I want to thank everyone who rallied before midnight November 30th to save the rare wild mustangs. You have proved that there are no unwanted wild horses.
Sadly many wild horses, who have been requested for adoption at the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB http://www.ispmb.org), seem to be held for ransom by two counties in South Dakota who want to send the herds of rare mustangs from the sanctuary to an auction to recuperate at least $24,000. owed for hay. The auction is going to be swarming with kill-buyers. . . South Dakota authorities don’t care.
Will the South Dakota officials–who seem to be advised by well known Pro-Slaughter Activists–force the mustangs’ families to be ripped apart, harassed whiles sorted, numbered and shoved into trailers and hauled in terror to the auction? Why should herds of wild horses who have been protected in sanctuary be subjected to this sort of abuse? Who is lurking in the shadows to snatch them at the auction? What kind of racket is going on?
Here is an article regarding the situation. http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/threats-harassment-force-relocation-of-wild-horse-auction/article_ce0eaac3-287f-594b-8b4e-b8c1c3141767.html I don’t know if the reporting is correct or incorrect. I encourage you to read between the lines. . . Who is the driving force behind sending rare wild horses to an auction swarming with kill-buyers?
Can $24K or more stop this cruelty? Could $50K or more stop them from going to auction so the wild horses could be adopted in their home without the stress and trauma of being sent to a filthy and disease-ridden slaughter auction house?
Can a high powered lawyer stop this slaughter-bound atrocity? If you know a legal dynamo please take action for the sake of the innocent mustangs and forward them this email.
Ask yourself this: How can the authorities hold an alleged public auction in South Dakota without letting the public know the location with enough advance notice to attend to save the mustangs from the KILL-BUYERS? Did the ruthless Pro-Slaughter Activists pretend to be wild horse advocates and make threats against the auction house to disrupt the rescue of around 600 wild horses?
According to Wikipedia, “South Dakota has a total area of 77,116 square miles (199,730 km2), making the state the 17th largest in the Union.” With that in mind, how would the public who wants to save the ISPMB Mustangs be able to make plans to attend an auction in the blizzard-ridden state with a limited number of lodging opportunities and transportation shutdowns?
Is this auction even going to be legal? And all for $24,000.?
For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
Stop the slaughter. Mustangs should be protected. If its a choice between cattle or horses save the mustangs they are a part of our history.
Je n’ai pas très bien compris le déroulement de cette lamentable histoire à cause de la langue, mais suffisamment tout de même pour déduire que les décisions qui sont prises sont honteuses et reflètent une fois de plus que ces magnifiques chevaux, tout comme la plupart des animaux sur cette Terre, ne représentent rien pour certains, sinon l’intérêt.
One of the most effective things that we can all do to stop the livestock lobby – that is instigating the rounding up and cruelty against wild horses- is to STOP EATING MEAT, particularly BEEF in this case. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all those surveyed who are opposed to the capture, warehousing and killing of wild horses BOYCOTTED BEEF??? That would surely stick it to the cattle ranchers!!!!