(July 5, 1945 – May 2, 2015)
It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of our dear friend and advisory board member, Michael Lennox Blake (Dances with Wolves).
Now you can be with the wild horses forever and roam free.
We will miss you.
Our condolences go to his family.
Michael Blake joined our 2013 lawsuit to stop the Fort McDermitt roundup with 2 years of slaughter bound removals. Despite our success for the past years, the tribe wants to resume roundups in August 2015.
Here is his heartfelt declaration:
Lennox is a Fort Mc Dermit roundup horse who was brutally captured in 2013, injured in transport and then sold at a kill buyer auction in Fallon, Nevada where Protect Mustangs saved him. He is named after Michael Blake’s middle name with his blessing.
“Loving horses is essential for human life on this planet. For millions of years, horses assisted humanity but after cars were invented in America, America has fully destroyed them and continues. Though humanity is similar to all animals in terms of no full perception, the killing of them all is moving the earth to destruction. If we only kill those who attack us, humanity will keep the earth real for humans who follow us. Like humanity, every horse is different but I have loved them most and have never killed one all my life.” ~Michael Blake, author of Dances with Wolves from Protect Mustangs’ Make Love not Roundups campaign.
Michael Blake, 69, Writer, Dies; Won Oscar for ‘Dances With Wolves’ (New York Times) http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/05/movies/michael-blake-69-oscar-winning-screenwriter-dies.html?_r=0
(Check back for updates)
© Protect Mustangs
A true horse warrior and a very talented writer. Michael will be terribly missed. He is now running free with the wild ones he loved so much.
You’ll be deeply missed by millions, Thank you for the movie Dancing with Wolves.
Sending prayers to your family and friends
We mourn a beautiful horse warrior. May he rest in peace ♡
This is so sad, he was a creative and passionate man. A rare find in this age.
He is running free with all the horses in heaven. God bless him.
I’m so sorry to hear this! The horses will miss him as much as we will. He leaves a legacy that will hopefully inspire more people to follow in his path.
I am so sorry to hear this it is a great loss. Michael Blake was a man who was a great talent and obviously cared very deeply for the wild horses. May he run free with the wild ones we have lost and watch over on high the ones here on earth. RIP.
Great man and such a valiant and intelligent defender of the wild horses! It was an honor to be his friend and to have conversed with him. Like the mustangs he had real heart, and still does, but now has been released from this incarnate plane and can help us still in the cause. Godspeed, Michael, and until we meet again!
I consider it an honor to have been a friend of our dear Michael Blake. We go back a long way when we flew around Nevada counting horses and camping near them to watch and capture their innocent ways in the wild, in spite of the un-truths about them. They do not “woller” in the water holes, eat all the vegetation around the water; they do not lay in the water and crap in water holes and streams as the cattle do, they quietly walk to the water, drink and leave. I do not believe God makes mistakes, there is enough for all. God bless and keep you my friend, and thank you for all your dedication and help in all ways possible , to help us keep a part of the old west alive…something of great importance for our Grandchildren to see and know about our Wild West History! See you when I get there…
“Dances With Wolves” is a wonderful learning experience for all who see it, especially those who have little prior knowledge of Native Americans, US frontier history, western wildlife. Michael Blake was one of those few who had the creative ability and energy to bring truth to the many in an enjoyable manner and he will be missed.
Dancing with Wolves was a great movie I don’t think there will be another author like Michael Blake may u rest in peace.