Is your representative in Congress pushing for America’s wild horses to lose their federal protections?

Stop elected officials who want to ruin the 1971 Free-Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act!
READ the shocking letter written last year by elected officials who seem to be supported by special interests groups:
Notice the following points in their letter:
These elected officials call the wild mustangs just “horses” most of the time not “wild horses”. Obviously, this is a constructed subliminal move to wipe out the WILD ones that are to be protected since 1971. [Note: Be sure to always refer to mustangs as wild horses]
Members of Congress, elected by the public but who seem to serve special interests, seem to make false claims of: “overstocking” in HMAs, failure to “dispose” of horses and burros, significant ecological “damage” to riparian areas, “overgrazing” and “compromised water” resources, etc.
We know the public has been telling these elected officials the truth for years so why aren’t they listening? Are they getting paid off?
They also claim “adoptions have “fallen almost 70 percent” in the last 10 years. Is this true?
Is this why the BLM makes it so hard to adopt wild horses due to the worst customer service in America? Do they want the adoption program to fail so they can kill them all?
The BLM always wanted to “dispose” of our cherished wild horses & burros. Sterilization is the next best thing in their eyes. They NEVER wanted to use PZP. They label return-native wild horses as “INVASIVE SPECIES” aka PESTS as you see in their letter. Just like the PZP Pesticide applicant classified them in their 2012 PZP application.
The signers of the letter seem to falsely claim: “Improper management compromises equine health, habitat conservation efforts and allows for resource degradation and encroachment by invasive species that will affect wildlife, livestock producers and recreationalists for decades to come.”
What about the cattle and sheep at more than 100 head of livestock to 1 wild horse that is grazing on public land? Do they think the American public is so stupid to buy into the myth that range degradation is the fault of wild horses?
Contact your elected officials across America to let them know you want your voice in Congress to stand up for what’s right, stand up for the 1971 law, keep America’s wild horses federally protected and never give them to the states!
The letter to Neil Kornze, the Director of BLM, was signed by the following elected officials from the Republican Party:
Sens. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)
Mike Crapo (R-Idaho)
Steve Daines (R-Mont.)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.)
Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)
Dean Heller (R-Nev.)
Mike Lee (R-Utah)
John McCain (R- Ariz.)
James Risch (R-Idaho)
Reps. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.)
Mark Amodei (R-Nev.)
Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)
Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.)
Raul Labrador (R-Idaho)
Steve Pearce (R-N.M.)
Adrian Smith (R-Neb.)
Chris Stewart (R-Utah)
Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.)
Now in April 2016 Rep Chris Stewart’s plan has gained momentum as you see in the video below
Links of interest:
Letter to BLM’s Neil Kornze asking for the states to grab control of America’s federally protected wild horses & burros:
PZP Application calls wild horses and burros “PESTS” to get the pesticide approved:
READ the Associated Press article from 2014: Rep. Chris Stewart’s bill seeks to allow states to manage wild horses

Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Rep. Stewart (UT) uses the rare skinny mare and foal photo from Cold Creek, NV. to push for state control of wild horses. Do they want to slaughter the American mustangs?

May 25, 2016

April 27, 2016

Well this is politics isn’t it?


Wildlife advocates see an attempt to bypass a congressional ban on selling animals for slaughter (Salt Lake Tribune):



Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

SeaWorld Has Found Their Judas


Barbara Veiga / Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Barbara Veiga / Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

By Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) may be collecting their 30 pieces of silver over the next five years.

The film Blackfish literally swept the profits from SeaWorld’s table and with their stock value plummeting, they had to find a way to put the profits back on the table. Joel Manby, the CEO of SeaWorld needed a champion. Last week he announced that he had found his Judas.

Enter Wayne Pacelle, the President of the Humane Society of the United States, who stepped up to the plate to snatch defeat from the jaws of the victory, that we almost achieved. Pacelle single-handedly put the brakes on the movement, inspired by Blackfish.

For years HSUS has been condemning SeaWorld and campaigning against the miserable, distressing conditions the orcas are forced to endure (for no other reason than to provide entertainment to humans). That condemnation has now turned to commendation. SeaWorld has now been proclaimed “humane” by HSUS. This partnership is not really so surprising when we consider that HSUS previously partnered with abusive dog fighting criminal Michael Vick to help him return to acceptability in the public eye.

In Wayne’s “humane” new world, the word humane simply means whatever he wishes it to mean and both Joel Manby and Wayne Pacelle have twisted and spun the truth radically in order to get what they want.

The first spin was their blatant proclamation that no orca has been successfully returned to the wild. They knew that was not true. The release of Keiko in 1997 was very much a success. Anticipating the reaction to this statement, Manby (without correction by Pacelle), stated that the release of Keiko was a failure. Keiko died five years after being released. He spent those five years free, hunting for fish and swimming between Norway and Iceland. He died of pneumonia, which Manby implied was the result of his being freed.

Of course, Manby neglected to mention that nine SeaWorld orcas have died of pneumonia. In fact, 20 SeaWorld orcas and 133 of their dolphins have died in captivity over the last 24 years. SeaWorld is not fooling us by saying that life is better in their concrete tanks than in the sea. It is not.

At the time of Keiko’s release, HSUS was boasting of the success and certainly claiming credit for their part in it. Today they have changed their tune. When it was profitable to applaud the success of Keiko’s release, they did so. Now it appears there is more profit in agreeing with SeaWorld, that the release was a failure.

For years HSUS has been promoting sea pens, large enclosures in a fjord or bay for the orcas to be released, where they could swim for miles and learn to hunt for fish. That all is now forgotten when Pacelle, sitting side by side with Manby, said to the world last week that sea pens will not work and he was happy that the orcas will live out their lives without a breeding program. What this means is that they will no longer masturbate the males to artificially inseminate the females. Of course what they do by themselves is something else altogether, to which they will argue, it’s difficult to separate an amorous couple of orcas unless of course they are contemplating abortions.

On the 31st of March, HSUS took out an ad in the New York Times to commend SeaWorld. In that ad they claimed SeaWorld does wonderful things like rescuing animals in distress, yet only a few years ago Dr. Naomi Rose, speaking about SeaWorld said, “The work that they actually do isn’t as great as they claim. It looks good, but in the end, they can’t offer evidence of success because they don’t monitor most of the animals they release.” Now, according to the ad, HSUS is calling SeaWorld “inspiring” and describes their swim with dolphin programs (it recently condemned), as “personal, interactive and informative experiences.” At the end of the ad, HSUS boldly states, “All seafood (fish) served in the SeaWorld parks will be sustainable.” HSUS knows there is no such thing as “sustainable seafood.” The oceans are grossly over-fished. HSUS added that “all food offerings (will) reflect an awareness of animal welfare, such as crate-free pork and cage-free eggs.”

It appears that HSUS had forgotten their past condemnation of the practice of grinding up male chicks alive and the horrendous conditions at slaughter houses. Humane slaughter is a myth.

The original Judas received only 30 pieces of silver. I think HSUS will fare much better with their betrayal of the orcas and dolphins of SeaWorld.

SeaWorld has announced that they will be active partners with HSUS to oppose sealing, whaling and shark-finning. I have been on the front lines of anti-whaling, anti-sealing and anti-shark killing efforts for four decades and I have never seen Sea World do anything that would court controversy. I assume this partnership will include promoting HSUS at SeaWorld and HSUS promoting SeaWorld to the public. Very beneficial to both corporations, but hardly beneficial to the 28 orcas that SeaWorld will continue to hold prisoner.

Manby has said he will lobby to stop Japan from killing whales. Japan did not listen to U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy, so why would they listen to him?

So what has changed? Not much. The orcas will remain in their tanks. There will most likely be natural births, the theatrics will continue until 2019, giving SeaWorld time to develop an alternative entertainment program. HSUS will be promoted inside SeaWorld with the potential of enlisting a huge increase in support with their now larger tent and SeaWorld will appear to be absolved of their sins.

For the prisoners nothing changes at all really. SeaWorld intends to see them stay imprisoned in their little tanks and HSUS sees that as a good thing.

Judas must be so proud.

*Dr. Naomi Rose quote is from Death at Sea World by Dave Kirby

Cross-posted from April 4, 2016 because HSUS doesn’t seem to be friend to wild horses or burros after calling them “PESTS” in their 2012 PZP Pesticide application right here:

Are Wild Horses at Risk Again? BLM Seeks Public Input on Public Lands Nominated for 2016 Oil and Gas #Fracking Exploration and Development

It’s time to connect the dots about what’s really going on in eastern Nevada

PM WC11 Lucky 11 Map

Your comments are needed!

Pancake and Triple B wild horse HMAs are affected for this round of oil and gas leasing. What other HMAs are next?

From a BLM press release:

Ely – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Ely District is asking the public to provide input on potential issues associated with oil and gas leasing on 41 parcels of public land, totaling 82,121 acres, in White Pine County, Nevada. Leased parcels may later include exploration and development. The BLM is analyzing the parcels to identify potential impacts in an environmental assessment (EA), in accordance with the Oil & Gas Leasing Reform mandated in 2010. The deadline to provide input is Friday, June 3, 2016.

The input received will assist in the preparation of a preliminary EA that the BLM will make available for public review and comment in late June 2016. A Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale is scheduled on Dec. 13, 2016.

Scoping information and other documents can be found at Interested individuals should address all written comments to the BLM Ely District Office, 702 N. Industrial Way, Ely, Nevada 89301 Attn: 2016 Oil & Gas Lease Sale or fax them to (775) 289-1910, Attn: 2016 Oil & Gas Lease Sale. Email comments will not be accepted.

Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

For more information, contact Leslie Riley at the BLM Ely District Office at (775) 289-1860

[End of BLM press release]

PM Helicopter Mustang Roundup

Protect Mustangs is an organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

BLM should take care of the wild horses & burros they ripped off public land

“BLM does have a billion-dollar problem — its livestock-grazing program. According to Taxpayers for Common Sense, the direct and indirect costs of the Federal Grazing Program may result in the loss of as much as a billion dollars to the American people — every year! Note that Kornze’s one billion-dollar wild-horse “problem” covers the lifespan of horses. So, that amount would be spread out over a period of 20 years. For the same time-frame, the Federal Grazing Program would cost the taxpayers $20 billion. The fictitious wild-horse “problem” reflects BLM’s lack of scientific integrity and its deceitful data. There is no overpopulation of mustangs except on BLM’s fraudulent spreadsheets. Reviews of BLM’s year-to-year population-estimates disclose reproductively-impossible birth-rates let alone population growth-rates. For instance, in Nevada, BLM announced that the Lava Beds burro herd grew from 40 to 350 in one year, a 775% herd-growth rate. In Oregon, BLM claimed that the famous Kiger herd grew from 21 horses to 156 horses in four years, an increase of 643%. In Wyoming, BLM declared that the Salt Wells Creek herd grew from 29 horses to 616 horses in 6 months (yes, months), a 2,024% increase. BLM’s “data” is chock-full of such preposterous growth-estimates. What is a normal herd-growth rate? About 7% or 8% a year, although some estimates peg it at 4% to 6%. As for the alleged number of wild horses held in captivity, an independent forensic audit would likely reveal many “ghost” horses — ones that exist only in BLM’s bookkeeping records. BLM is a corrupt agency. It has invented a counterfeit crisis to create a sense of urgency, gambling that Congress will be tricked into increasing its budget to “solve” a non-existent problem. Finally, wild-horse adoptions have not actually declined. The appearance of a decline is due to the reformed definition of what constitutes an “adoption.” Up until 2005, BLM counted sales-for-slaughter as “adoptions.” After 2005, only “forever-family” placements qualified. Consequently, adoption-figures seemed to decline but true adoptions continued at their historical level. However, mustangs are not homeless horses. They are wild horses that belong at home — on the range.” ~ Marybeth Devlin

“This is the cost of EXTRACTION of a wildlife species for commercial purposes paid by taxpayers. It is a fraud perpetrated on the American Public and the destruction of a National “protected” treasure.” ~ Kathleen Hayden

Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

BLM Boss: Wild Horse Program Facing Future $1B Budget Crisis


PM Helicopter Mustang Roundup


RENO, Nev. — May 12, 2016, 1:21 PM ET

The head of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management says it’s time to admit his agency has a $1 billion problem.

BLM Director Neil Kornze says the administration can’t afford to wage an increasingly uphill battle to protect the ecological health of federal rangeland across the West while at the same time properly managing tens of thousands of wild horses and caring for tens of thousands more rounded up in government corals.

Kornze told The Associated Press the agency may not have done as good of a job as it could have in recent years to underscore the environmental and budgetary crisis looming in its wild horse and burro program.

His experts estimate $1 billion will be needed to care for the 46,000 wild horses and burros currently in U.S. holding facilities over their lifetime. That doesn’t include the cost of future efforts to shrink the population of the record-67,000 now roaming public lands in 10 western states.

“We’re trying to make an effort to be real clear about the challenges because they are significant,” Korzne said late Tuesday.

“We need partners coming to the table, whether it’s states or counties or others,” he said”

The 67,000 horses and burros on the range is a 15 percent increase from last year, and more than double the population that was estimated when President Nixon signed the Wild and Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act into law in 1971. The landmark legislation allows for removals but also grants the animals unique federal protection and requires they be treated humanely during and after their capture.

Korzne said his agency’s horse budget has doubled since 2009 — from $40 million to more than $80 million currently — but “the trajectory of the population has just gone up and up.” Left unchecked, the population naturally doubles every four years.

“It’s a double bind,” Korzne said. “There’s a very real impact on the range when the herds are overpopulated, but it costs us $50,000 per horse if the horse lives out its whole life in holding.”

Kornze said one of the growing problems is a dramatic drop in the private adoptions of gathered mustangs over the past decade from about 8,000 a year to 2,500 or fewer.

Critics fear BLM is exaggerating the numbers to build support for past proposals by livestock interests to slaughter the oldest mustangs that have been placed in long-term holding with little chance of being adopted.

“The BLM’s numbers are inflated estimates to fear-monger elected officials into supporting a breakdown of the 1971 law,” said Anne Novak, executive director of the California-based Protect Mustangs.

Korzne insisted the agency has no intention of allowing the slaughter of federal horses. But he said it’s considering spaying, neutering or otherwise sterilizing some animals that are on the range — something just as distasteful to most horse protection groups who argue the real answer lies in dramatic cutbacks in government-subsidized livestock grazing.

“Wild horses are present on just 12 percent of federal rangelands, which they share with livestock, and their habitat has shrunk by over 40 percent the last four decades,” said Suzanne Roy, executive director of the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign. “The feds consider 67,000 wild horses and burros to be overpopulated, yet there are only 70,000 big horn sheep remaining in the West and they are highly endangered.”

Shared for educational purposes from:

Seen in the Washington Post and going viral

Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Sign up for rare public tours of Fallon wild horse and burro corral

Fish Creek Mares Indian Lakes aka Broken Arrow 2015

From a BLM press release:

RENO, Nev. —The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is offering two public tours of the Indian Lakes Off-Range Wild Horse and Burro Corral in Fallon, Nevada, on Friday, May 20. The corral is one of three in Nevada that provides care to wild horses and burros removed from the range. Tour attendees will be able to observe a new water sprinkler system designed to increase animal comfort and reduce dust at the facility.

The public tours are scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and each will last about two hours. Each tour will accommodate up to 20 people. Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. The public can sign up to attend and get driving directions to the facility by calling the Palomino Valley Center (PVC) at (775) 475-2222.

About a 90-minute drive east of Reno, the Indian Lakes Off-Range Corral is located at 5676 Indian Lakes Road, Fallon, and is privately owned and operated. Tour attendees will be taken around the facility as a group on a wagon to learn about the facility, the animals, and BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program. The new water sprinkler system will be in operation during the tour. The system includes 25 high-powered sprinklers that have the ability to provide cooling and dust abatement for most of the facility.  The sprinklers are supplied by a commercial well that has the ability to pump approximately 700 gallons of water per minute.

The Indian Lakes facility can provide care for up to 3,200 wild horses or burros. The facility encompasses 320 acres containing 43 large holding pens, each pen measuring 70,000 square feet that will safely hold about 100 horses. The horses receive an abundance of feed tailored to their needs each day, along with a constant supply of fresh water through automatic watering troughs. Free choice mineral block supplements are also provided to the animals in each pen. A veterinarian routinely inspects the horses and provides necessary medical care as needed.

Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Huge fracking project in Wyoming affects wild horses and needs comments


The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Continental Divide-Creston (CD-C) Natural Gas Development Project is now available for a 30-day public availability period.

Project Background
BP American Production Co. and approximately 20 other companies propose to develop up to 8,950 additional natural gas wells within a 1.1 million acre project area. Development would occur over the next 15 years with about 47,200 acres of new disturbance. An estimated 12.02 trillion cubic feet of natural gas worth $45.6 billion would be produced and 167.3 million barrels of condensate would generate revenues of $6.4 billion over the 30-40 year life of the project. More than 4,000 wells have been developed in the project area since the 1950s with approximately 49,218 acres of surface disturbance, including nearly 8,500 acres of long-term disturbance.

NEPA Status: The DEIS was released for public comment on Dec. 7, 2012, and ended on March 6, 2013. Approximately 8,700 DEIS comments were received.

The FEIS is available online at:
Copies are also available for review at the following locations:
BLM Wyoming State Office
5353 Yellowstone Rd., Cheyenne, Wyoming
BLM High Desert District Office, 280 Hwy 191 N, Rock Springs, Wyoming
BLM Rawlins Field Office, 1300 N 3rd St., Rawlins, Wyoming.
The FEIS is available for public review for 30 days after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  publishes its Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. The EPA will publish its NOA on Friday, April 15, 2016.
Any comments received on the FEIS will be reviewed and may be addressed in the Record of Decision. Comments can be sent to:
Bureau of Land Management
Attn: Jennifer Fleuret
Rawlins Field Office
P.O. Box 2407
1300 N Third St
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301-2407
Fax: 307-328-4224
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment, including your personal identifying information, may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask the BLM in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Thank you for your interest in this project. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Jennifer Fleuret at (307) 775-6329.

Rosario Dawson Among 100 Democracy Spring Protesters Arrested at U.S. Capitol

by John Zangas

Washington, DC — The number of arrests on the fifth day of civil disobedience protests known as Democracy Spring exceeded 800 on Friday. Youth and student was the fifth day of sit-ins outside the U.S. Capitol in a continuing series of the eight days of protests. Activists are confronting Congress over the influence of corporate lobbying and special interests in politics.

Actress Rosario Dawson joined the protesters at the sit-in, along with Harvard professor Dr. Lawrence Lessig and author Chris Hedges. All three were arrested.

“By being here and making history you are making yourself known,” Dawson told the protesters, before walking with them to the East side of the Capitol. She said that their actions were forcing Congressional leaders to step forward on getting money out of politics.

Photo by John Zangas

Photo by John Zangas

Dr. Lawrence Lessig also spoke to the youth explaining he chose this day to get arrested with them because he believed in what they were doing. “I’m gonna march around this Capitol and get arrested with you,” said Lessig.

Chris Hedges, author of Wages of Rebellion, said, “Any society that does not grasp that life has an intrinsic value beyond a monetary value kills itself.” He said that he was proud to be with youth organizing for change, but the movement for change must be sustained.

Lessig, Dawson, and Hedges were charged along with over 100 students and youth with “obstruction” of the driveway on the east side of the Capitol. They were later released and given fourteen days to pay a $50 fine.

Many traveled long distances, some from as far as Oregon and California, to join the Democracy Spring week of civil disobedience actions.

Activists are calling on Congress to set aside the influence of “dark money” from Super-PACs and the uber rich, which they say tilts legislation toward corporate agendas.

Other key issues included legislation pending for voting rights and fair elections, and a demand that the Senate act immediately to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. The Senate deferred holding a hearing to confirm the President’s nomination to the Supreme Court, despite the fact that Justice Antonin Scalia died ten months before Obama leaves office.

Dr. Lawrence Lessig speaks in front of the Capitol./Photo by John Zangas

Dr. Lawrence Lessig speaks in front of the Capitol./Photo by John Zangas

Democracy Spring messages managed to reach the halls of Congress. The protests were joined by several members of the House on Thursday, including Congressman Henry Johnson of Georgia, Keith Ellison of Minnesota, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee of California. They expressed support for Democracy Spring and urged the movement to keep fighting for rights for voters, workers, and families.

Representative Johnson told protesters on Thursday that Congressional members needed movements like Democracy Spring to help it pass legislation, and it was grassroots efforts that mobilized the people.

“We’re calling to the public the importance of civil disobedience and mass non-cooperation as the only way we’ve seen change happen in this country,” said Dylan Lazerow, National Field Organizer for Democracy Spring.

But the big issue relates to the impact of “dark money” on rights of the voters, noted Laserow. He said any effort to stem money influence flowing through Congress is going to take a sustained movement. “We know there is a super majority of people who believe there needs to be an end to big money corruption, but Congress is not responding to that,” said Lazerow.

James Cole, a member of Wolf PAC, a group working to pass an Amendment to get money out of politics, said he believes Democracy Spring is making an impact in the media. Cole has been arrested three times. “What we’re doing here is politically advantageous because in the future our message will keep growing,” he said.

“This is a call for people to come out,” said Lazerow.

#BREAKING: Unions, wild equine advocates, scientists and Native Americans take a stand against experiments on wild horses and burros, PZP and sterilization

PM Photo Wild Horses ©AdventureJournalist

For immediate release:

Coalition boycotts meeting

Redmond, OR (April 13, 2016)—Americans are outraged. A government agency is experimenting and exploiting federally protected wild horses and burros. Advocates, unions and Native Americans are boycotting the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board meeting in Redmond, Oregon today and Thursday. The primary stakeholder—the American public—is being ignored.

“Members of the livestock industry as well as members of the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board have suggested slaughter as a management tool for wild horses. Americans won’t stand for it. There would be an outbreak of protests nationwide. We will fight that abuse in the courts if the advisory board dare threaten the welfare of America’s wild horses.” —Stephanie Elias, community outreach organizer for Stop American Wild Horse Slaughter

“The Bureau of Land Management is usurping the caretaking role they have been mandated to uphold and are subjecting the mares in our nation’s wild horse and burro herds to pernicious and needless reproduction experimentation. The universities they are funding to do this research must acknowledge that this would never be of use or value in the domestic horse industry. I believe their agenda needs to be investigated before they are paid to do irrevocable harm to these horses. They have already changed the genetics and natural herd behavior. Ahimsa, do no harm, applies to animals as well as people. This is an abomination and must be stopped.” —Christine DeCarlo, Ph.D. in Zoology from Cornell, Advisory Board member for Protect Mustangs.

“The Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is useless, yet quite costly to the taxpayers. Circumventing the laws to protect America’s wild horses on public lands, this board represents ranchers who hold grazing permits on public lands only. The intent purpose of the WH&B Board was to protect and make sure wild horses remain safe and wild, and to regulate those ranchers who threaten, abuse, and even kill America’s wild horses. Not only does this board not protect the wild horses, their actual mission, but continues experimentation and using pesticides like PZP and GonaCon™ as birth control—darting the chemicals into wild horse mares. I speak for many Americans, in that humane principle’s and an ethic balance to manage our wild horses has been lost some time back. It’s time to restore them.” —John Cox, Oregonian and Vietnam Veteran

“The truth is, America’s wild horses are underpopulated on public land today. Even the National Academy of Sciences states there is ‘no evidence’ of overpopulation. The BLM’s arbitrary management levels (AML) are way too low for genetic diversity and survival. Fertility control and sterilization at this point endangers the survival of this cherished native species. Wild horses are indigenous to North America yet now the feds and special interest groups want to sterilize them and push them off public land. We offered to help adopt out all the pregnant mares from the last big Oregon roundup ( but our offer was ignored. The BLM doesn’t want to adopt out these wild horses they want to exploit them as lab animals. The advisory board is a joke. It’s biased towards slaughter, sterilization, pesticides for birth control and cattle as well as experiments.” —Anne Novak executive director of Protect Mustangs

“We want the burros to have the space they require under the law protecting them. In over a decade visiting the burro herds in the West, I don’t see any evidence of BLM’s claims of overpopulation. Everywhere I go it’s getting harder and harder to see burros and many have vanished all together. Why would people want to sterilize or inject the last surviving wild burro herds with pesticides like PZP for birth control? PZP is a slow road to extinction. What we need is creditable population counts for all the remaining burro herds. Advocates and BLM should work jointly for the census. Then we can find out what the real situation is.” —Carl Mrozek, filmmaker and contributor to CBS Sunday Morning

“The wild horse and burro program states that the number of adoptions have significantly gone downhill over a number of years because the market for them has decreased. But the truth is the BLM staff in charge of the BLM Internet adoption auctions do not make themselves available during the internet auction to process the applications required to bid. Since the BLM isn’t allowing employees to adopt loads of wild horses to sell them quickly for slaughter like they used to—adoptions have dropped. BLM’s forte is mismanagement whether it’s the horses and burros or their own staff.” —Afroditi Katsikis, founder of Tweet Equine

“We need to restore wild horse and burro areas as well as protections promised in the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Protection Bill. I would like to see Craig Downer’s Reserve Design succeed. Let’s keep in mind that wild horses are a ‘climax’ species and predators must be allowed as nature intended. Given a balanced ecology, which can be restored, wild horse population will self-regulate.” —Susan Leffingwell, director of Wind Dancer Wild Horse and Burro Preserve

“We the people of the Alaskan Tlingit Nation stand against the use of PZP and the sterilization of wild mustangs. Like the buffalo, the wolf, the bear and other animals the horse is just as sacred to our people as the bible is to Christians, the Koran to Muslims, Buddha to Buddhists. The use of PZP, ovarian ligation, or any form of sterilization would be considered sacrilege and an insult to our people and the majority of native people everywhere.” —Rudy Al James, federal tribal judge (Tlingkit Nation)

“PZP sterilizes our wild horses and destroys the wild mares’ reproductive organs. The pesticide disrupts the stability of the herds, causes fighting, still borns, birth defects, etc. and therefore we are against it.” —Tina Wooten, Salt River Wild Horse photographer and artist

“We have a lot to study and learn about America’s wild horses. If they are used as lab animals for experiments and sterilized then we can’t study their natural behaviors in the wild. —Anne Novak, founder of the American Wild Horse Institute

“Public land belongs to all of the American people not the livestock industry. There are 5 million cattle and very few Wild Horses. More than 80% of the American public wants our iconic wild horses to be wild and free—unencumbered by any government experimental birth control like the pesticides PZP, GpnaCon™, ovarian ligation or other heinous sterilizations. The livestock industry is the number one cause of global warming and is destroying America’s ecosystems and wildlife. Wild horses manage their own numbers and we want them left alone!” —Peter Souza, founder of the Wolf, Wildlife, Wild Horse Action Group (WWWHAG)

“As a person of Yaqui ancestry I am angered and saddened by the outrageous actions of our Government in their callous disregard and lack of respect for the wild mustangs in the western United States. These beautiful creatures need to exist unmolested and unfettered so they may live in harmony with nature, as it was meant to be. I implore you to cease your heinous acts of sterilization and blatant slaughter of these beautiful creatures in your grossly misguided efforts to control their population at the behest of disgruntled farmers or corporate interests.” —Debra Pavone (Yaqui Nation)

“As a collective of concerned union representatives, Native Americans and citizens, we strongly urge that the board and universities refrain from taking part in any practice of experimentation, sterilization or the use of PZP on any and all wild horses and burros.

We ask that you don’t play God, judge, jury and executioner.

Must we remind you that crimes against humanity also includes animals. It is not only wrong ethically and morally but once again it is wasteful spending of our tax dollars. The legal implications this can lead to will only cause millions of tax dollars to be wasted in the courts. PZP. sterilization and experimentation is bad for the economy, bad for the wild horses, bad for America and a bad idea!” —Randall Massaro, President of Unions for the Preservation of Wildlife

Alliance for Wild Horses and Burros

# # #
Media Contacts:

Randal Massaro  760-245-3635

Carl Mrozek

Anne Novak:  415-531-8454

John Cox:  541-880-8992

Tina Wooten:

Stephanie Elias:  414-544-2015

Links of interest:

Fact Sheet: The Truth About PZP:

Feds want to use 11 million to experiment on wild horses and burros:

Protect Mustangs calls for an end to animal cruelty

BLM support group advocates to experiment of Americas free and wild horses (Ovarian Ligation)

BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Meeting

Protect Mustangs is a nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.