Red Alert! All 3-Strikes wild horses on internet need to get to safety! ($25 each)

Snowbunnie (#2256) and Suzie King have found a forever home. The rest need to find homes ASAP. Check back often as we will be adding other Internet 3-Strikers to the list. Please help network homes for these wonderful wild horses with bad pictures. It’s not their fault.

PM Fallon 3 Strikes HENRY #9847 August 8 2016

Read about and Save Henry (#9847) here: Henry has a bid! Thank you!


PM SAGE CREEK #1487 6 yr mare Fish Creek

Read about and Save Sage Creek (#1478) here:


PM Nellie Diamond #0484 PVC 3-Strikes

Read about and Save Nellie Diamond (#0484) here:


PM Star Creek #1483 Fish Creek 3-Strike Sale

Read about and Save Star Creek (#1483) here:


PM Poppy #1196 3-Strike PVC FB

Read about and Save Poppy (#1196) here:

Don’t let anyone discourage you from helping wild horses and burros get to safety. There are a lot of PRO-SLAUGHTER Activists (PSA) who have infiltrated into the cause and are pretending to be “logical”. The truth is they lie to get what they want. The want to make sure there is an overflow of wild horses in holding to tip the scales in their favor. They lobby for back-room deals with elected officials, BoLM, etc. to sell America’s icons of freedom to slaughter.
If you decide to save a pair of at-risk 3-Strikes wild horses and purchase them for $25 each, the BoLM can’t hold anything over your head. You don’t have to wait a year for title to your beloved mustangs and play “nice”. 3-Strikes, sale eligible wild horses become yours as soon as you have the bill of sale and after that you don’t need to deal with BoLM poking into your business.

Important Info:

Go here for information about the Internet Adoption and Sale: The first thing you need to do is get approved. Approval for adoption is different than approval for purchase

Go here to bid on the wild horses:

Pick-up options (by appointment): Palomino Valley, NV; Delta, UT; Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK; Ewing, IL.

Other pick up options: Waterloo, IA (October 21); Unadilla, GA (November 4).

Adoption or purchase confirmation for these wild horses must be finalized, by email to, no later than Noon Mountain-Time September 15. After this date, all unclaimed mustangs will be available for in-person walk up adoption or purchase ONLY.

If you need help contact us at

Protect Mustangs is a 501c3 nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Poppy (#1196) deserves to live in safety

PM Poppy #1196 3-Strike PVC FB

Poppy (#1196) is from the Silver King Herd Management Area (HMA) in Nevada. She was 5-years-old when she was rounded up to never have any sense of freedom or family again.

This American mustang survived in the wild as a foal when so many perish due to natural causes. Life in the wild is harsh and only about 50% of the foals born will live to be 2-years-old. This is survival of the fittest and exactly what makes American mustangs such a strong and special breed.

Now Poppy is 7 and has been help captive for 2 years without shade or shelter . . .

Please Help Poppy! She has been passed over in 3 adoptions because her photos are bad. That shouldn’t ruin her life. It’s not her fault.

By sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter and by email you can help Poppy find her forever home. She is for sale for $25 and she is wild. That means she will need to go to a trainer for gentling or her new person would need to borrow a high fenced round pen and gentle her like so many people do–with LOVE and patience.

Together we can make this happen!

BoLM says:

Sex: Mare Age: 7 Years   Height (in hands): 14

Necktag #: 1196   Date Captured: 11/11/14

Freezemark: 09621196   Signalment Key: HF1CAAEAD

Color: Brown   Captured: Silver King (NV)


Tag-#1196. 7 year old brown mare gathered from the Silver King Herd Management Area in Nevada in November of 2014.

Sale information is here:

Update August 10: BLM said, “If no bids were placed on an animal in the last internet and a bidder that didn’t get the horse they choose as first pick didn’t decide to take a horse with no bid then those horses with no bids are available for pickup at PVC till August 22. After that date any remaining horses will be put on the next internet adoption. . . horses are available for pick up FROM PVC ONLY we will not ship as the truck is full at this point.”

This horse is currently located in Palomino Valley, NV.  For more information, please contact Jeb Beck at (775) 475-2222 or e-mail:

Stop the Roundups for Experiments, Pesticide PZP and removals!

Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.