Foals see their parents for the last time. The majority of Wyoming wild horses rounded up by BLM in March 2014 were sold to a Canadian slaughterhouse for human consumption. Protect rescued 14 youngsters (WY14) before they were slaughtered.
Dear Friends of Wild Horses and Burros,
Despite nationwide outcry, the Bureau of Land Management plans to continue rounding up America’s wild horses and burros–even though most of their holding facilities are inhumane without shade and shelter. They are already stocked full with 50,000 native equids. The Burns Amendment to the Wild and Free Roaming Horse and Burros Act of 1971 puts ALL those in holding at-risk of going to slaughter. This is very dangerous.
This week’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Meeting was revealing. The BLM plans to exploit our treasured wild horses as lab rats for pharmaceutical research on various forms of drug/fertility control, 80% of the forage is going to livestock not wild horses and burros and more than 2,000 wild horses are slated for removal in the next fiscal year starting this fall. That’s after the massive checkerboard removals in Wyoming now being considered by a judge–with the governor of Wyoming and the Rock Springs Grazing Association breathing down his neck to roundup the mustangs ASAP.
Public outcry must get louder!
It’s important to create awareness around the BLM’s cruel roundups–funded with your tax dollars. We need to let people know what’s going on and t-shirts are an easy, grassroots way to do this because you basically become a walking billboard.
People will naturally ask questions about your t-shirts and that’s when you can educate them and enlist support for America’s wild horses and burros.
Gifting t-shirts to friends and family puts the STOP the ROUNDUPS message into their extended circle of friends too. Our website address is on the t-shirt so people can go there for more information about what’s going on.
We are doing a special run of “STOP THE ROUNDUPS Wyoming 2014” t-shirts with only hours left to meet the goal so they will go to print. The fundraiser is right here: All funds raised go to feed and care for the wild horses in our Outreach Program. We are 100% volunteer and able to serve America’s wild horses with donor support because we aren’t selling out.
Helping America’s wild horses in crisis takes a village. . . Write your elected officials weekly to request they defund the roundups, bring captives shade and shelter and re-protect our treasured wild horses and burros in the wild. Sign up at our website for alerts. Please share the petition for shade and shelter because we need to double the signatures going to officials in Washington. They are watching this petition.
Thank you for caring and helping America’s wild horses and burros. Together we can turn this around.
Many blessings,
Anne Novak
Executive Director