Ecological Report on Salt River (AZ) Wild Horse Herd & Associated Ecosystem

Arizona’s Salt River Wild Horses (Photo © Craig Downer)

By Craig C. Downer, Wildlife Ecologist, President: Andean Tapir Fund

Date: December 19, 2012

For three days, between Tuesday, September 25 and Thursday, September
27, 2012, I joined horse activist Simone Netherlands and musician
Joseph Bobian in observing the Salt River ecosystem just to the NE of
Mesa, Arizona. The section we covered in kayaks was upstream from
Granite Reef Dam and below the Stewart Mountain Dam. Much of the
northern side of the river here belongs to the Salt River (Pima) Indian
Reservation (the Pima are likely descendants of the fascinating Hohokum
people who dwelt in this region for nearly 2,000 years and had
extensive canal irrigation systems). The rest of the land is under the
jurisdiction of the Tonto National Forest. Camping and picnicking is
allowed in three sites along the river on its south side. The Phon-D.
Sutton Recreation and wildlife viewing area is found on the lower side.
The area is accessed along the Bush Highway, FR 204, at the ranger
station, where we put our kayaks into the river. This section of the
river occurs right above its junction with the Verde River that flows
in from the north. The Salt River drainage has been subject to
intensive development for both agricultural and municipal purposes, and
it is responsible for much of Phoenix’s great expansion since 1911 to
become the sixth largest city in the United States. However, the
exploitation of this basin’s water, power, soils, natural plants and
animals, etc., has come at a price. Some of the consequences are
readily detected, such as the erratic flows caused by the dam, the
sections of the river with eutrophied and/or polluted waters, and the
large quantities of garbage present in and around the river and its
riparian habitat. However, in order to assess the full consequences of
this enormous alteration of the Salt River, a comprehensive comparison
of what this river used to be and what it has now become would be
necessary. Clearly, only a vestige of its former exuberance and
extension remains. But this is an crucial vestige, and several
institutions are working to restore the full vitality of this river,
including private and government entities. These projects are
certainly worthy of our input and collaboration.

This area is a riverine habitat set within the great Sonoran Desert
ecosystem, and it is crucial for maintaining the native plant and
animal diversity of the region. Since water is the key limiting factor
of desert life, the importance of a river to its adjacent life
communities is critical one. Ecologists and naturalists have
recognized the Salt River for its great variety of birds, and the
Audubon Society has been quite active in conservation projects,
including the annual Christmas Bird Counts. Also fish are very diverse
and abundant here. This ecosystem has many features of a marshland,
which accounts for its high annual productivity in terms of biomass, in
areas that are not overly polluted or otherwise degraded.

As a wildlife ecologist, my primary purpose for visiting the Salt River
ecosystem was to observe its wild horse inhabitants and to assess their
health and populatioin as well as their impacts/contributions to the
whole life community, including humans.

Field Observations:
During the mid to late afternoon and early evening of 9/25/12, I
kayaked from the ranger station a few miles west along the Salt River
near to where it joined with the Verde River. Immediately upon
disembarking and just below a minor rapids, I encountered a band of
eight wild horses with one foal. All had glossy coats and were in good
condition, judging by the Heineke scale as 4’s or 5’s. They were
eating a variety of riverbank vegetation, including tall cane grass,
cattail, acacia, small aster bushes, and even tamarisk. They
were also eating the fresh water Eelgrass that grew on the river
bottom. Though they maintained a safe distance of ca. 50’ from the
kayak, they did not appear to be frightened, but carried on with their
meals. They were mainly a rich reddish brown and some had significant
white facial markings. A few hundred yards further down the river,
another band of six was encountered, including a pregnant gray mare.
They were also in fine condition and peacefully grazing. Another few
hundred yards further down, a strong, young, white stallion stood off
from a band of several horses whose leader stallion was a mature, fit
pinkish-purplish roan, whom Simone named “Pink Floyd”. Among his band
were sorrel mares with blazes. It later became apparent that the white
stallion was trying to woo at least one mare from the band and that the
roan stallion was keenly aware of his intentions.

In general during my three days, I observed that each band usually
maintained a space of at least a few hundred yards from other bands,
except for rare times such as in the late afternoon when I did observe
a few bands coming together. Each band usually kept moving so that no
particular portion of the river habitat became over-browsed or grazed.

I soon began to notice how these wild river horses were eating the
fresh water Eelgrass much of the time. This I consider a positive
ecological contribution that prevents the clogging of the river,
especially during periods when the Stewart Mountain Dam releases less
water. I had been told by locals that there were times when very
little water was released and the river slowed to a trickle. The river
bank revealed high flows and even flood stages in the recent past, and
the present flow was quite full. If the flow is often cut drastically,
then many species would appear to have a tortured life history, past,
present, and future.

During the late afternoon float, we observed large willow trees, some
of which were being moderately browsed by the horses. “Continental
species of conservation concern” observed here include the Abert’s
Towhee and the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (also endangered). Marsh
Wrens, Great Blue Herons fishing in the shallows, and groups of Turkey
Vultures circling high overhead, Snowy Egrets and Belted Kingfishers
were also frequently observed. Large-mouth Bass propelled themselves
bodily out of the water in the early evening, making loud thumps and
splashing sounds that carried a long ways. Sunfish were also present.
Around 100 or so recreationalists were also present, many in kayaks or
boats of various sorts. Many were fishing. There were many pink or
reddish clusters of small gelatinous eggs plastered on herbaceous stems
at the edge of the river, which were probably those of a frog. I
noticed several small Lowland Leopard Frogs, which the herons seemed to
be hunting with their stabbing beaks along with fish. Nesting Bald
Eagles were reported to me by locals as well as Joe Bobian. Several
species of Dragon Flies were observed, including a large 3”-winged,
orange one. Mosquitoes came out at sundown. Small biting Black Flies
were also present. Sign of Muskrats were detected on the river banks.
Beaver were also gnawing on some trees on the north bank and there was
sign of a former beaver, submerged when the river was at a higher level.

The north side of the river had considerable cattle, and ca. 100 were
observed during my three days on the river, compared with about a half
as many wild horses, i.e. ca. 50. Many of the cattle were on the
reservation and causing much habitat destruction. The south side of
the river, however, did not display such habitat destruction except
where people and their activities, including ORVs and garbage were
negatively impacting. This indicated that the wild horses, present on
both sides of the river, were not causing such destruction. It would
be both dishonest and unfair to blame them for habitat destruction
being caused by cattle or by people. For truly they are restorers and
healers here.

I directly observed many positive contributions that these horses were
making to the riparian ecosystem. A variety of seedlings sprouted from
the horses droppings and included those of the thorny Acacia tree
common here and whose leaves and twigs I observed the horses eating.
Their pruning of this tree or eating of its seedlings maintains open
areas and habitat diversity by preventing this tree’s overcrowding of
the ecosystem.

Of all the species I observed the horses eating, the river or fresh
water Eelgrass seemed to log the most time in the horses schedule.
Perhaps this was because they had to work hard at pruning these tough
leathery ribbons with their upper and lower incisors and at the same
time tug them out of the water. Sometimes I observed them flinging
this vegetation, perhaps to clean it of clinging mud particles. There
were other types of river vegetation, one of which was Potamogeton,
which was also eaten.

While investigating a sandy island, I observed a horse wallow area in
the river-washed sand. There were also trails that wove from the
rivers through the thickets and out into the upland Sonoran desert
hills, with their colorful and statuesque cacti. Some tree trunks were
used as rubbing posts, and some shady groves were occupied for shade
and for concealment. Puma occur here, as well as coyotes and bobcats.
Puma can take young horses or weakened, diseased or declining, older
horses, especially in ambush. Shortly prior to my arrival, one
unfortunate, dark-colored stallion had become entangled in barbed wire,
which cut deep into the flesh above his hoof. Though we persistently
searched for him during the three days in an effort to help him, he was
no longer to be seen. It is possible that a puma had followed the
bloody trail left by his wound, then overtook and killed him through
strangulation, which would have been merciful in the end. Abandoned
barbed wire fences are particularly a problem on the north side of the
river where the cattle occur and should be removed here as well as on
the south side of the river, where there are also many fences. These
are real hazards for many animals, including both species of deer found
here: the Mule Deer and the Whitetail Deer.

On a sandy island in the middle of the river, I gathered evidence that
horse feces were clearly helping to build the soils by contributing to
their humus component and by dispersing many intact seeds of a great
variety of plant species, including the Acacia, along with some Mints,
and members of the Sunflower Family, Asteraceae. I also observed many
Squash seeds that had been deposited in tact in the horse feces. This
ecological contribution by the horses is quite major and serves to
increase the diversity of plant and animal species in many ways (See
Downer, Ch. 2). I have done detailed studies of this sort and could so
again given adequate support. From what I saw of the river and its
riparian habitat, the wild horses are not over-populating, but are at a
numerical level that is in balance with the other species and well
spaced. Their removal or major reduction would have a
dis-equilibrating effect upon the Salt River ecosystem.

Wild horses have been here for centuries, dating back to Spanish
missionary times, three to four hundred years ago. They were also
present during the passage of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and
Burros Act of 1971 (P.L. 92-195) and are legally entitled to protection
within the Tonto National Forest. Please note that the U.S. Forest
Service, under USDA, (along with the BLM, under USDI) is also charged
with preserving, protecting, and managing the wild horses as
“principal” resource recipients within their legal territories (USFS).
(See section 2 c of this act, & Downer, pp. xi-xiii.)

Rather than removing or greatly reducing the modest population of wild
horses here, Tonto National Forest officials should focus on clearing
up all the garbage that has accumulated for many years in and around
the Salt River, and prevent its further accumulation. Officials should
also restrict recreational vehicles, such as ATV’s and motorcycles, as
well as certain river craft, that are having damaging effects on the
stream banks and other riparian areas, or upon the river itself.

The majority of the horses I viewed were in good shape with Heineke
scores of between 4 & 5, with a few 3’s and a few 6’s. Present were a
reasonable number of foals and yearlings. The latter were not at all
excessive as would indicate a population boom. The wild horses were
establishing a harmonious balance within the Salt River ecosystem and
contributing positively to this.

An important aspect of a Salt River wild horse band’s year-round life
is its occupation of the upland Sonoran desert habitat. The band
trails I followed led into the surrounding upland ravines and
mountains, some with spectacular red sandstone formations. This
indicates that the wild horses are being true to their ancient,
semi-nomadic nature. They are distributing their grazing and browsing
pressure over very large areas involving hundreds of square miles, thus
minimizing their impacts on any given part of their home range and
allowing this to regenerate. Such a wholesome lifestyle, attuned to
seasonal variation, stands in marked contrast to the domestic cattle I
observed, either directly or indirectly, concentrating their grazing
and browsing pressure along the northern side of the river, and
trampling and over-consuming vegetation. This is causing increased
erosion of soils as well as putrid, stagnant conditions along certain
river plains where the excess urine and feces of cattle become a
breeding ground for dangerous bacteria and disease-conveying
mosquitoes, which brings me to my next topic.

Examining the water of Salt River, I realized it carried a high
nutrient, including Nitrogen, load. Although it did not show signs of
extreme eutrophication, if the volume of water released from the
Stewart Mountain Dam to the east were to be decreased, such
eutrophication could set in to the detriment especially of animal life.
This would result in a harmful concentration of anaerobic bacteria and
the depletion of oxygen from the water with attendant die-off of fish,
amphibians, many invertebrates and dependent reptiles, birds, and
mammals of a great variety. Also of concern is the introduction of
pesticides, herbicides, chemical leaching from nearby mines, air
pollution, sewage from homes and businesses, and the general littering
of plastics, tin cans, picnic garbage, etc., from visitors. I could
tell the situation was serious when I visited certain river edges with
little current on the slow side of bends. These were becoming
eutrophied and had gobs of algae floating in them as well as masses of
floating plastic refuse, some of which is ingested by animals or
tangles them up and even strangles them. The wild horses’ daily visits
to the river significantly aid in more thoroughly circulating its
waters. Also, by wading or swimming through and eating the river
vegetation and then moving inland to deposit their feces in drier
uplands, the horses assist in preventing eutrophication and keep the
ecosystem more open for deer and other animals to circulate. They aid
in the aeration of the waters. The wild horses maintain and even
enhance the ecological health of the river and its riparian habitat, as
well as that of the adjacent Sonoran desert, with all its amazing
variety of cacti, mesquite, succulents, herbs, grasses, forbs, bushes,
and trees that have adapted to the hot and arid conditions here.
Acting on the river bottoms, their hoof action serves to aerate
stagnant areas and prevent toxic anaerobic conditions from developing.
(See Downer, Chapter II.)

The life of the Salt River wild-horse-containing ecosystem begins to
really stir during the crepuscular hours of late afternoon and early
evening. At this time dramatic chases occurred between stallions
competing for mares, and bass spectacularly leaptout of the river
followed by the loud slapping of the river surface as they re-enter the
water. I also heard the hoarse chorus of the gangly Great Blue Herons,
the cheerful, cozy chatter of day-active songbirds seeking their
protective roosts in bushes, and the energetic takeoff of ducks and
geese, quail and doves, seeking their nocturnal abodes as well.

An Overview:
For all the assaults the Salt River ecosystem has suffered,
particularly during the last century, the portion I visited still
appears to be more healthy than sick, more animated than dead. In
spite of bearing the burden of having made possible the sixth largest
city in America with several million human inhabitants, it is still
more alive than moribund. And when allowed to resume their natural
life in accord with their age-old instincts and traditions, those
returned North American native species: the horses truly serve to
resuscitate the Salt River ecosystem. They were here for many millions
of years, in this land of their evolutionary origin and long-standing
evolution (see Chapter I of my book). They are refilling a vacant
ecological niche only quite briefly dis-occupied. They have deeper
roots than just about any group of mammals one can name, much deeper
than even the autochthonous pronghorn, and it is absurd to call them
“misfits”. And who is modern “civilized” man, anyway to be calling
them misfits?! Modern civilized man who is the most unnatural and so
misfit creature on the living Earth, because of his own over-population
and artificially making over of the Earth’s life community. He prides
himself in doing an “extreme makeover” of it all. But I ask: by what
guiding principles other than materialistic self-serving?! Isn’t it
high time that we humans learn to be more truly “civilized” with our
fellow species – in this special case the horse, who has done so much
for us. Isn’t it high time we do something truly good and decent for
him?! We can start by just letting horses be themselves in free and
natural habitats where they belong and to which they contribute so
positively. One such opportunity is Salt River.

Finally I quote from the current November, 2012, issue of National
Geographic Magazine in its “Next” section on “Horse Power”:
“Diminutive Konik horses stand about four feet tall, but they can have
a big impact on biodiversity. By eating the woody vegetation that
overcomes open marshes, these likely descendants of the horses in
prehistoric cave paintings are helping revive the natural landscapes
that existed when large herbivores roamed freely.”

“Before Neolithic farmers began to till marshes in what is now Europe,
grazers kept forests from creeping in, which allowed varied habitats
for birds, insects, and plants to flourish. Today, conservationists
are trying to revive that diversity. In many places that means cutting
brush back with chain saws. But Koniks are cheaper and better at it.
The horses are now at work in nearly a dozen countries – including some
20 sites in the U.K. alone.” (Williams.)

This tribute to the value of the horse in restoring and maintaining
ecological diversity by preventing takeover of brush, etc., is directly
applicable to the Salt River ecosystem. Salt River’s wild horses are
positive assets. They should not be removed but rather allowed to fill
their ancient niche within their ancestral lands in North America.
They are post-gastric digesters who complement ruminant digesters, help
build the soils, disperse the seeds of intact seeds capable of
germination, prevent catastrophic fires, and maintain productive and
bio-diverse riparian habitats, among other habitat types. We
“two-leggeds” (old Indian term for humans) must learn to appreciate a
wild-horse-containing ecosystem. It is a restored and enhanced one –
and what’s more it is especially beautiful!

List of Species for Salt River riparian and aquatic and adjoining
desert above Mesa AZ:
White mussels and white clams, food of Muskrat, evidence for which also
Dragon flies, several species including metallic orange and electric
Mosquitoes, especially in more stagnant waters.
Black Flies, biting and in large swarms, more noticeable as day warmed.
Dung beetles, reducing horse droppings and enhancing food chain, e.g.
bird, lizard food.
Water skippers, abundant in river.
Funnel Spider, in drier riparian on forest floor, north side river.

Carp (may lay red eggs on twigs according to Joe Bobian)
Large-mouth Bass
Lowland Leopard Frog, several in stiller waters, some floating belly up
in stagnant water.
Arizona Black Rattlesnake.
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake.
Black-tailed Rattlesnake.
Lyre Snake.
Night Snake.
Southwestern Black-headed Snake
Sonoran Mud Turtle, swimming in middle of river, large head emerged
from water.
Whiptail lizard, in dry upland desert.
Collared lizard, in dry upland desert. (Both lizards fell into an open
tank and perished.)
Many lizard and snake tracks, especially drier desert, but also
riparian and shore (drink).
Sonoran Spotted Whiptail,
Gila Spotted Whiptail.
Tiny, slender white “ghost” lizard scampering midday to shade of bush,
upper desert.
Belted Kingfisher: several seen flying rapidly, diving for fish,
issuing strident cry.
American Coot, floating at sides of river lower down near dam.
Osprey, solitary, near lower dam, flying high.
Ducks: Mallard, Northern Pintail, Green-Winged Teal.
Canada Goose.
Black Phoebe, several seen perched along river edge in trees, willows.
White Winged Dove.
Mourning Dove, seen frequently, cooing, rapid flight.
Several sparrow species.
Great Blue Heron, frequently observed. Was fishing in shallows, flying
overhead, crying out with hoarse cry.
Spotted Sandpiper, in rocky shores, picking among rocks for tiny
insects, etc.
Killdeer, on stony shores, rapid walk.
Gambel’s Quail. Frequent in inland riparian among bushes in large
White-Faced Ibis, on stony shore.
Red-Tailed Hawk, observed overhead.
Cooper’s Hawk, observed in thicket.
Purple Gallinule, crossing over shallow water overgrown with vegetation.
Common Mud Hen.
Black-Throated Gray Warblers.
Common Grackle, Frequent, white eye, gregarious, often around garbage,
picnic areas.
Turkey Vulture, common, circling overhead.
Red-Winged Blackbirds, several seen among cattails and in mesquite and
Abert’s Towhee, seen.
Cowbird, nest parasite. Observed in riparian thickets.
Common Merganser.
Gilded (Northern) Flicker.
Great Egret.
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher.
Whitetail Deer.
Mule Deer.
Spotted Skunk.
Raccoon, tracks seen.
Gray Fox.
Kit Fox, tracks.
Puma, or Mountain Lion, track seen.
Coyote, heard, track seen.
Badger, den seen.
Long-tailed Weasel, bank slide seen.
Many bat species are found in this Salt River habitat and feed on the
many flying insects here, helping in controlling their numbers and in
the process adding nutrients to the river and soils. I saw quite a
variety emerging during the late afternoon and early evening. Here are
some of the species (leaving out the word “bat”): Big Freetail, Pallid,
Mexican Big-eared, Pocketed, Freetail, Western Big-eared,
Silver-haired, Smooth-footed Myotis, Yuma Myotis, Long-legged Myotis,
California Myotis, Long-Eared Myotis, Fringed Myotis, Arizona Myotis,
Cave Myotis, Little Brown Myotis.
Cattle, many on north side of river.
Many rodent tracks, diverse species, both desert and riparian.

Gooding’s Willow, may be large tree size to 20’ high and broad.
Crabgrass, on shore.
Vetch on sandy island, horse food.
Prickly Pear Cactus, upland desert.
Saguaro Cactus, upland desert.
Barrel Cactus, upland desert.
Ocotillo Cactus, upland desert.
Blue Palo Verde tree.
Datura, or trumpet flower bush/tree.
Many Aster shrubs and forbs.
Several algae growing on stones, sometimes clustering into balls and
floating in river, especially still waters receiving nutrient-rich
waters, sewage, along edges of river.
Fremont Cottonwood trees. Interspersed amid Acacias, etc. Good nesting
habitat for birds and other animals.
Walnut trees, good food source for many birds, mammals.
Velvet Mesquite.
Arizona Ash trees.
Potamogeton aquatic vegetation.
Euphorbs, succulent plants at edge of river.
Various species of grass
Food of wild horse: Eelgrass, Willow, Cane Grass, Tamarisk (a.k.a..
Salt Cedar, an undesirable exotic species, wild horses could help
control or eliminate this.), Cattail,
Wild Squash.

Some Wild Horse Observations and GPS (Geographical Positioning System)
reading with corresponding observations of horses and other important

9/25/12: Band of 8 w/ 1 foal. Mid morning, upper river, eating.
Band of 6 w/ pregnant gray mare, mid morning, upper
Band of 6 w/ pink roan stallion & white stallion pursuing mares, mid
afternoon. mid river. Grazing. Later photographed
chase of white stallion by pink roan.

9/26/12: 3 bands of wild horses seen, one w/ 4 wh’s, 1 w/ 8 wh’s (same
as seen on 9/25), 1 w/ 3 wh’s. GPS: 33 d 32.720’ N; 111 d 40.264’W.
4,791’ elev. Time 12:32 pm. Horses feeding, grooming, bathing,
splashing. Many small flies about, some large horse flies also. Horses
swish tails, throw water, twitch skin to repel flies.
Another GPS taken where band of 6 observed to move to another area: 33
d 31.279’ N; 111 d 39.179’ W. 1,349’ elev. 2:53 PM.

9/27/12: Same band of 6 observed in earlier days, observed followed.
GPS: 10:32 AM. 33 d 32.366’N; 111 d 40.273’W. 1,327’ elev. On rocky
island. Tiny white “ghost” lizard seen, ca. 3” long. Slender, rapidly
ran to cover under tiny bush.
11:29 AM. Band of 7 wh’s spotted, including 2 adult roans and 1
yearling roan with red mane. Area of wh congregation. GPS: 33 d 32.545’
N; 111 d 40.305’W. 1,331’ elev.
11:40 AM: At 3-strand barbed wire fence, covered up to avoid wild horse
entanglement, repeat of Tango tragedy. GPS: 33 d 32.507’N; 111 d
40.325’ W. 1,363’ elev. Fence runs parallel to road. Pole #6. Hazardous
barbed wire here. Ocotillo, barrel, & saguaro cacti here. Whiptail
lizard trapped in open barrel, dead.
GPS at mailbox on road # 7322: 12:28 PM. 1,359’ elev. 33 d 32.503’ N;
111 d 40.361’ W.

4:30 PM: Met Retired man fishing from small inflatable boat in river:
Vaughn Dolle. He enjoys wild horses here and has observed them since
1967 (may substantiate the legal protection of Salt River herd under
the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 along with many
others, including Amerindians). He would miss them if removed and
feels they are harmonious here. Film interviewed by Simone. Lives

Important Information for literature search:
The Lower Salt and Gila River Ecosystem is one of Arizona’s IBA’s, or
Important Bird Areas. This is high in productivity of biomass due to
its constant supply of nutrient-rich waters. Fish here are among the
most abundant in the state, and hence so are the fish-eating birds,
mammals, etc. And there are various species of egrets, herons, and
cormorants. Least Bittern and Upper Clapper Rail also are common here.
The threatened Abert’s Towhee has its highest count here. The Audubon
annual Christmas Bird Counts occur here each year.

Raptors wintering in the river corridor include Northern Harrier,
Copper’s Hawk, Osprey, Red-Tailed Hawk, Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Prairie
Falcon, Peregrine Falcon. Swainson’s Hawk and Ferruginous Hawk migrate
through here in fall and spring.

Ecological threats include Tamarisk invasion, loss of water due to
pumping and diversion. Risks to water quality come from herbicide and
pesticide run off and pharmaceuticals in effluent waters. Uncontrolled
human use of area disturbs nests and habitat. Much illegal dumping
occurs and some damaging and dangerous accidental fires. Invasive
Cowbirds are numerous and parasite nests of other birds.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Los Angeles District) was given an
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 contract to restore the
Va Shly’Ay Akimel Salt River Ecosystem between the Salt River
Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and Mesa, Arizona. This $645,000
contract funds Phase I involving ca. 2.5 miles along the river. It
plans to restore the riparian ecosystem to support native vegetation
and wildlife. This project runs a total of 14 miles between Granite
Reef Dam and the SR 101 freeway.

The Salt and Verde Riparian Ecosystem is an IBA that is also germane to
our project to protect the wild horses. It encompasses two rivers: the
Salt and the Verde. The Salt River section of the IBA extends from
Saguaro Lake’s Steward Mountain Dam along the riparian corridor of the
Salt River west to the Verde Rive confluence. The Maricopa Audubon
Society conducts the Salt and Verde River Christmas Bird Count each
year that includes a portion of this IBA. This IBA contains ca. 1/3 of
all Bald Eagle nest areas in Arizona. Nesting here are the
Yellow-Billed Cuckoo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Lucy’s Warbler,
Abert’s Towhee, and the Common Black Hawk, all “Species of Conservation
Concern”. Recreation uses, including boating and ATVs, disturb
nesting birds. ATV’s impact flood-plain vegetation and cause erosion.
Species on the Audubon list that I observed include: Gambel’s Quail,
Northern Pintail, Common Merganser, Gilded (Northern) Flicker, Great
Blue Heron, Great Egret, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Abert’s Towhee.

The 12-mile Salt River portion of the IBA is located in the Tonto
National Forest, except the last 3 miles downstream. In the latter,
the north side of the Salt River is within the Salt River Indian

Fremont Cottonwood, Gooding’s Willow, and Arizona Ash are the dominant
riparian species present in the flood plain habitat. In the lower
section, Velvet Mesquite, Saguaro, Blue Palo Verde, Foothill Palo
Verde, and Ironwood are the dominant upland trees.


Abbey, Edward, et. al. Cactus Country. The American Wilderness.
Time-Life. N.Y.

Cloudsley-Thompson, John. Desert Life. The Living Earth series. Danbury
Press London.

De Lorme. Arizona Atlas & Gazetteer. 2004.

Downer, Craig C. The Wild Horse Conspiracy. Availabe at as
printed or eBook.

Findley, Rowe. Great American Deserts. National Geographic, D.C.

Leopold, A. Starker, et. al. The Desert. Life Nature Library. Time
Inc., N.Y.

McCarry Charles. The Great Southwest. National Geographic, D.C.

National Audubon Society. 2012. Important Bird Areas in the U.S.

Niering, William A. The Life of the Marsh. Our Living World Of Nature.

Peterson Field Guides to: Western Birds, Mammals, Reptiles & Amphibians

Sutton, Ana & Myron. The Life of the Desert. Our Living World Of
Nature. McGraw-Hill.


Usinger, Robert L. The Life of Rivers and Streams. Our Living World Of
Nature. McGraw-Hill.

Williams, A.R. Horse Power. In “Next” section. National Geographic
Mag. Nov. 2012.


A Win! ~ Twin Peaks Roundup on hold ~ Keep the pressure on

Twin Peaks wild horses counting on your help (Photo of “Magic” © G. Gregg)

Happy Thanksgiving!

California-based Protect Mustangs has been working hard to stop the Twin Peaks roundup once we brought you the news of the Rush Fire last summer. We are grateful several wonderful advocates such as Craig Downer, Grandma Gregg, Jesica Johnston, Barbara Clarke, Monika Courtney, R.T Fitch, Debbie Coffey and many others have joined the fight to protect the Twin Peaks wild horses on the range.

We oppose rounding up and removing native wild horses from the Twin Peaks HMA especially now that they can play a key role in restoring the land. It’s time the BLM use good science and cut down on invasive techniques that cause global warming. Wild horses and burros can heal and reseed the range after the wildfire so let them do it.”

Keep contacting your elected officials across the country to educate them about how the Twin Peaks wild horses can heal the land after the fire. Let them know these federally protected wild horses deserve to remain on their range. Tell them removals are cruel and costly–warehousing them for decades is not sustainable. Request the Twin Peaks roundup be cancelled. Thank you for helping California’s wild horses and burros.

Please make a donation to help Protect Mustangs continue our work for the wild horses. Thank you.

Below is the email we received today from Ken Collum at the BLM.

All my best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving,


Anne Novak

Executive Director of Protect Mustangs

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Twin Peaks Response
From: “Collum, Kenneth R”
Date: Tue, November 20, 2012
To: Anne Novak protectmustangs

There will be no imminent roundup operation in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area (HMA).  The situation will be re-evaluated this January.

HMA population information obtained from September’s aerial inventory will be available soon.

Ken Collum

Field Manager

Eagle Lake Field Office

2950 Riverside Dr.

Susanville, CA.  96130

Ph:    530 252 5374

Cell:  530 260 0158



Shining the light on wild horses and burros

Cynthia Smalley in the field. © Cynthia Smalley

We are going to publish a book and make a short film on the wild horse and burro herds that photographers document. The goal is to bring awareness to these herds and shine the light on them.

Visit our Facebook page to post a photo and let us know which herds you document.

Let us know if you want to be included in this project. Email for more information.

100% of the profits will go to help wild horses and burros.

Breaking News: California’s last stronghold for native wild horses threatened with removal

Teen wants Twin Peaks mustangs to remain on the range for educational opportunities

SAN FRANCISCO (November 3, 2012)–Protect Mustangs opposes the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposal to roundup and remove native wild horses from Twin Peaks–the largest herd management area near Susanville, California. The California-based preservation group is planning a protest against the proposed Twin Peaks roundup. The San Francisco protest date and time will be announced after the Presidential election.

“Americans value California’s treasured herd of native wild horses, with cavalry remount influences, known as the Twin Peaks horses,” explains Anne Novak, executive director of Protect Mustangs. “These mustangs are survivors and play an essential role in creating biodiversity. Native horses heal the land after wildfires and from livestock over-grazing. This ultimately benefits livestock too.”

Native wild horses have survived in nature for hundreds of years and do not need to be rescued after a wildfire when there is forage and water out there. If they need extra forage or water then the BLM can bring them forage. It’s much cheaper than rounding them up and warehousing them in the Midwest–where they risk being sold to a slaughter middle man someday.

If the land needs healing after the fire then engage the latest science to use native wild horses to help heal the land and reverse desertification.

After a wildfire burned through the HMA for days, advocates conducted a study documenting the forage, water and terrain conditions. There is water and forage out there.

“Going to the Twin Peaks HMA is like stepping inside a living wildlife biology museum of the high desert,” says 15 year old Irma Novak, Director of the Discover Mustangs Project. “After the 2010 roundup, it’s hard to find wild horses to observe because the range is so huge and there aren’t many mustangs left.”

“American youth needs to have access to the natural world to round out their education,” adds Novak. “We want the Twin Peaks wild horses to remain on the range. If they need to remove any animals to heal the land after the fire then they should remove the destructive grazers who ruin the riparian areas–the cattle.”

The vast 798,000 acre Twin Peaks HMA is one and a half hours north of Reno and approximately 250 miles from the Bay Area making it an accessible option to observe treasured wild horses in their native habitat.

Irma Novak, Director of Discover Mustangs (Photo © Carolyn Orndorff)

# # #

Media Contacts:

Anne Novak, 415-531-8454

Kerry Becklund, 510-502-1913

Links of interest:

Native wild horses:

Princeton Study: Wildlife and cows can be partners not enemies in search for food:

California Twin Peaks Rush Fire Report:

Discover Mustangs Project:

Twin Peaks HMA:

Letter to BLM asking for Twin Peaks roundup specifics and stating our position to bring them aid in the field as needed but keep them on the HMA:

Petition to de-fund the roundups:

Governor Sandoval: Stop the sale of Nevada’s wild horses to kill-buyers

Governor Brian Sandoval ~ Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Call Governor Brian Sandoval and politely let him know you want the trapping and selling of Nevada’s indigenous wild horses at auctions frequented by “kill-buyers” to STOP now.

80% of Americans are against horse slaughter.

Does he want Nevada to stay on the top of the bad list as perceived by Nevadans and everyone else?

The first auction is this Wednesday in Fallon, N.V.–a town where he once lived.

More than 22 Virginia Range wild horses from ‘The Meadow’, on the outskirts of Reno, are going to be sold by the pound. Kill-buyers will be bidding on America’s icons to sell them to slaughter for human consumption in foreign countries.

Politely ask Governor Sandoval to step in–to stop the removals and the sales. Ask him to RELOCATE all the wild horses who have been trapped already by the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDOA) and bring them food and water if needed on the range.

Rotten development planning and urban sprawl is removing habitat from wildlife–including wild horses. Not only is the sprawl causing global warming but now it’s causing strife in communities over wild horses.

It’s the developers’ responsibility to fence out wildlife to prevent entry on their property if that is what they wish. Nevada is a “fence out” state by law.

Back in August several wild horses were taken by people connected with a development. The horses ended up at the prison where they process wild horses to go to the auction frequented by kill-buyers. Who were these people and are charges being prosecuted against them? Are they connected to the current trappings at a development now conducted by the NDOA?

Taxpayers should not pay for the NDOA to remove wild horses when the developer is not taking responsibility for putting up fencing. Nevada wants fiscal responsibility.

Land development does not need to ruin indigenous wild horse habitat, break their families apart and sell them at auctions where kill-buyers purchase horses to sell to slaughter.

We are asking for a win-win NOT for Nevada’s wild horses go to their brutal death–to slaughter.

More wild horses are needed to stop Nevada’s mega-million dollar wildfires. According to a report by CoreLogic, U.S property exposed to wildfire is valued at $136 billion.

If some wild horses do need to be brought in then the mustangs should NEVER be sold at an auction frequented by kill-buyers but should be cared for by the State of Nevada or given to sanctuaries and rescue groups. Their lives are the responsibility of the Silver State if they are not on Federal land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. We know Nevada can do the right thing.

80% of America’s population are against horse slaughter. If Governor Sandoval wants to run for President someday, then he needs to be aware that he is smearing himself by delaying taking action to stop the sale of Nevada’s beloved wild horses to kill-buyers. His character is being measured during this time of crisis.

He has an opportunity now to make history and win the endearment of 80% of Americans nationwide.

Contact the Governor here:

Governor Sandoval
Tel: 775-684-5670
fax: 775-6845683

Emails can be sent via this link.

Send us a copy of emails you send him. Our email is

Also contact Governor Sandoval on Twitter  @GovSandoval

Here is an example of wild horses not causing damage from Barbara Warner’s comment against the Sheldon Refuge wild horse wipe out:

“The 1990-91 GAO ( Government Accounting Office) study proved that horses do not over-graze or destroy riparian areas. Sheldon is still recovering from the damage that cattle have been proven to cause. Horses have flat hooves which don’t cut into the ground and constantly move as they graze. The increased population of pronghorns proves that wild horses benefit them and no doubt many other species as well.”

Here is an excellent scientific example of wild horses as native wildlife:

Indigenous wild horse families living in peace on the Virginia Range in Nevada, January 2012. (Photo © Anne Novak, all rights reserved.)

This photo shows several Virginia Range wild horse families at ‘The Meadow’ on the outskirts of Reno.

These wild horses are loved around the world. Tourists enjoy observing them at ‘The Meadow’ and elsewhere. Eco-tourism businesses could boom taking customers on wild horse safaris. This would create jobs for Nevada.

Now the Virginia Range wild horses are being trapped, castrated and ripped apart from their families only to be sold at a series of auctions, frequented by kill-buyers in Fallon, N.V. starting September 19th, 2012 and ending around October.

As of this date, the Nevada State Department of Agriculture has trapped more than 60 indigenous wild horses–of all ages–and is planning to dispose of them by selling them at the auction frequented by kill-buyers.

Please contact Governor Sandoval and ask him to take this opportunity to make history.


Links of interest:

Governor Brian Sandoval’s website:

Governor Brian Sandoval on Twitter:

News 4 reports: Sixteen Virgina Range wild horses captured

Nevada policy change ~ sells its wild horses by the pound:

U.S. property exposed to wildfire valued at $136 billion:

2012 Nevada wildland fires:

Nevada is a fence out state: Rural Fencing Rules in Nevada |

Video of wild horses in ‘The Meadow’:



Letter to the President

Mustang flag with stars by Robin Warren (Wild Mustang Robin) for © Protect Mustangs

Dear Mr. President,

Wild horses are indigenous to North America. They will heal the land while creating biodiversity to balance out the surge of grazing, energy, mining and water projects on public land.

We understand your priority to foster the New Energy Frontier and therefore we ask you to find the win-win so America’s wild horses and burros–our living treasures–will not become extinct from the industrialization of western public lands.

It’s essential to leave viable herds (families) on public land so the wind horses and burros can reverse desertification because of their nature to forage and roam.

Predators will control the population as part of nature’s cycle and only the fittest will survive. This cuts out the cost of buying costly pharmaceuticals to control reproduction.

We know all the 51,000 wild horses in holding are at risk of going to slaughter and ask that they be returned to public land where they will cost the government almost nothing to live out their lives. Most male horses in holding have already been sterilized so they will not be able to reproduce.

We oppose creating additional herds of sterile wild horses as they don’t exhibit wild horse behaviors and could threaten the indigenous horse with extinction.

We stand with thousands of Americans to respectfully ask you to stop the cruel wild horse and burro roundups, so that an accurate accounting of horses on the range can take place and alternative sustainable management techniques could be applied to save the indigenous horse.

We thank you in advance for becoming a hero for America’s indigenous horses.

In gratitude,

Anne Novak



Anne Novak

Executive Director

Protect Mustangs

P.O. Box 5661

Berkeley, California 94705

Federal Plan Will Remove Horses from Nevada Wildlife Refuge

Cross-posted from The Horse

by: Pat Raia
September 07 2012, Article # 20606

Wild horses and burros will be removed from their ranges in northwestern Nevada under a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) conservation plan for the wildlife refuge on which they currently reside. The plan is slated to become effective after Sept. 24, said Jason D. Holm, assistant regional director of external affairs for the FWS Pacific Region.

Approximately 800 horses and 180 burros currently reside on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR), Holmes said. The refuge is also home to approximately 2,500 pronghorn antelope and 150 bighorn sheep, as well as greater sage grouse, mule deer, and other wildlife species, he said.

The horses and burros will be removed from the refuge under a final Comprehensive Conservation Plan intended to rid the sanctuary of non-native and invasive species, Holm said. Officials would conduct gathers with the goal of removing all the horses and burros within five years, he said.

“Horses and burros are damaging native habitats for refuge wildlife,” Holm said. “Controlling feral animals takes away from wildlife and public use management priorities and efforts, and is costly.”

American Wild Horse Campaign Director Suzanne Roy opposes removal on grounds that horses and burros have resided on the area since the 1800s.

“These are U.S. Cavalry horses and burros used in the California gold rush,” Roy said. “They’ve been there (on SNWR lands) long before the refuge was created in the 1930s.”

Anne Novak, executive director of the wild horse advocacy group Protect Mustangs said the FWS assessment of the equids’ environmental impact is flawed.

 “They want to get rid of all the horses without understanding the positive impact they have on the thriving natural ecological balance,” Novak said. “Wild horses heal the land and their grazing prevents wildfires.”

Roy said that wild horse advocates had recommended FWS officials use fertility control to phase out the horse and burro population over a 15-year period. The agency rejected the option, she said. Now she and others are exploring legal options that could block the total removal.

“Right now, we don’t know what we can do, but we’re looking into it,” she said.

Horses and burros removed from the refuge will be available for adoption, Holm said.

Link to the original article:

Statement from Protect Mustangs:

“We are against phasing out the population using fertility control or by rounding them up,” explains Novak. “We ask that the wild horses and burros be allowed to stay.”


Nevada State Senator, Mark Manendo, comments to Protect Mustangs on the Sheldon wild horse and burro crisis

“According to Nevada’s Legislative Counsel Bureau, the wild horses and burros living in the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge appear to be managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service under the authority of the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act and other applicable federal law,” explains Mark Manendo, Nevada State Senator.  “As such, the horses and burros are not feral horses or burros (domesticated horses or burros which have become wild) under NRS 569.008, and are therefore not under the jurisdiction of Nevada’s Department of Agriculture pursuant to NRS 569.010. Because there is no state jurisdiction, it would be questionable for the State of Nevada to try to assert any control or management over those horses and burros.”

“if people contact their Congress person and their two US Senators and let them know how you feel on this important issue that would be extremely helpful,” says Manendo.

Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada to remove all wild horses, burros within 5 years

Cross-posted from The Republic

  • MARTIN GRIFFITH  Associated Press
  • September 02, 2012 – 8:04 pm EDT

RENO, Nev. — Federal officials have approved a final management plan for the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Nevada that calls for the removal of all wild horses and burros from it within five years.

The move is being made because the refuge was created for pronghorn antelope and other native wildlife, and horses and burros have a negative effect on habitat, said Joan Jewett, spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Portland, Ore.

“They trample the habitat and overgraze and disturb the water sources,” she told The Associated Press. “We’re required by law to manage our refuges in accordance with the purposes for which they were established, and Sheldon was primarily for pronghorn antelope.”

Horse advocacy groups sharply criticized the refuge’s comprehensive conservation plan, which will guide its management over the next 15 years. It was publicly released late last month.

They say horses and burros lived in the area long before the refuge was created in 1931, and the animals actually heal the land and help prevent wildfires through grazing.

“We are extremely disappointed that the federal government has chosen to eradicate wild horses and burros from the lands where their ancestors have lived for more than a century and a half,” Suzanne Roy, director of the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign, said in a statement.

An aerial survey in July showed the 575,000-acre refuge along the Oregon border is home to at least 2,508 antelope, 973 mustangs and 182 wild burros, said Aaron Collins, a park ranger at Sheldon.

“We’re recording the highest numbers of pronghorn antelope since we began counting them in 1950,” he said.

Federal officials began the planning process on the refuge’s management plan in 2008, and received several thousand comments from individuals, organizations and government agencies during it, Collins said.

The final plan will be signed sometime after Sept. 24 by the regional director of the Fish and Wildlife Agency, he added.

Under federal law, only horses and burros removed from lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service are protected from slaughterhouses if they can’t be adopted.

“Rounding up indigenous wild horses is wrong — especially when they can be sold to the meat buyers at auctions,” said Anne Novak of California-based Protect Mustangs. “These horses are vulnerable to ending up going to slaughter … The Sheldon plan to wipe out wild horses is nuts and goes against the public’s wishes.”

Activists said the final management plan rejected a more humane alternative to phase out horses and burros over 15 years using fertility control, an option that would have allowed unadoptable animals to live out their lives at the refuge.

(Story distributed by The Associated Press)

Link to the original article:–Refuge-Wild-Horses