ACTION ALERT! USA TODAY Covers the lawsuit to PROTECT the Pine Nut Wild Horses #WildHorseWednesday

© Irma Novak, all rights reserved

© Irma Novak, all rights reserved

Send the USA TODAY article to your Congressional Rep and 2 Senators via email and fax. Tell them there are only 332 Pine Nut wild horses left on 90,000 acres close to Lake Tahoe and Carson City, NV. Ask your elected officials to intervene to PROTECT this federally protected and treasured herd who belongs to all Americans from coast to coast. Make sure they know they are UNDERPOPULATED (only 332 left on the vast range), healthy and loved by the community at large! Stop the Roundup and Stop Forcibly Drugging Native Wild Horses with PZP, Sterilizing them or Experimenting on them!

Here is the article in USA TODAY  Thank you for publishing this!

Find your elected officials here:

We have started an action group on Facebook and you are invited: PROTECT the PINE NUTS WILD HORSES here:

This is just the beginning. JOIN for updates. $5 Membership fees can be sent to via and donation information is here. Thank you for taking action to protect the last remaining wild horses in America.