Stop the Cruel Experiments on Adobe Queen and Others!

Screenshot of EXPERIMENTS on wild mares

Abuse and harassment

$11.5 million tax dollars are being given away to experiment on America’s last wild horses and burros based on a lie. The truth is free roaming wild horses are under-populated and there never has been an accurate headcount–only lies to get tax dollars.

You can see Adobe Queen ( is being harassed by forcing a tracking collar on her. Collars might cause death when the collars get tight.

The 1971 Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act forbids harassing wild horses but the feds are doing it anyway. The Bureau of Land Management wants to track ‘Adobe Queen’ down to uncover the Adobe Town herd’s hiding places in the Wyoming desert so they can kill them or round them up and later sell them to slaughterhouse buyers as discussed on June 22, 2016 in the House Committee on Wild Horses and Burros.

Take action by sharing the petition ( by email to everyone you know so we can STOP the cruelty!

Sign up for the Thunderclap: to get this petition out there!

For more information go to and type the word “experiments” in the search bar.

For the Wild Ones,
Anne Novak

Executive Director

Protect Mustangs is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of native and wild horses.