Please HELP the WY14 get panel fencing because their layover is soon to end and we need to move them soon!
Places we’ve looked at don’t have strong fencing for wild horses so we will need to put up panel fencing. These tramatized young wild horses need sturdy panel fencing for safety. We are going to need a lot of panels and posts for the WY14. This is their first panel drive and your donation is going directly to the fencing! Donate here: http://www.gofundme.com/al5tp8
Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law as you see here: http://www.gofundme.com/al5tp8
We will post reciepts when we purchase the fencing (panels, posts, gates) as we believe in accountability and transparency. Please keep in mind GoFundMe and WePay takes about 8% combined for this fundraising tool. We are not receiving funding from any large groups. This is grassroots aid for wild horses rescued fromt he slaughterhouse and you are part of the solution here: http://www.gofundme.com/al5tp8
The long-term goal is to create sanctuary for the 14 young wild horses (8 mo to 2 years) who were rounded up in March and purchased by the slaughterhouse for human consumption abroad. But first we need to halter gentle them for their peace and safety. They will need to be handled from time to time to have their feet trimmed regularly for example and we want that to be a calm, safe and peaceful experience. The WY14 will never be ridden. They will live in peace and hopefully inspire people to value and protect America’s wild horses.
Sadly they have already been through so much trauma.
It takes a village of caring people coming together to undo the wrong done by the horrible BLM helicopter roundup and heinous slaughter of their families. You can donate here: http://www.gofundme.com/al5tp8
The WY14 are grateful for your help.