Legally BLM can sell wild horses by the truckloads


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has the legal right–under the 2004 Burns Amendment passed by Congress–to dispose of America’s legendary wild horses through “unlimited sales”. People buying truckloads of wild horses generally sell them to slaughter. In August 2011 one such truckload was busted on it’s way to slaughter.

BLM claims it does not sell wild horses to slaughter directly at this time. . . In effect, the middle man buys the truckloads of wild horses and sells them to the slaughterhouse.

It’s time for more eyes on roundups and more eyes on wild horses in holding.

The public wants to re-protect America’s wild horses especially with horse slaughter plants scheduled to reopen in the U.S.A.

Ask Congress to STOP the roundup$ now.

A film to stop horse slaughter



We are very honored to be sponsoring THE PETITION, directed by Anne Novak, co-produced by Ken Wahl, starring Michael Blake, The Barbi Twins. Donate here to help fund the documentary. Visit the official website  Sign the petition and protect America’s horses.

Petition to Stop USA Horse Slaughter


Don’t slaughter me!  (Photo © Cat Kindsfather, all rights reserved.)

“America’s wild horses are particularly vulnerable to slaughter.  They live in remote regions where they can be rounded up and sold by thieves to slaughter,” explains Anne Novak, Executive Director of Protect Mustangs. “They aren’t filled with chemicals like domestic horses so their meat could be in high demand abroad. There isn’t enough manpower in the BLM to prevent thieves from taking advantage of plants opening in the West. We must stop horse slaughter.”

Protect Mustangs is petitioning President Barack Obama and Congress to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011, S.B. 1176/H.R. 2966—to make sure all horses in America are treated humanely and not slaughtered.”

Take action. Sign and share the petition to end horse slaughter in America.

Thank you.