Why are Sharon Stone, Dorian Brown & Tommy Flanagan starring in a film linked to horse slaughter pushers?

RUNNING WILD Sharon Stone Dave Duquette

Dave Duquette (Horse Slaughter Pusher) hugs Sharon Stone on the set of RUNNING WILD Produced by Forrest Lucas from PROTECT THE HARVEST the 501c4 organization lobbying to open HORSE SLAUGHTER plants in the USA and pushing for WILD & DOMESTIC HORSE SLAUGHTER

According to Variety, Running Wild tells the tale of a widow, Stella Davis, who saves her ranch by working with convicts to rehabilitate a herd of wild horses that have wandered onto her property. Sons of Anarchy star Tommy Flanagan has been recruited to play Ponytail John, the alpha male of the group of convicts, while Dorian Brown has been cast to play Stella. Sharon Stone will play Meredith, the movie’s main villain.

Do these actors starring in the film RUNNING WILD know that wild horses are underpopulated in the wild?  Do they understand how cruel and inhumane horse slaughter is?

Have they seen this?


Do these Hollywood actors realize they are being used by HORSE-SLAUGHTER Pushers like Dave Duquette and ESX Entertainment’s producer Forrest Lucas who are behind Protect the Harvest. That’s the HORSE SLAUGHTER non profit working to set up horse slaughter plants in the USA for domestic and wild horses. 

RUNNING WILD Dave Duquette Tommy Flanagan

Dave Duquette (Horse-Slaughter Pusher) with Tommy Flanagan (Sons of Anarchy) on the set of RUNNING WILD Produced by Forrest Lucas from PROTECT THE HARVEST the 501c4 organization lobbying to open HORSE SLAUGHTER plants in the USA and pushing for WILD & DOMESTIC HORSE SLAUGHTER


RUNNING WILD Flanagan Duquette

Dave Duquette (Horse-Slaughter Pusher) with Tommy Flanagan (Sons of Anarchy) on the set of RUNNING WILD Produced by Forrest Lucas from PROTECT THE HARVEST the 501c4 organization (Super PAC) lobbying to open HORSE SLAUGHTER plants in the USA and pushing for HORSE SLAUGHTER


RUNNING WILD Dorian Brown Christine Moore

Dave Duquette (Horse-Slaughter Pusher with PROTECT THE HARVEST) with Dorian Brown (left) starring in RUNNING WILD Produced by Forrest Lucas CEO of ESX and PROTECT THE HARVEST the 501c4 organization (Super PAC) lobbying to open HORSE SLAUGHTER plants in the USA with the writer of RUNNING WILD Christine Moore (right)


Dorian Brown riding lesson for RUNNING WILD Produced by Forrest Lucas from PROTECT THE HARVEST the 501c4 organization (Super PAC) lobbying to open HORSE SLAUGHTER plants in the USA and pushing for WILD & DOMESTIC HORSE SLAUGHTER


Protect the Harvest, the Horse Slaughter Super PAC, have their logo on the back of the crew’s T-Shirts (see below) to advertise their organization pushing for HORSE SLAUGHTER to come back to the USA

RUNNING WILD Stone Protect Harvest T-Shirts for Crew

Members of the crew are wearing t-shirts with the Super PAC logo on it “Protect the Harvest”.

Looking at the Wikipedia description of the film, “…widow Stella Davis, fighting to save her ranch from a herd of wild horses by working with convicts…” these actors must know what they are doing. 


Links of interest™

Sharon Stone Starring in Horse Drama ‘Running Wild’ http://variety.com/2015/film/news/sharon-stone-horse-drama-running-wild-1201572494/
by Dave McNary
Film Reporter

Sharon Stone will star in the drama “Running Wild” for Forrest Lucas and Ali Afshar’s newly launched ESX Entertainment.

Alex Ranarivelo (“The Wrong Side of Right”) is directing the film from a script by Christina Moore and Brian Rudnick.

Stone will portray the villain in “Running Wild,” which centers on a widow who saves her ranch by working with convicts to rehabilitate a herd of wild horses that wandered onto her property. The role of the widow will be cast shortly.

“Running Wild” is financed and being produced by ESX Entertainment, with Lucas and Afshar serving as producers. Christina Moore is co-producer.

Forrest Lucas is a horse slaughter pusher at Protect the Harvest: http://protecttheharvest.com/who-we-are/forrest-lucas/

Lucas Oil co-founder blasts Muslims, minorities for ‘running our country: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/lucas-oil-co-founder-blasts-muslims-minorities-running-country-article-1.1964986

Dorian Brown, Tommy Flanagan Join Sharon Stone in ‘Running Wild’ http://variety.com/2015/film/news/dorian-brown-tommy-flanagan-running-wild-sharon-stone-1201573876/ 
Spotted in Santa Rosa: Actress Sharon Stone, film crew, on month-long Sonoma County shoot http://www.pressdemocrat.com/news/4354140-181/spotted-in-santa-rosa-actress?TSM?gallery=4354576

Protect the Harvest http://protecttheharvest.com

They want to SLAUGHTER wild horses for meat  http://protecttheharvest.com/horses-crisis/

Protect the Harvest, the Super PAC made a video filled with untruths, skewed statistics and an old dying horse allegedly starving yet with grass around her — to push for opening horse slaughter plants in the USA. Cattle activists are featured.

Forrest Lucas refutes claims made by animal activists http://www.producer.com/2014/08/u-s-millionaire-eager-to-protect-agriculture/

Lucas’s television production company is making a documentary about abandoned horses starving to death on public lands in the U.S. He wants to reintroduce horse slaughter plants in the United States to allow a better end of life for abandoned, old and unused horses.

Dave Duquette quoted in The Oregonian ‘Hermiston doesn’t want horse slaughter plant on its doorstep’ http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2012/10/hermiston_doesnt_want_horse_sl.html

Dave Duquette, a Hermiston horse trainer who is organizing the slaughter effort, said the City Council is missing a bet on a proposal . . .

Running Wild (2016) on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_Wild_(2016_film)

On July 29, 2015, it was announced that Alex Ranarivelo would direct the Horse drama film Running Wild based on the script by Brian Rudnick.Forrest Lucas and Ali Afshar would produce the film through ESX Entertainment, and the banner would also finance the film.On August 18, 2015, Sharon Stone signed on to play the main villain role in the film as Meredith, while the script was done by Christina Moore and Rudnick, and Moore would also co-produce the film.On August 19, 2015, Dorian Brown and Tommy Flanagan joined the film, Brown to play the lead role of a widow Stella Davis, fighting to save her ranch from a herd of wild horses by working with convicts, while Flanagan to play the leader of the convicts. On August 20, 2015, Jason Lewis joined the cast to play the male lead.


Sharon Stone on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sharonstone

Dorian Brown on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DorianBrown11

Tommy Flanagan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TommyFlanagan


Just imagine the actors lines here . . . Especially the vet’s lines . . .

Matthew Rockwell painting of Elizabeth Taylor ~ A fundraiser for outreach work

Fundraiser for Protect Mustangs ~ Matthew Rockwell portrait of Elizabeth Taylor, signed 1964.

We are pleased to announce the stunning Matthew Rockwell portrait of Elizabeth Taylor was donated to Protect Mustangs to fundraise for our outreach work educating the public about the mustang crisis. It is signed by the artist, the nephew of Norman Rockwell, and dated 1964. Please contact us if you would like additional information about the painting or information about the requested donation. You may also email us at Contact@ProtectMustangs.org .

Breaking News: Celebrities speak out against roundups & Old Gold’s death


"Old Gold was traumatized and killed," say the Barbi Twins. "Stop the Calico roundup now!"

Michael Blake and The Barbi Twins speak out against wild horse roundups 

Do the death counts dupe Congress?

LOS ANGELES (November 28, 2011)—Academy Award winner-Michael Blake and the Barbi Twins join the American public and Protect Mustangs in their outrage over the death of Old Gold, a palomino wild mare who was euthanized by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) after being rounded up. Cat Kindsfather’s photos were released on the Protect Mustangs website showing the traumatized wild horse slammed into a metal panel at the trap, yet the (BLM) reports the mustang was euthanized because she was more than 20 years old—with a lack of body condition and worn teeth.  The BLM counts Old Gold’s death as ‘not gather-related’. California-based Protect Mustangs believes the horse’s death is roundup-related and must be counted as such. They want Congress to be informed and taxpayers to know how their money is spent. Protect Mustangs asks the Obama Administration to freeze all roundups now, end inhumane treatment of wild horses and burros, save taxpayer money and conduct an exact head count on the ranges to know exactly how many treasured wild horses and burros exist in the wild.

“Old Gold was traumatized at the trap and slammed into a metal fence where she surely was injured,” explains Anne Novak, Executive Director of Protect Mustangs from Berkeley. “Congress hears about a 1% death rate at roundups but how can that be? BLM’s accountability is in question now that the agency lists Old Gold’s death as ‘non gather-related’”.

As of November 27th, six deaths have occurred at the Calico roundup. Five were listed as ‘non gather-related’ deaths—including killing Old Gold. Only one death has been classified as a “gather-related” death, according to the BLM death report.

“Killing the wild mare, Old Gold, is nothing new. The United States government has allowed its BLM and other agencies to kill animals forever . . . just for money,” states Michael Blake, Academy Award winning screenwriter of DANCES WITH WOLVES.

BLM must correct its policy to insure that the welfare of wild horses and burros is considered above the contractor’s payment per head for each animal rounded up and delivered to BLM.

Protect Mustangs is requesting transparency from the BLM about the amount paid per wild horse (adult and youngster) and at what point is the horse considered “delivered” for payment. Also they want to know if the contractor gets paid if a horse is euthanized after “delivery”.

“American taxpayers don’t want to pay for animal cruelty,” states Novak. “We don’t want wild horses and burros to be traumatized, injured and killed at the hands of our government. We want the roundups to stop now.”

Two winters ago BLM rounded up Calico wild horses in what was the deadliest wild horse roundup documented. Of the 1922 mustangs rounded up, more than 158 deaths are attributed to the roundup.

Protect Mustangs is concerned the 2011 Calico roundup will virtually wipe the wild horses off the half a million acre landscape near Gerlach, Nevada where Burning Man is held. They are circulating a petition to stop the Calico roundup.

“If it weren’t for horses, we wouldn’t have a country or a flag,” say The Barbi Twins (Shane & Sia). “Why can’t there be laws to protect them, like there are for the flag? Horses are living beings. Their blood’s been used to make the red in the red, white and blue, as you can see in the forthcoming movie, WAR HORSE.”

The wild horse advocacy group asks Congress for a full investigation into deaths at helicopter roundups and resulting from roundups 4 months after capture.

Protect Mustangs is a California-based non-profit whose mission is to inform the public about the mustang crisis, protect America’s wild horses on the range and help those who have lost their freedom.

 # # #

 Media Contacts:

Anne Novak 415-531-8454 Anne@ProtectMustangs.org

Kerry Becklund 510-502-1913 Kerry@ProtectMustangs.org

Photos, video and interviews available upon request.

Links of interest:

KPFA Evening News Interview at 26:25 http://bit.ly/rssRl5

Questions over fate of “Old Gold” http://bit.ly/vr1MX9

Protect Mustangs asks Obama to stop dangerous Calico Roundup http://bit.ly/vgqIOv

BLM Death Report: http://on.doi.gov/vttLwA

Protect Mustangs’ Petition to Stop Calico Roundup: http://chn.ge/rBoej7

CBS reports on deadly 2010 Calico roundup stampede http://bit.ly/sZaHZ

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

The French came to Nevada to report on the mustang crisis. At first the director and cameraman believed the BLM but as the shoot played out they saw the truth. I would say the turning point was when the BLM guards and PR people tried to prevent them from filming what they came to film at the roundup. They should have known better. Never infringe on a French person’s liberty. Vivre la France!

src=”http://www.wat.tv/swf2/186670nIc0K115227969″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”  allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”480″ height=”270″>
La chasse aux mustangs Vidéo sept-a-huit sélectionnée dans Actualité