. More than 800 native wild horses will lose their freedom and their independence. They will be ripped from their families and chased from their home on public land in the last wild places of the American West.
What is a “Pre-Existing Death” at the taxpayer-funded roundup? These roundups are run by the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) who hires helicopter contractors.
Are all the broken legs or hoof injuries caused by stampeding wild horses for hundreds of miles in the 1,608,530-acre herd management area going to be categorized as “pre-existing conditions”? Are they attempting to cover up the truth when the Feds kill America’s legendary symbols of freedom?
Is the BLM trying to manipulate the death count to hide the cruel carnage?
BLM plans on conducting a wild horse roundup in eastern Nevada ELY, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will begin a wild horse roundup near Ely, Nevada on or about July 8, 2019. The purpose of this roundup is to use taxpayer dollars to appease Cattlemen as well as the mining and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) fracking industry, etc. There is no evidence of overpopulation it’s just a big fat greedy lie.
Wild horses torn from their family bands and homes on public land, will be made available for adoption or sale as a means of “disposal” through the BLM’s Adoption and Sale Program. In the past, the BLM has sold thousands of wild horses to alleged kill buyers such as their buddy who purchased at least 1,700 native wild horses to “use in the Mexican film industry.”
The BLM is claiming the population of wild horses in the proposed roundup area, known as the Triple B Complex, was estimated at 3,381 as of March 1, 2019 – more than ten times above the target population of 474-889 wild horses. Advocates who crunch numbers such as Marybeth Devlin find this impossible because wild horses don’t have litters.
After years of land degradation from overgrazing cattle and most especially sheep, the BLM and their P.R. division spin lies and fake news once again. They claim, “… By balancing herd size with what the land can support, the BLM aims to protect habitat for other wildlife species such as sage grouse, pronghorn antelope, mule deer, and elk. Removing excess animals would also enable significant progress toward achieving the Standards for Rangeland Health identified by the Northeastern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council (NGBRAC).” Know that the NGBRAC is made up of opportunists who want to cash in on the land, water, resources or government funding for the wild horse “problem”.
Of course, former Secretary of Interior, Ryan Zinke, has joined the board of U.S. Gold Corp., who is involved with mining and exploration of liquid natural gas, etc. Even the Elko Daily reports:
“The rapid transition from the highest levels of the executive branch to the corporate boardroom is raising questions about possible conflicts of interest.
It comes fewer than four months after Zinke left a cabinet position overseeing the country’s oil and gas, coal and other natural resources and those companies that profit off their extraction.”
Keep in mind that Zinke, while in office, allegedly made deals to remove America’s wild horses from public land–to free it up for mining, fracking, water grabs, etc. Just #FollowTheMoney because now it’s so obvious as the public watches it play out.
Now here’s the funny part–the BLM has not proved to the American public or elected officials that there are “excess” wild horses on 1,682,998 acres of public land in what’s known as the Triple B Complex near Ely and Elko. After allegedly being seduced by big dollars, Zinke said there were too many wild horses while in office and therefore it supposedly is so.
Who suffers as a result of all this greed? The innocent wild horses do of course.
Roundups are cruel, period. Injuries and deaths are commonplace. Native wild horses suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after being chased by helicopters, stampeded into traps, then ripped from their families and their native land. Because the BLM views American wild horses are soul-less animals and pests, they don’t care and they lie to claim they do. The BLM strives to hide the cruelty from the public to avoid outrage that travels like wildfire–thanks to the social media.
The Triple B Complex is located in the BLM’s Elko and Ely districts on public lands administered by the Wells and Bristlecone field offices. The roundup may also take place in areas outside the Complex where wild horses have moved in search of food and water after being fenced out of their rightful access to food and water on public land. The BLM claims they will leave 2,581 wild horses in the Complex once the roundup is completed. The truth is the BLM inflates the population estimate to justify removing a high percentage in order to wipe out the majority of wild horses in the resource-rich Complex. The roundup is expected to last approximately 20-25 days at huge expense to the American taxpayer. Are you aware of how much money roundup contractors rake in?
The BLM states that members of the public are welcome to view the daily roundup operations, provided that it does not jeopardize the safety of the animals, staff or observers and that it does not disrupt gather operations. The BLM will escort the public to gather observation sites located on public lands. The BLM anticipates that viewing opportunities will begin on or about July 9, 2019, weather and logistics permitting. Those wanting to view roundup operations are asked to notify Public Affairs Specialist Chris Hanefeld at (775) 289-1800 prior to the desired viewing date to be added to the attendee list and to receive specific instructions on meeting locations and times.
Some high-tech behind the scenes horse advocates, who aren’t asking for donations, believe the BLM’s contractor “pre-gathers” and therefore stampedes wild horses much further than they would let the public know. Of course, the BLM and everyone in on the roundup game won’t tell you the truth.
The BLM is conducting the roundup under the DOI-BLM-NV-E030-2017-0010-EA Antelope and Triple B Complexes Gather Plan Environmental Assessment decision signed on December 21, 2017, when Ryan Zinke was the Secretary of Interior overseeing the BLM. Access the Decision Record and determination of the National Environmental Policy Act adequacy at
Once the roundup is underway, the BLM will post roundup reports and wild horse death reports as well as additional information on its website at For technical information, contact Wild Horse and Burro Specialist Ben Noyes at (775) 289-1836 or
“RENO, Nev. (KOLO) – A two-year-old agreement between wild horse advocates and the Department of Agriculture will be discontinued by the end of the month. That’s the word coming from the Nevada Department of Agriculture, which says the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign is not holding up its end of the bargain.
. . . But according to the NDA, the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign is only interested in one thing.
“They only wanted to participate in the fertility control portion,” says Doug Ferris, Nevada Department of Agriculture Animal Industry Division Administrator.
As a result, the NDA has terminated the contract as of November 25, 2017.
“Yeah, hurray, finally,” was Anna Orchards reaction.
Orchard says because of that laser focus on birth control for the horses, all other aspects of the program have gone by the wayside.”
“My family helped settle Oregon and I’ve always liked going out into the wild to see the wild herds,” says Bob Pritchett. “Now I go out there and don’t see any. BLM is lying. The truth is they are underpopulated.”
So called “humane fertility control”, Pesticide PZP, etc. will eventually manage wild horses and burros to extinction. Overpopulation is Fake News planted to then fear monger the public with BLM’s killing/slaughter proposal yet their goal is to ultimately push for public approval of sterilization using the Problem -> Reaction -> Solution Hegelian Dialectic method. Sterilized wild horses will eventually die off leaving no more wild horses on public land. This #WildHorseWipeOut is what they want. The American public wants land and forage given to native wild horses and burros for their principal use according to the 1971 law.
Marybeth Devlin reports that America’s wild horses are Underpopulated:
Per the guidelines of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) own geneticist, the arbitrary management levels (AMLs) of 83% of wild-horse herds are set below minimum-viable population (MVP). Further, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature says the MVP should be 16 times higher for the species to survive and thrive.
Sparsely Populated: Wild horses are few and far between.
In Wyoming, BLM limits the Red Desert herds to 1 wild horse per 1569 acres that’s 2½ square miles. In Oregon, BLM restricts the Beaty’s Butte herd to 1 wild horse per 4381 acres (7 square miles). In Nevada, BLM limits the Silver King herd to 1 wild horse per 9591 acres (15 square miles). *Note: figures are based on BLM’s low AML which is their management protocol.
Fraudulent figures: BLM reports biologically-impossible population-growth-figures. Normal herd-growth = 5%. Here are just a few examples of BLM’s growth-figures:
418% — 84 times the norm — Black Rock Range East
293% — 59 times the norm — Diamond Hills South
237% — 47 times the norm — Divide Basin
417% — 83 times the norm — Nut Mountain
260% — 52 times the norm — Shawave
How many wild horses have been rounded up and shipped to slaughter?
Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.
Let people in the San Francisco Bay Area know that the Emergency San Francisco PROTEST will be held Monday July 3rd at 11 AM. Stand up against giving tax dollars to the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management to KILL, SELL to SLAUGHTER or give America’s last wild horses and burros to the states for eventual sneaky sales to slaughter! America’s living legends of freedom are being managed to extinction by the federal agency in charge of protecting them and taxpayers would pay for extreme animal cruelty!
WHAT: Overpopulation is a hoax. Wild horses and burros live on only a tiny percentage of public land. They are wrongfully given only about 2% of the forage. Wild Horses reduce catastrophic wildfires. They are nature’s ‘Fire Brigade’–being a low cost resource to stop wildfires. It’s time to get them out of captive pens and back on the land to eat down the fuel!
WHEN: Monday July 3rd from 11a.m.-12 noon
WHERE: Outside of Senator Feinstein’s office on the corner of Market & Montgomery, San Francisco, California (Montgomery BART)
BRING: Handmade Signs and friends to hold them!
TWITTER: @SenFeinstein
Advocates have been working with the inventory sheets to bust BLM’s backdoor to slaughter! Has BLM been directed to count the wild horses now? Stay tuned. . .
Protect Mustangs has offered to help find homes for all the 3-Strike Sale Authority wild horses but BLM is dragging their feet. Would they rather kill them or sell them to slaughter?
Congress is on 4th of July holiday recess right now. Does the DOI/BLM hope to get away with things while elected officials are on vacation?
Senator Dianne Feinstein is on the Appropriations Committee that gives the BLM money to spend. The Senator will know we are outside her SF office on Monday even if she’s vacationing somewhere like Lake Tahoe.
We are watching out for our national treasures and we respectfully demand America’s last wild horses and burros be protected and restored to their rightful land and freedom, period.
1. PZP — The Pesticide: PZP is an EPA-registered pesticide manufactured from the ovaries of slaughtered pigs. Some persons argue that, because PZP does not kill the mare, it is not really a “pesticide.” Actually, PZP does kill. Stillbirths are associated with the pesticide’s use, meaning that some of its supposed contraceptive effects are actually feticidal.. In addition, over the long term, PZP weakens a herd immunologically, putting it at risk for eventual or even sudden extinction.
2. PZP — The Disproved Hypothesis: PZP’s manufacturer promoted the product as generating antibodies that “block sperm attachment.” But that marketing-hype was merely an untested hypothesis postulated three decades ago. Independent researchers found that PZP has a different effect, and many adverse effects.
3. PZP — The Actual Mode-of-Action: Behaving like a perverted vaccine, PZP tricks the mare’s immune system into making antibodies that cause ovarian dystrophy, autoimmune oophoritis, ovarian cysts, and premature ovarian failure. PZP quickly sterilizes mares that have a strong immune system but has no effect on those suffering from weak immunity. Thus, PZP both works and doesn’t work but, in the long run, selects for poor immune function. Weak immunity = weak resistance to infection, which could quickly wipe out a herd. PZP also affects the foals. If a mare is pregnant or nursing when darted, PZP antibodies are transferred to her offspring via the placenta and her milk. So, inadvertently, unborn and newborn foals receive a dose or two of the pesticide when their dams are injected.
4. PZP — The Danger to Humans: PZP is a powerful endocrine-disruptor. It causes a sharp drop in estrogen levels. Unfortunately, because the manufacturer misrepresented PZP as “so safe it is boring,” volunteer-darters have become lax in following safety-precautions. Accidental self-injection could result in severe adverse effects because the dose-in-question is sized for a horse.
5. PZP — The Year-Round Birthing-Season: A longitudinal study (Ransom et al. 2013) of three herds currently under treatment with PZP found that the the birthing-season lasts virtually year-round (341 days). Out-of-season births put the life of mares and their foals in jeopardy. Nature designed foals to be born in Spring, not year-round, and certainly not in Winter.
6. PZP — Prolonged Delay in Recovery of Fertility: Ransom et al. also found that, after suspension of PZP, it takes more than a year per each year-of-treatment before mares recover their fertility. PZP’s manufacturer conceded that it could take up to 8 years to recover fertility after just 3 consecutive years of PZP treatment.
7. PZP — Scientists Say Proceed with Caution: Ransom et al. warned: “The transient nature of … PZP can manifest into extraordinary persistence of infertility with repeated vaccinations, and ultimately can alter birth phenology in horses. This persistence … suggests caution for use in small refugia ….”
8. PZP — Contraindicated for Tiny, Isolated Herds: Several years ago, BLM convened a meeting of scientists on the topic of minimum herd-size for genetic fitness. Conclusion: “Smaller, isolated populations (<200 total census size) are particularly vulnerable ….” And that’s without PZP in the mix.
9. Slow Herd-Growth: Per independent research, wild-horse herds increase at a rate of only 5% a year; and wild-burro herds, just 2%. Such slow growth does not warrant pesticide treatments administered en masse every year. Eventual sterilization is inevitable, with extinction of the herd over the long term.
10. Predators: The right way to right-size the wild-horse population is Nature’s way — predators. But those predators — mountain lions, bears, wolves, and coyotes — are persecuted mercilessly. Wildlife Services exterminates what trophy-hunters don’t shoot. Predators help the herds by favoring survival-of-the-fittest and the best genetic adaptations. Predators are the “no-cost” solution.
by Marybeth Devlin
Wild Horse Advocate
This mare waits in the alley before being led into the chute where her age and body condition will be checked. After being treated with the PZP fertility control agent, this mare will be released back to the Owyhee HMA.
Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.
Did you know that right now the Bureau of Land Management, under the Department of Interior is still funding cruel experiments on wild pregnant mares for population control?
Keep in mind that the National Academy of Sciences Report from 2013 stated there is “no evidence” of overpopulation. It’s the end of 2016 and there is still no evidence of alleged overpopulation and the thugs in control won’t do a headcount. They just want to keep abusing innocent wild horses and burros who should be living in freedom. Sickos!
The brutal tubal ligation research on pregnant wild mares in Oregon was stopped due to public outrage but that’s it. All the other tax-payer funded experiments on pregnant wild mares continue. They are cruelly experimenting on them now! Did you realize that?
The Department of Interior is giving away grants totaling up to 11 million dollars for population control experiments–on pregnant wild mares. Are these experiments causing pain and suffering and do they violate the rights of wild horses and burros to live free? Yes. This a wicked violation against their freedom.
So while everyone was distracted by real threats of killing and slaughtering wild horses, the brutal Nazi-like experiments–mostly with injections–continue . . .
America’s last wild horses should never be used as “lab animals”. Never. How is this even legal to experiment on federally protected wild horses?
Wild horses have been cruelly subjected to experimentation for decades. This cruelty has been going on for so long that the Bureau of Land Management and their supporters think this is “normal”. Experimentation on federally protected wild horses must be against the law but there is so much corruption within wild horse and animal advocacy that no one is stopping this! Those organizations who support using Pesticide PZP as birth control will not fight against experimenting on wild horses because they are still involved with PZP experiments or receive funding from those that are.
2017 is the time to fight back the evil cruelty inflicted upon America’s innocent and voiceless wild horses and burros! They should be protected from experimentation, protected from being sold to slaughter, protected from being killed and protected to live freely in the wild.
We’d like to protect wild horses from this abuse. Will you join us?
Rumor has it that during the pre-election frenzy, the Bureau of Land Management decided to kill all the wild horses in their care with any club feet or alleged defect. Yes KILL America’s mustangs who were being offered for adoption after they have been chased by helicopters in roundups, separated from their family bands, live in feedlot settings and forced to be branded, processed, then trucked around to different holding facilities.
Have they pulled them off the adoption and sale authority lists? Do the feds want to kill them instead of adopting them out or selling them to good homes or sanctuaries for $125-$25?
Who gave the order to do this? Where are they putting them now before they kill them? Will they secretly dispose of them by selling them to slaughter? Or do they want to kill them at the facilities and bury their dead bodies in pits?
Tibet is from the Divide Basin Herd in Wyoming. He had 2 Strikes and was facing his 3rd when Protect Mustangs saved him several years ago. Because his native terrain in Wyoming is different than the captive pens and different than terrain in California, he grows a lot of heel bar. If Tibet’s not trimmed regularly and correctly he starts to look like he’s getting clubbed feet. Would the Bureau of Land Management have ordered that Tibet be killed too if we had not saved him years ago with Blondie? They were both long yearlings facing their 3rd Strike back when the Bureau of Land Management was selling wild horses by the truckload for $10 a head to dispose of them.
Tibet and Blondie, March 14, 2013
Are they killing them now when everyone is distracted with the election?
Don’t let the Bureau of Land Management give an order to KILL all wild horses with club feet or other alleged deformities without offering them to compassionate members of the public who want to save their lives or get them to sanctuaries. The Bureau will try to sneak this by the public when no one is watching and everyone is focused on the election, the new Congress and President. Call The White House Comments: 202-456-1111. Switchboard: 202-456-1414 and call your elected officials in Congress now to request they intervene to stop the killing!
Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.
Help get more signatures on the petitions to save America’s wild horses and burros!
Our grassroots petitions are forwarded to the decision makers we are petitioning and make an impact in many ways. We use our petitions in meetings and in communications with elected officials, the Department of Interior, the Bureau of Land Management, VIPs and change-makers. Some petitions have been used in lawsuits. People use our petitions to advocate for wild horses and burros and the dire issues of abuse when meeting with their elected officials, etc.
For example, Palomino Valley Center and many other short-term holding facilities have avoided providing shade and shelter for wild horses and burros for decades despite advocates requesting it. Our petition for shade and shelter ( and our 2013 investigation ( has made a huge impact to bring change thanks to people like you who have an opportunity to show you care about the captives and want to end suffering in the pens.
Even after the Bureau of Land Management (BoLM) was excused from providing shade and shelter as a result of an expensive U.C. Davis study, paid for by the BoLM with your tax-dollars, the petition is keeping the pressure on for change–to end the suffering in the pens.
In an important 2015 meeting regarding shade at Palomino Valley, a Bureau of Land Management staff member was shocked when I told him about the number of people who signed our petition wanting action. At that point he realized how important this issue really was to the greater public and not just a few advocates. Since then, the Bureau of Land Management is taking the issue seriously and taking steps, although baby steps, to bring relief to captive wild horses and burros. It’s essential to keep up the public pressure.
BoLM now says they are willing to provide shade after they have finished trials and will install windbreaks soon.
The Bureau of Land Management brings in more than $4 Billion a year and should have installed emergency shade 3 years ago when our investigation proved wild horses were dying in the heat waves. They have been stalling ever since. This is why we all need to keep the pressure on and need to triple the signatures on the petition ASAP.
Getting to the goal of 110,000+ signatures is essential so I hope you will join me in asking your friends and family to sign the shade and shelter petition. 110,000 + signatures really pushes elected officials, who are political animals, to “do something because voters care”. Your elected officials in Congress along with special interests control the Bureau of Land Management. You can make a difference against the big machine by getting more signatures on our petitions.
It’s not an easy battle to save America’s wild horses and burros or it would already be done. Don’t give up hope. Please keep fighting for the abused wild horses and burros.
Meet with your elected officials or their aides personally, send a hand written letter with a printed cover page of the petitions to help you explain the issues at hand and show your elected officials that voters care and want them to take action to save America’s wild horses and burros.
Together we can stop the cruelty! Be a voice for the voiceless. It’s up to us to make it happen by getting more signatures on the petitions for change. Thank you and Bless you.
“BLM’s got those wild horses as fat as butterballs–all paid for with taxpayer dollars,” explained an anonymous source. “That way they always have buyers wanting them by the truckload.”
“If you think they aren’t selling wild horses to buyers taking them to slaughter then you’re really naive,” continued the source. “BLM just hasn’t got caught recently.”
Why are holding facilities fattening up native wild horses with alfalfa to the point of obesity and cresty necks? Aren’t they worried the mustangs might get sick and founder? Or are they just fattening them up to sell them off?
“Do you know what ever happened to the racket they were running out of Utah?” the source snickered. “Remember when they had a truckload of mustangs as fat as butterballs heading to slaughter? They were going to get busted because someone squealed. BLM busted them to keep the truth from getting out.”
The source was referring to this:
Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.