URGENT ACTION ALERT: Don’t let them KILL the brumbies!


Remember the Australian film THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER?   STOP the KILLERS from chasing the brumbies with choppers and KILLING the wild horses from the Snowies

Share the Australian petition to Stop the Slaughter of the Brumbies:  http://chn.ge/1y1HgQq



Brumby foal killed in Frazier Downs 2012 ©LS


Brumbies are Australian heritage wild horses. Witnesses found them shot and killed (Copyright protected)

Brumbies are Australian heritage wild horses. Witnesses found them shot and killed (Copyright protected ©WHK)


Stop the slaughter and eradication of the Snowy Mountains Brumby and reinstate access for horse riders to all areas of the Kosciuszko National Park

Petition by
Richard Roberts

“Sickening footage of this event can be located easily on the internet, showing horses with their teeth blown out, mares shot dead while foaling and other horses with bullet riddle bodies, it was nothing less than a massacre and an event of international embarrassment and disgrace at the time when Australia had just again immortalised the Man From Snowy River and the Brumbies to an international audience at the Sydney 2000 Olympics.”

Read the petition and sign it here . Then share it with everyone you know!

They didn’t learn their lesson. Now they want to SHOOT AND KILL the Brumbies again! Leaving them to DIE a HORRIBLE DEATH like they did before!  Some were shot dead while giving birth! Watch the video below and share widely!


PM Brumbies © Tony Marsh Marked


Note: the images provided are from previous “culls” as we will all stand with Australian Brumby advocates to stop the killing! 

Pro-kill hoax staged to promote killing Australia’s wild horses before management plan is reviewed

Brumbies are Australian heritage wild horses. Witnesses found them shot and killed in the Lake Gregory aerial cull/kill in 2013 (Copyright protected)

Brumbies are Australian heritage wild horses. Witnesses found them shot and killed at Lake Gregory sanctioned by the RSPCA and the government in 2013 (Copyright protected)

URGENT! Calling all wild horse warriors! Please comment on this outrageous PRO-KILL piece to sway international opinion to kill the Brumbies (Australia’s wild horses) and pass their new management plan.

This is what Anne Novak wrote in the Daily Mail comments, “Where is the VIDEO to prove what these alleged PRO-KILL men claim to have witnessed? They released the photographs but why aren’t they releasing the video? The photograph really shows nothing besides free-roaming wild horses, known as Brumbies, perhaps sniffing a dead Brumby killed and eaten by another animal conveniently found on the Brumby trail. . . If the PRO-KILL faction wanted to gain public support to SHOOT and KILL Australia’s wild horses from the air then these 2 men could have staged the “cannibal horse incident” by pouring molasses on the exposed flesh for example. Horses love molasses and might eat something unusual covered in molasses. I have witnessed outrageous spin in the United States coming from the PRO-KILL radicals. Why would Australia be any different?”

Watch them tell their “story”:

Read more and comment here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2766210/The-shocking-moment-CANNIBAL-HORSES-eat-one-Australian-Alps-desperate-starving-animals-overwhelm-mountains.html

Next comment on the PRO-KILL Wild Horse Management Plan Review till 30 November 2014 by answering their questions here: https://engage.environment.nsw.gov.au/protectsnowies

The 2008 management plan that prevents shooting and killing brumbies is going up for it’s 5 year review. What a coincidence for this HOAX to be released when they want to sway international public opinion to get support for KILLING Australia’s wild horses by shooting them down from helicopters.  This publicity stunt must be exposed!


Photo © Lynette Sutton

Photo © Lynette Sutton

URGENT! Need HELP for #WildHorses 2day

Cavalry horses left in Australia last century

We have only 2 days to double participation or we fail the wild horses. Please help! Join the Thunderclap (international outreach)  to Stop the Brumbie Killing: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/6098-stop-killing-brumbies?locale=en Share it with your friends!

Politely contact The Prime Minister of Australia, Honorable Tony Abbott and request he stop the killings http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm

Sign and share the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/258/184/025/stop-killing-the-brumbies/?z00m=20659573

Follow us on Facebook for updates and action to Save the Brumbies! https://www.facebook.com/ProtectMustangs

Follow Anne on Twitter for updates: https://twitter.com/TheAnneNovak and Protect Mustangs https://twitter.com/ProtectMustangs

Read about what’s happening: http://protectmustangs.org/?p=5461 and check our site often: http://protectmustangs.org/

Indigenous vision for Kimberley irks Greens

FORMER ALP national president Warren Mundine and wealthy Perth dealmaker John Poynton are behind a plan to promote indigenous investment by building a $600 million port near the Kimberley town of Derby to service the massive offshore oil and gas industry.

But the plan could spark a fresh stoush with green groups over the industrialisation of the Kimberley, which boasts vast unexplored deposits of coal, bauxite, uranium and iron ore that could one day be shipped out through a new port.

A supply base at Point Torment, 30km north of Derby, would be aimed initially at servicing Woodside Petroleum’s planned $40 billion Browse liquefied natural gas project near Broome, which has attracted opposition from environmentalists who say the Kimberley should remain undeveloped.

West Australian Greens MP Robin Chapple said any development at Point Torment, which he described as a pristine piece of coastline, would be “another nail in the coffin for the Kimberley”.

Mr Chapple called on West Australian Premier Colin Barnett to reject the plan. “It flies in the face of what the Premier has said — that we wouldn’t have any further industrialisation of the Kimberley,” he said.

Mr Barnett has expressed support for a supply port to service the LNG industry at Point Torment, saying it should not be built at Broome because of the need to preserve the town’s tourism industry.

He told The Weekend Australian the government had held talks with firms with petroleum interests in the Browse Basin, off the Kimberley coast, to determine their interest in using Point Torment, but “in reality it will be a commercial decision which drives future development”.

Leading Perth-based investment bank Azure Capital, which is run by Mr Poynton, is behind the Point Torment plan. It is understood a Malaysian investment consortium has expressed an interest in helping to develop such a project.

The plan is being driven by an Azure director, indigenous leader Clinton Wolf, and forms part of the bank’s efforts to identify investment opportunities that would benefit Aborigines and involve them as shareholders.

A company called Point Torment Supply Base has been set up to examine the viability of building the facility. The directors are listed as Mr Mundine, Mr Poynton, Mr Wolf and fellow Azure Capital director Simon Price.

Mr Wolf said the plan was at a preliminary stage and would only go ahead if it was economically viable and was supported by traditional owners and other stakeholders.

But he said talks would be held soon to outline the proposal and get feedback from key players.

Mr Mundine, who chairs the Australian Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, said he believed a new supply base and port facility at Point Torment could help the development of the Kimberley’s huge mineral reserves.

He became a director because he wanted to ensure that any development benefited Aborigines. “This is about closing the gap, it’s about Aboriginal people having skin in the game,” he said. “This type of project needs to go ahead otherwise you will keep people in poverty.”

He said the Kimberley was bigger than most European countries and that Australia’s environmental laws were strong enough to ensure responsible development.

Shire of Derby president Elsia Archer said the town was desperate for a developer to build a port, which could also be used for the region’s live cattle exports.

A WA government report in 2005 identified Point Torment as a suitable site for heavy industry, suggesting it could be home to an alumina refinery, which would be underpinned by bauxite mining on the Mitchell Plateau in the northern Kimberley. It said the West Kimberley had deposits of diamonds, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, silver, nickel, uranium, coal, tin, mineral sands and onshore petroleum.

Oil company Buru Energy recently announced a major discovery in the Canning Basin area of the Kimberley, prompting WA Resources Minister Norman Moore to say last month he expected an exploration surge. But the viability of a supply base at Point Torment will be linked to whether Woodside and other LNG companies, including Shell and Japan’s Inpex, support it.

There is speculation that Shell plans to use ports in Broome and Darwin to support its Prelude LNG project, while Inpex is said to have settled on Darwin.

– See more at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/policy/indigenous-vision-for-kimberley-irks-greens/story-fn9hm1pm-1226268282835#sthash.YhxLdHT9.dpuf

Photo in of young brumby from the Australian massacre (graphic warning)

Young Brumby shot from a helicopter in the massacre. Photo p-rotected under copyright.

Young Brumby shot from a helicopter in the massacre. Photo p-rotected under copyright.


“Injured horses and orphaned foals–the whole scene is shocking,” explains Libby Lovegrove, Founder, Wild Horses Kimberley.

How old was this wild horse?

We welcome your comments. Please keep them clean so we can post them. Thanks for understanding.

Politely contact The Prime Minister of Australia, Honorable Tony Abbott and request he stop the killings http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm

Please help! Join the Thunderclap to Stop the Brumbie Killing: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/6098-stop-killing-brumbies?locale=en

Sign and share the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/258/184/025/stop-killing-the-brumbies/?z00m=20659573

Follow us on Facebook for updates and action to Save the Brumbies! https://www.facebook.com/ProtectMustangs

Follow Anne on Twitter for updates: https://twitter.com/TheAnneNovak and Protect Mustangs https://twitter.com/ProtectMustangs

Read about what’s happening: http://protectmustangs.org/?p=5440 and check our site often: http://protectmustangs.org/

“The whole world is watching and outraged,” states Anne Novak, Executive Director of Protect Mustangs based in California. “Killing Australia’s heritage wild horses is shameful and needs to stop now!”


Special thanks to Libby Lovegrove and Lynette Sutton with boots on the ground across Australia.



Could the Brumby killers have broken the law?

No consultation claim over horse kill

Brad Thompson, The West Australian October 31, 2013, 4:54 am
No consultation claim over horse kill
Horses at Balgo that died in the mud last year. Picture: Supplied

Experienced pastoralists and the RSPCA have backed a mass cull of thousands of feral horses on two Kimberley stations despite claims from the Aboriginal manager of one of the properties that he was not consulted.

Bililunna manager Mark Gordon wrote to Aboriginal Affairs Minister Peter Collier and Lands Minister Brendon Grylls last week pleading with them to prevent the cull.

The letter was signed by Mr Gordon and eight others who said they were traditional owners who had not been consulted and were opposed to aerial shooting of horses on their land.

The Aboriginal Lands Trust and the Kimberley Land Council yesterday rejected the claim, saying the cull had been discussed with traditional owners on several occasions and unanimously supported.

The ALT and the KLC said the cull was necessary to prevent an animal welfare disaster, for the economic viability of the stations and for the ALT to meet its legal obligations to control feral animals. The ALT had received breach notices from the Pastoral Lands Board and was in danger of forfeiting the valuable leases.

“At least we have a way forward to build economic sustainability for communities on those two properties,” ALT’s chairman Clinton Wolf said.

Haydn Sale, who runs nearby Yougawalla Station, said the ALT had no choice after investigating other options. “They were facing absolute disaster, thousands and thousands of horses stuck dying in the lake as it dried up,” he said.

The cull started at Lake Gregory on Monday and there were unconfirmed reports from Kimberley Wild Horses yesterday that about 3000 horses had been shot.

Mr Gordon agreed urgent action was needed as the lake dried up but said he wanted to muster the horses to create employment. He said some would be kept for breeding, others gelded and old or sick horses put down.

The RSPCA and Mr Sale said mustering and trucking wild horses exposed them to a high risk of stress and injury.


Follow thewest.com.au on Twitter

Stop Killing Brumbies

Save the Brumbies



Australia’s wild horses, the brumbies, are being slaughtered by the thousands in aerial kills to make way for the natural gas industry to Frack and poison Australia’s land, water and air.

7000 brumbies were slaughtered from September to October 2013. Why? To industrialize the areas where the brumbies live in order to sell liquid natural to Asia for their mushrooming demand for electricity. The spin doctors justify the massacre by lying to the public.


Brumbies are Australian heritage wild horses. Witnesses found them shot and killed (Copyright protected)

Brumbies are Australian heritage wild horses. Witnesses found them shot and killed (Copyright protected)


Aerial slaughter kills thousands of Brumbies (wild horses) in Australia. Copyrighted photo.

Aerial slaughter kills thousands of Brumbies (wild horses) in Australia. Copyrighted photo.



The United States wants to be the Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) export leader with Russia and Australia right behind them. Meetings in Washington are happening now.



Natural gas fracking is putting your community at risk to EXPORT liquid natural gas. The export market will drive up natural gas prices at home. This is not gas for your car. LNG is used to make electricity instead of using clean solar power. The Asian demand for electricity is booming. Big Oil & Gas doesn’t want rooftop solar. They don’t care about the environment. They want to Frack and Sell. When your water is poisoned with Fracking chemicals they won’t care. Don’t be fooled.

See the movie GASLAND 2 to understand the environmental devastation caused by fracking for natural gas.

We request responsible stewardship of the land. Killing off thousands of wild horses in Australia or the United States to fast track energy development for export is heinous. Save the Brumbies now!

Take ACTION and tell your friends:

Politely contact The Prime Minister of Australia, Honorable Tony Abbott and request he stop the killings http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm

Please help! Join the Thunderclap to Stop the Brumbie Killing: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/6098-stop-killing-brumbies?locale=en

Sign and share the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/258/184/025/stop-killing-the-brumbies/?z00m=20659573

Follow Wild Horses Kimberley and donate to their cause: http://www.wildhorseskimberley.com.au/



Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProtectMustangs

Comment here: www.ProtectMustangs.org


Photo © Lynette Sutton

Photo © Lynette Sutton