For the record
The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) public workshop on August 6, 2013 in Reno was a pitch session for the agency’s point of view that shade is not necessary at the Palomino Valley Center (PVC). The facility is the largest wild horse and burro short-term holding, adoption and processing center in America.
PVC resembles a feedlot–fattening up wild horses before probable slaughter for human consumption. Even so there is no shelter for the close to 2,000 captive wild horses, including pregnant mares and foals, at the huge facility.
The workshop was more of a “spin-shop” and failed the BLM’s interactive promise. Often questions from the public were repeated but not answered.
The BLM’s neglectful point of view was supported by biased consultants with a history of working for the cattle industry–a long time foe of the wild horse.
We received many complaints from members of the public who were in the room, and those on the webinar, stating that their questions and comments were not answered.
Advocates were put off after traveling to Reno to give public comment but were not allowed to share their findings because the BLM was not letting them speak.
There was no brainstorming session of substance–only a BLM pitch against shade that allowed the concerned public to ask questions and some colorful writing on boards.
The advocate community and members of the global public are up in arms that the BLM appears to have found consultants from U.C. Davis who speak with alleged forked tongues to back up the BLM’s negligent care.
The recommendation by Dr. Carolyn Stull, Ph.D. from U.C. Davis, to deny America’s captive wild horses access to shade/shelter is appalling. Everyone knows the minimum basics of Animal Husbandry 101 is food, shelter, water. Obviously there is a conflict of interest. Is this because of her ties to the cattle industry or is it something else?
Stull wrote a paper titled “Managing Equine Neglect Cases” in which it states at the top, in the definitions, quote, ‘NEGLECT: is the failure to provide proper shelter, food, or water. Neglect may also include failure to provide veterinary care to a horse that is ill or injured.”
When I asked her why she was recommending no shade/shelter for captive wild horses in the BLM’s care, especially after Stull herself wrote a well known paper on NEGLECT, she appeared to downplay the importance of shade by stating that her paper was for domestic horses in California.
Everyone saw through her shocking response. Many advocates have the episode on video and will publish the whole dog and pony show soon.
The BLM’s proposition to shade only the “compromised” equids is outrageous. All captive wild horses and burros need access to food, water and shelter.
The crowd in the room, the viewers on line, and the public wants all the captive wild horses to have access to shelter.
The BLM requires all adopters provide shelter in order to adopt wild horses and burros yet they are not providing it themselves.
When asked questions about the number of uncounted dead wild horses, the BLM’s vet appeared evasive and appeared to demonstrate a blatant lack of transparency to the taxpayer. He seemed to show disrespect for his oath as a DVM by appearing to hide information about all the dead horses at the government facility.
The BLM and/or their vet appear to have neglected to perform necropsies to prove exposure to triple digit heat–without shade–contributed to the death of more than 3 wild horses during the heat wave. Without necropies, there is a lack of scientific proof–even though the BLM’s negligence points to subterfuge. Keep in mind, the BLM is routinely skewing the death count by not counting the dead without brands showing their id numbers.
The BLM’s mortality statistics avoid counting the majority of captured dead horses and burros. False mortality statistics are reported to convince Congress things “aren’t so bad”.
We request accurate death counts for transparency. Congress and the greater public need to know the truth.
More than 26,000 people have signed our petition and the number is growing every hour.
Every day the BLM refuses to bring emergency shade and shelter, more people learn about the horrible way America’s captive wild horses are being treated by the agency charged to protect them.
Research on shade for wild horses and burros would be a waste of taxpayer funding as food shelter, water and veterinary care are the basics for animal welfare.
More roundups are inexcusable when the BLM neglects their basic care in captivity.
Protect Mustangs formally reinstates our request for captive wild horses and burros to have access to shade and shelter from the elements.
This shameful issue is being well documented by many advocates. The bad science allegedly pushed by consultants is being well documented. The BLM’s lack of transparency and avoidance to work with the public is being well documented and the whole world is watching their heinous acts of neglect towards native wild horses and burros.
If the BLM had cared for the captive wild horses then little Shadow would probably still be alive. See and share the video investigation here:
Please sign, share and email out the petition for emergency shade:
Now contact your senators and representative and request they intervene to bring shade/shelter to the captive wild horses and burros.
Best wishes,
Anne Novak
Executive Director of Protect Mustangs
Protect Mustangs is devoted to protecting native wild horses. Our mission is to educate the public about the indigenous wild horse, protect and research American wild horses on the range and help those who have lost their freedom.
Links of Interest:
August 9, 2013 This is Reno, Palomino horse facility needs shade
July 20, 2013 Kansas City Star by Martin Griffith, The Associated Press BLM seeks ideas to protect wild horses from heat
July 20, 2013 CBS San Francisco BLM seeks ways to protect wild horses from heat after pressure from Bay Area advocate
BLM’s wild horse and burro program looks to community for ideas at workshop:
Captive wild horses need relief from heat says HSUS
Captive wild horses need shade, advocates say
How many foals are dying after roundups?:
BLM’s email revealing they are not counting the unbranded dead amongst the 37 dead mustangs at the Nevada facility
BLM avoids necropsy to avoid proof of heat distress