Despite some hurdles, here are the facts on the wild horses who died at Palomino Valley Center during the heat wave from June 27 to July 8th
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Mortality inquiry since heat wave] – Response to your
From: “Collins, Deborah” <@blm.gov>
Date: Wed, July 17, 2013 2:31 pm
To: <@protectmustangs.org>
Dear Anne.
Ok, I contacted our FOIA/Records Administrator and discussed your specific request and this is what was confirmed. Jeb and I misunderstood an earlier conversation with her about this particular type of request. If available, we can provide you a response to the specific questions below because it does involve a long period of time to research the answers. However, if you seek any kind of official records/reports that support the answers, you will have to submit a FOIA because you are then getting into Category 2 Records and FOIA issues. Please visit: http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/FOIA/records_access.html
So, I am listing a response to the specific questions you submitted to Jeb below:
1. How many unbranded foals, etc. have died from June 27 to July?
Jeb has already provided you a response to this, but at this time no records are kept on unbranded animals that die.
3. For the listed time period, what were the dates of any deaths, how old were the horses and what were their id #s?
A. #12620475 – 1yr old Female – Died 6/28/13 from strangles
B. #06619316 – 7yr old Gelding – Died 6/28/13 from Neck/Head injury
C. #10617585 – 3yr old Female – Died 6/30/13 from Unknown*
D. #12619358 – 1yr old Female – Died 7/2/13 from Unknown*
* PVC’s Vet and staff reported no signs of heat-related symptoms prior to the deaths of #10617585 & #12619358. In addition, these animals had a continuous supply of water, quality hay, and sprinklers present; therefore, there was no life or death issue present. It is not always possible to make a determination of the cause of death. But, if the BLM has any future deaths at PVC that are not associated with a particular illness or injury, a necropsy will be performed.
Debbie Collins
BLM National Wild Horse & Burro Program
Marketing and National Information Center
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 8:22 AM, <@protectmustangs.org> wrote:
Dear Ms Collins,
1.) Can you please explain using citations what are the procedures are for responding to basic inquiries in hopes this will foster transparency?
2.) Are these procedures for advocates, advocate groups and members of the public?
3.) What about journalists? Are they going to be subjected to the same procedures?
You stated,
“Due to the federal records procedures, we are unable to give you more specific information when you submit multiple e-mails with varying questions.”
4.) Where can the public read about the “federal records procedures”?
5.) This “procedure” appears to create a serious lack of transparency in government. Why is the BLM/DOI choosing to shut down communicaiton with advocates and members of the public?
6.) Who can change the procedures to ensure transparency?
7.) Why can’t a BLM facility manager inform the public easily and without drama answers to simple questions like, “How many are dead who have not been branded and officially counted?”
8.) Does the statement you made on procedure mean the Department of Interior / BLM wants to limit the number of emails from concerned Americans?
9.) How long would the turn around be for a request like the one you suggested below?
Can the BLM provide me with a record containing the following information:
1. How many wild horses have died at Palomino Valley center since June 27, 2013 ?
2. How many unbranded foals, etc. have died from June 27 to July?
3. What were the dates of any deaths for the listed time period?
4. How old were the horses and what were their id #s?
10.) Also how may I get a copy of the entire wild horse and burro 2013 advisory board meeting?
Thank you for your kind assistance.
Anne Novak
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Protect Mustangs
San Francisco Bay Area
As seen on the news and in print
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Protect Mustangs is devoted to protecting native wild horses. Our mission is to educate the public about the indigenous wild horse, protect and research American wild horses on the range and help those who have lost their freedom.
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: Mortality inquiry since heat wave]
From: “Collins, Deborah” <@blm.gov>
Date: Tue, July 16, 2013 1:44 pm
To: <@protectmustangs.org>
Dear Anne,
We’ve all recently attended the annual federal records training and consulted our FOIA staff; therefore, we are now aware of a more productive process for you to request your information. Due to the federal records procedures, we are unable to give you more specific information when you submit multiple e-mails with varying questions.
If your request comes in the form of a request for a record, it should reduce your need for submitting multiple e-mails. This format should also help reduce our response time to you and possibly reduce the number of FOIA’s you have to request.
So, please resubmit your request in the following format:
Can the BLM provide me with a record containing the following information:
1. How many wild horses have died at Palomino Valley center since June 27, 2013 ?
2. How many unbranded foals, etc. have died from June 27 to July?
3. What were the dates of any deaths for the listed time period?
4. How old were the horses and what were their id #s?
Also, please send your future requests directly to me or wildhorse@blm.gov. Heather Emmons will be unavailable after the next couple of weeks and Jeb’s primary responsibility is providing care to the animals. Therefore, our Division Chief would prefer to ensure all requests come to me or wildhorse@blm.gov.
Thank you and I’ll be watching for your official record request. Thank you.
Debbie Collins
BLM National Wild Horse & Burro Program
Marketing and National Information Center
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Beck, James (Jeb) <@blm.gov> wrote:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: <@protectmustangs.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:42 PM
Subject: [FWD: RE: Mortality inquiry since heat wave]
To: “Beck, James (Jeb)” <@blm.gov>
Dear Jeb,
Please respond ASAP with the information requested below and especially the id numbers for the dead horses. Thank you.
Anne Novak
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: Mortality inquiry since heat wave
From: <@protectmustangs.org>
Date: Mon, July 08, 2013 1:18 pm
To: “Beck, James (Jeb)” <@blm.gov>
Dear Jeb,
What were the dates of the deaths you mentioned? How old were the horses and what were their id #s?
How many unbranded foals, etc. have died from June 27 to July?
Thank you for your assistance.
Anne Novak
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Protect Mustangs
San Francisco Bay Area
As seen on the news and in print
Read about native wild horses: http://protectmustangs.org/?page_id=562
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Protect Mustangs is devoted to protecting native wild horses. Our mission is to educate the public about the indigenous wild horse, protect and research American wild horses on the range and help those who have lost their freedom.